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Everything posted by DemonPrince006

  1. DemonPrince006

    Melee system top priority?

    Hello guys, I was just saying that i think that the melee system should really be something to focus on improvement (YES I KNOW ITS AN ALPHA before you start screaming) I am saying this because I've had a few scraps with zombies that really shouldn't have lasted so long. While aiming for the cranium with a baseball bat or wrench, i end up hitting the torso and doing barely any damage- however I think the fire axe has got it just about right. I realise that when I run at the target the weapon 'zeros' in on the targets head leading to a one hit kill. Something like this should be on every weapon, even if it is not delivering as deadly a blow on zombies :)
  2. DemonPrince006

    Looking for a clan

    Male 18 Lots of experience in mod Fully kitted out up north Seeking clan to roll with No qualms with KOS Got teamspeak
  3. DemonPrince006


    Just some tipss cause ive been playing for a while: Tear shirts and clothes to make rags, these act like bandages. Tin openers needed with the drag and drop system to open food. If you break your legs relog- worked for me Be very careful with ladders, when you get to the top sometimes i fell right to the floor
  4. DemonPrince006


    I am having a lot of trouble finding food and drink. ive only managed to fnd 4 drinks and 2 tinned food in the last 2 hours of gameplay. My head throbs