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Everything posted by Kegaro

  1. Kegaro

    Why did I pay for this shit?

    Haters gonna hate, but trolls gonna troll... cudos!!! :P
  2. Kegaro

    Weapon Inaccuracy

    I have an M4 with some worn parts on it and I can still hit targets with it form some distance. Also, according to the control scheme, if you hold mouse 2 it's suppose to make you hold your breath and help steady your aim.
  3. Kegaro

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    I have found that there is a certain building type that always has an M4 or at least an FNX in it no matter where it is on the map. I have been in this build type multiple times in multiple cities/towns since I started playing and 95% of the time when I find one of them, I walk out with a weapon.
  4. Kegaro

    Anyone had this problem?

    Thanks for the reply. I read that in another post after I had already replied to this thread. I'll give it a shot, but I currently have no hunger/thirst/sick icons.
  5. Kegaro

    Anyone had this problem?

    I can't say I've run into that one before, but I am having a graphics issue myself. My game is only being rendered in gray scale. The character screen renders in color, inventory screen renders in color, hot-bar renders in color, but the main screen only renders in gray scale.
  6. Kegaro

    A nubish question

    I have died multiple times and each time I have only spawned in 1 of 2 spots. If you need a map, I have been using this one here to get around as I am not very familiar with the lay of the land myself. Just look for landmarks and try to get your bearings.
  7. Kegaro

    My experience

    If you want to explore and figure things out, look for low pop servers. That way you don't run into a group of 5 guys looking to steal your pants. :)
  8. Kegaro

    So much killing on sight.

    I helped one guy out yesterday... but after being gunned down numerous times since then, and now that I have an M4, it's been KoS ever since. I engraved all my bullets with "Welcome to DayZ" :)
  9. Kegaro

    Anyone else enjoying the game so far?

    I'm enjoying it, but... every time I log on I am paranoid as shit. I have a ton of loot I'm carrying around with me and every creek, crack, and moan gets me all jumpy... lol
  10. Good thing I found that can opener... lol
  11. Kegaro

    Gear and Location Question

    Anything you pick up and have in your inventory travels with you from server to server. As for the spawn location... I have been looking at this map here... you just need to find points of reference to figure out where you are at.
  12. Kegaro


    I found 2 clips/magazines for the FNX in the Military outpost Southeast of Balota. Search the sandbag bunkers and the tents that have an opening on both sides... the other tents with only one way in or out of them are usually empty... at least that's what I have found to be the case when doing a loot sweep of that military outpost.
  13. Kegaro


    I had a Mosin, but died before I found any ammo for it. But anyways, the Mosin has an internal magazine which should alloy you to load ammo directly into the rifle... no need for a magazine... you should only need the 7.62 ammo.
  14. Kegaro

    Can't climb ladders or open doors?

    I noticed that the servers hosted by GameServers.com have not been updated to the latest version (v.113772). So if you join one of their hosted servers, you're going to run into this issue.
  15. Kegaro

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    I just had a run in with someone who is running something that lets them respawn completely geared out. I was sitting in a room going through my inventory when I noticed a flashlight shining on the floor below me. I took out my M4 and lined up a clear shot at the closed door thinking that if they were sweeping the building it was only a matter of time before they opened up the door. Needless to say, shortly after lining up my shot, the door opened and in walked one guy followed close behind by another. I was totally freaked out not expecting two guys. I dropped the first in the middle of the room and the second guy backed out of the room as soon as I fired my first burst. We fired a few shots back and forth and he finally went down. Both of them laying dead on the floor. As I was looting the first guy I dropped I noticed the body of the second guy disappeared... thought it was odd... but went about my business looting the remaining body. Shortly there after I hear the sound of a gun loading... the same sound it makes when you spawn in when you have a weapon equipped. I turned and there was a guy spawning right where the second body had been laying before it disappeared. I tried shooting at him as he spawned but my gun would not fire... I started to panic and moved to the corner of the room. He backed out of the room and again we exchanged gunfire and he went down. Again the body disappeared... and sure enough a few seconds later the guy respawned again in the same place, fully equipped. He ended up going down again... but this time instead of waiting I said "screw this" and logged off the server. I wish you could see the names of people you have killed somewhere, I'd report the guy.
  16. Kegaro

    Are There Only 3 Guns On 1st Release?

    I haven't seen a hip holster anywhere, but I am liking the sexy chest holster with one of my FX9's in it. To bad the FX9 doesn't render as being in the holster on the character screen though.
  17. Kegaro

    What does it take to survive?

    New to the forums and relatively new to DayZ as well... but I do have to agree with the point on food and water consumption. If the day and night cycle are suppose to be realistic, why not the food and water consumption as well. I eat two, sometimes three times a day... granted I am not running across and island being chased by zombies, but even if I was I don't think I would be complaining about how hungry I was every 5 minutes. The water thing I can kind of forgive if you are doing a lot of running. But what if you spend most of your time moving slowly and methodically through the environment, I don't think you would need to drink nearly as often as you currently do in the game. And yes, I understand it's alpha and I knew what I was getting myself into when I purchased early access. These are just my thoughts on the matter. -Keg-