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About Zedus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zedus

    What guns do you want to see?

    M24 DMR M240B (.338 Mag) Deaset Eagle G36's AUG P90 MP5 and my fav the Fully Auto Shotgun the AA-12
  2. Has a 4 year DayZ player, i've tried all the band wagon Zombie MMO Games from Alpha till release which always don't cut it and I continue playing DayZ Mod, but the Standalone is well worth the wait. Knowing its in early Alpha where we are battleing Zombies and most of all Bugs which is apart of all alphas. The standalone gives me 35-49 FPS in games 30 in cherno compaired to my 20-29 on Day Zero and other DayZ Mods and the textures of the game gives a more real feel to DayZ just to point ot i am on a Midium-Low end PC and not a High end. For 8 hour my clan and I were testing out all the fetures and teh limits thus far with DayZ SA , aswell has the mechanics of the game and just random banditry and we all came to the same conclusion for DAYZ SA that it has the potental and has the start to be the biggest Zombie MMO that is should be on the market. 9/10