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Everything posted by Jumbaliah

  1. how can that be a gltich? seems like someone hacking to me... pretty fucking awesome regardless. probably one of the coolest things ive seen
  2. Jumbaliah

    Anyone else seen this yet?

    hahahahaha I watched this twice.
  3. Jumbaliah


    I don't think there has been any date released on when these things will be added. I've heard rumors however of them debating even adding helicopters or not. What I think they would do, and hope, is adding bikes relatively soon and more vehicles to follow in toe.
  4. Jumbaliah

    My Character is Obese and has Diabeetus...

    You people realise eating and drinking that much isn't actually that unrealistic? What's unrealistic is running sprinting from one corner of the map to the next and ONLY needing 2 gallons of water and 6 cans of beans and some cereal.
  5. Jumbaliah

    Dear god... some people

    YEAH teenagers are the worst at playing video games. Good gamer's can dedicate a good 8 hours a day to playing and today's youth just doesn't have that luxury of time!
  6. You don't need to post this. The game has a long way to go..there aren't even zombies yet. Any way you feel about KoS is null and void when a major component of the game isn't implemented.
  7. Jumbaliah

    Could DayZ be done better on a different engine?

    It's called Rust :o
  8. Jumbaliah

    Next patch: a big one?

    Hopefully you guys are working on some serious optimization and zombie AI! Not being impatient but with the big gap between the up and coming patch and the last one (8 days) i'm expecting something big! What are people hoping for next?
  9. Let me start off by saying this wouldn't benefit me at all. I've been playing this game since the mod was released and got the alpha day one. I can tell where I spawn nearly by the curvature of the tile of ocean i'm near (slight exaggeration, but not really). In a real life apocalyptic scenario in chernarus don't you think you would know where you "started"? I mean unless the story is I got dumped off in the ocean and floated to shore somewhere I think I would know where I was. I don't want to see some cheesy "Kamyshovo" tag in white letters when I spawn but something more creative that takes some general understanding of the games mechanics to figure out. The easiest and most realistic option I think is the implementation of the diary from the mod: "I woke up today somewhere near the hell hole of Zelenogorsk, with only a flashlight, some cloth, and a can of tuna." This could then be updated (discuss) every time you cross a city sign: "I've had a long day of travel but managed to enter the city of Gorka at 23:00" While the veteran players wouldn't really need this because it's actually pretty easy to figure out when you've been playing awhile, it would help with finding new people you're playing with without game breaking mechanics like markers or spawning next to each other. I also really liked the diary in general, tally marks of how many zombies/players you've killed, how much you've drank and eaten, are all things I, and any smart survivalist who would have gotten as far into the apocalypse scenario as when we "spawn", should be doing.
  10. Jumbaliah

    Why are freshspawns now referred to as "bambis"?

    Because you're a bambi...
  11. Jumbaliah

    Before I quit Dayz I have some parting words

    In the retail business we say a silent complainer is the worst. Someone who complains out loud is going to be a repeat customer when we fix the problems. Let the naysayers leave to only come back in 2015 and pay $60.
  12. Jumbaliah

    Before I quit Dayz I have some parting words

    Don't be a moron. That's not the point at all.
  13. Yeah you're probably right. When a new player spawns in and sees hes in "Kamyshovo" he's gonna go: Ohhhhhh, that's where I am..about 1.5km east of Elektro, well there goes my big adventure. No. It's simply a mechanic so a newbie player can find his friend. Or two newbie players can find each other. This is where in my original post I said for the sake of realism.. What apocalypse scenario are you thrown into an unknown Russian country? IRL you would have been a resident of this country and would know where you "start". Start, being where we take control of this character sometime clearly well into the zombie outbreak.
  14. Jumbaliah

    Before I quit Dayz I have some parting words

    How do you quit something that hasn't even started yet? It's a troll. No more posts. Bai
  15. Jumbaliah

    Next patch: a big one?

    The only headbutting I see on this forum are the constant remarks like this..
  16. Same! "Run along the coast with the ocean to your right side till you get to a city" I'm not all about catering to the "casual players", I would actually like to see it much harder to survive and find ANYTHING, but for the sake of realism I think it's semi important you have a ball park idea of where you are...
  17. Jumbaliah

    Next patch: a big one?

    Aww, don't be so negative! Dean gave an unofficial time frame of about 6 months before they start getting "really ambitious...i mean, real ambitious" I would also really like to see some bikes added in soon. But before that can happen the desync issue MUST be addressed. Can you imagine riding a bike for a minute and a half just to find you're still a sitting duck in a field somewhere?
  18. Jumbaliah

    Opening cans in RL

    Then don't reply...there's 950k people who play this game. This is the first time I've seen anything posted about it... To the OP I agree. But, I've also seen people on YouTube opening cans with their bare hands. Like many things in this game it's more "realistic" to add certain complexities like needing a specific tool to open a can. Because in real life within 5 years there would be 0 canned foods in cities as it would all be pillaged.
  19. Jumbaliah

    What is the point of guns?

    Why did it take him 2 hits with a fire axe? what a noob.
  20. Jumbaliah


    Got any tape?
  21. What? I'm going to go to a "no pvp" server...and pvp. Sounds easy.
  22. "Loot" as in any items found in Dayz. Food, clothing, weapons, etc. I'm seeing a lot of people complaining about how loot may be distributed, that there's too much or too little of it. That there's too much food in the major cities, or too many weapons in Balota. You have to realise that when there are 150 zombies walking around Balota (i'm counting the tents, city, and actual military spawn points (hangars, barracks, etc.)) It's going to be MUCH harder to loot these places. All i'm saying is it may be a little too soon to critique how the loot is layed out when a major component of the game isn't even implemented yet.
  23. Jumbaliah

    Loot and how it relates to zombies

    True, but hopefully the zombies are more of a threat than the mod. Already a big deal that they aren't house trained and will actually run in buildings. Won't be able to kite them around the supermarket while looting anymore
  24. Jumbaliah

    Loot and how it relates to zombies

    I simply want to shed some light and remind people....everything's going to be okay; when zombies are ripping apart your flesh.
  25. Jumbaliah

    Loot and how it relates to zombies

    Even though i wholeheartedly enjoy this video. I can't wait for things like this to stop. It's the answer for KOS. When supplies become much harder to obtain due to zombies actually being a threat (death by zombies...what?) people will be much more willing to help each other to survive.