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About slow_ri0t

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. slow_ri0t

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    Tommy, you are really bad at debate, bro. It's not a moot point. One's a play style, albeit a dickheaded one that, yes, will lend to people using the exploit more. But you yourself recognized it as an exploit...so how is the argument moot? B/c Rocket is on vacation and can't patch it this week? Wtf are you babbling about. It is a clear problem, has been since the mod, and anyone in any way defending is a toolbag who probably does it himself.
  2. slow_ri0t

    Daylight server/s

    Crybabies ITT.
  3. slow_ri0t


    Don't play again. Let's keep this game to the niche people and not try and appeal to multiple bases. Anyone crying over any death and wanting to stop playing, DayZ will never be your game. Having said that, hope you come around and keep having great experiences =) Happy hunting.