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Everything posted by touffe

  1. touffe

    Loot and how it relates to zombies

    Even in the mod where the zombies were quite deadly as I remember it, most encounters with strangers resulted in people being shot to death and there was a lot of bandits actively hunting people in the big cities and military bases. Zombies being a potent threat will just make the world of dayZ even more unforgiving (I can't wait for it too).
  2. touffe

    Why i can´t use Scopes as binoculars?

    Resource gathering was mentioned by Rocket in his latest post about the upcoming features. According to it, target delivery for resource gathering (& cooking) is early 2014.
  3. touffe

    The Worst Day of Alpha..

    Some men just wanna watch the world burn.
  4. touffe


    I looted another magnum this time not from a player, and it worked flawlessly. It seemed it was indeed because i shot the guy in the body. I didn't think it affected the weapons cause we can't see their status.
  5. touffe


    Hey, Tonight i looted a magnum out of a player's inventory after a fight (and btw i was glad to see that the bodies didn't disappear on respawn/disconnect), and I could not manage to fire it. I can load ammo into it, but when i try to fire it keeps "clicking" like there's no ammo in there. Is there something i'm missing here ?
  6. I only tried it using bandages found in first aid kits. It consumed 50% of one piece of bandage (bandaging wounds consumes 25%). Don't know how many rags it takes or wether it works with one individual bandage (the one that looks like the old bandages seen in the mod).
  7. touffe

    Get knocked the f*ck out

    he earned his beans.