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About JulioRey

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  1. JulioRey

    DayZ should have a prison

    remind me the prision from hard corps video is not mine, it's from a squad called Devil's Brigade in a forum I used to play... but it's epic They kill some of my old crew on this video
  2. "but I like to see my char and the burlap sack over my head" lol
  3. JulioRey

    Why there are no vehicles in DayZ SA

    damn u hacker@@@
  4. JulioRey


    You were doing a nice job but miss the point with all the high advanced new military vehicles and super expensive cars realism is everything, they don't fit there But some civilians you pointed are really good suggestions... Sometimes I wonder how nice would be playing dayz with cars developted at a simulation level and with terrain interaction... I've never try this "Spin Tires" game but the screenshots are beautiful, and it's Russian but really reminds me Chernarus sometimes... Offroad cars would be a massive difference, you cold be stuck in mud, and when walking in the forest would have a new atmosfere and use for your jungle boots or wheelies [ímg]http://www.picz.ge/img/s4/1307/18/3/365a23ae1443.jpg I know that is not the point of dayz, and the arma physics is not for that, yea yea, but let me dream... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbql-GONFaA Sorry for the offtopic, if doesnt fit here feel free to edit/deleted
  5. JulioRey

    Severe Lag

    Well, I got an internet problem on Dayz. In about 4~5 times I refresh the server list, it crashes my internet. Detail: if I'm on TS or skype, those will countinous connected, but the internet will take about five minutes to work properly again (I just wait, no need to exit the game, but it sucks). Searching on the internet I've found some threads about this problem been related to a bad router + excessive connections responses. Well, I don't use a "my" router, it's just the moden that comes with the internet company that happen to be a router, and that is what I use here. Do I really need another modem? I really consider this a really inconvenient when playing the game... So, from my problem to yours... You don't seen to have your internet crash on the server list, right? Well, I belive if you join a server and your internet crashes for the same reason it crashes on the server list, the game will keep you connected (has skype or ts do proppery) but with the yellow connection icon on the game, and it will react pretty much has the lag you are reporting. Related thread in here without response: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/42094-upon-loading-server-list-arma-ii-or-dayz-internet-completely-crashes/
  6. the video is pretty much solid SubSt8
  7. JulioRey

    So, reset on everything?

    damn alpha =/
  8. Sent him a twitter! I dont have one otherwise I would do it... I belive Rocket would really enjoy the videos, and hopefull have some talk with the the op.
  9. JulioRey

    Horrid FPS in cities

    turn objects detail to very low ambient inclusion off post process off but the objects detail is the most important for citys, make a huge difference textures, terrain, all this stuff you can set very high without fps drop
  10. JulioRey

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    Low fov is bad Even with a 42'' tv and 1920x1080 I leave the fov on FIEL"D" OF VIEW less than that the game looks like some shitty fps game, cs/pb with those "pro" tipps settings (lame) to get a cheat camera I would only reduce that having triple monitors, otherwise I don't belive should actually change it... (for third person doenst look worst, just more far, but in first person your neck isnt more far!!!!)
  11. JulioRey

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    I'm sorry to tell you but yes the game is based on realism
  12. JulioRey

    HARDCORE - 3PP:OFF server/tactics/general

    I belive that the player should moving in the same speed that with the weapon ready-to-fire (futher for the no-crosshair) while using the iron sight/optics. Keep the accurancy with moving fast while aiming shitty as the crosshair moving fast, but we would be able to use the shift to move slowly when we wanna shoot. Arma 3 works like this and I belive it's an advance. Even Arma 2 you can move faster or slowly while aiming using the shift if I aint wrong. Sorry if it got confused, but you guys get me? Basically when you right click to aim the char moves to slowly, they should move faster and in that speed when you hold shift. PS: 1st person player only
  13. JulioRey


    btw they need to fix the fist-sprinting, survivals dont run like that breaks immersion