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About ==GH0ST_P3TE==

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ==GH0ST_P3TE==

    DayZ Alpha changes?

    Ok, I think I've checked and there does not appear to be an update, could be wrong though
  2. ==GH0ST_P3TE==

    DayZ Alpha changes?

    The standalone game
  3. ==GH0ST_P3TE==

    DayZ Alpha changes?

    How do I get the new server version?
  4. ==GH0ST_P3TE==

    DayZ Alpha changes?

    Okay so I came on this morning after logging off in a building and someone appeared to have edited the building so that it had no entrance and I couldn't get out and my friend couldn't get in, I'm not sure whether this is some kind of bug or that rocket has edited the map but I do not feel that there are too many enterable buildings, when I was in the building there was also loot in there which makes me feel that this was more of a bug than a change. Also I feel that the zombies have been changed as they are now jumping half a mile to hit me...
  5. ==GH0ST_P3TE==


    I dont mind the text alerts but with some types of drinks ive drunk them and then instead of being told my thirst is quenched it tells me i am no longer hungry... Am I the only one that had this or is it some kind of bug?
  6. ==GH0ST_P3TE==

    Weapons in the DayZ Alpha

    I was wondering how many weapons and vehicles there are in the DayZ Alpha so far, I have found a rifle and the M4 but that seems to be it and I havent seen any vehicles yet.
  7. I feel that Rocket have gone a bit over the top with the need for food, drink and rest in this alpha because i always quench my thirst and stop my hunger and then a few minutes later my player is extremely thirsty and extremely hungry and he gets headaches and a few minutes later just dies, is this just happening because I am running too much or is this something that needs to be changed for the standalone.
  8. I keep getting put in the knockout screen in Dayz alpha but I cannot get out of it and it seems to be the equivalent of a death screen, is this something that needs fixing or am I just not waiting long enough?