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About FraB

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  1. More like people have been doing it since Ultima Online and Asheron's Call, but I'm guessing those games were before your generation. I agree that people need to get over it, it really isn't a problem, it is simply part of a game with unrestricted PVP and looting mechanics.
  2. FraB

    Death is final?

    There is no slant, the game is skill based. If you are skilled at observing your surroundings, stealth, and aiming your weapons, you'll be able to fight off/kill most players / small groups. If you're careless you'll get spotted and get KOS a lot. Thats how DayZ works.
  3. FraB

    map in 4 pieces is nonsense thing

    I don't see the purpose of having an ingame map considering the indepth maps you can access online, except for immersion. Makes very little difference when 90% of experienced players are just using dayzdb's map in the background / on a second monitor. Not to mention a lot of the people that played the mod since near the beginninghave the map nearly memorized by now.
  4. video of me and my friend having a pretty crazy battle near Balota if anyone's interested in seeing some intense DayZ SA firearm combat. We don't kill unarmed or noob looking players on sight, we heard some shots and investigated and found a bunch of heavily geared up survivors. More vids coming soon! Accidently posted this in the DayZ mod gallery first, so I'm re-posting it here since its standalone.
  5. video of me and my friend having a pretty crazy battle near Balota if anyone's interested in seeing some intense DayZ SA firearm combat. We don't kill unarmed or noob looking players on sight, we heard some shots and investigated and found a bunch of heavily geared up survivors. More vids coming soon!
  6. FraB

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    There's a great guide on daydb.com for this, here's the link: http://dayzdb.com/guide/1-hunger-and-thirst
  7. FraB

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Your guy starts off with minor dehydration. Find a water pump and drink for awhile after the "thirsty" indicator goes away in your inventory screen, and your guy will be good to go for a pretty long time.
  8. FraB

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Still a long way away from having animals, vehicles back in I'm sure. Alphas gonna be awhile :D I'm really happy with the frequency of the updates though, keep up the good work Devs !
  9. I'm all for private hives like BMRF who basically run vanilla dayz (not like others where you start with M4 and has safezones and teleports ETC.) and have rules for combat loggers, and have whitelists to reduce cheating. Much better than having people quit during a fight in the public hive, or just log in to 50 empty servers at the airfield and get infinite good gear... Or when someone logs out when you have them pinned down, repositions and logs back in? Until they have those issues ironed out on the public hive, private hives running official dayz should be the way to go. Not to mention the massive influx of cheaters that are going to be filling up public servers over the next couple weeks...