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Magnum Opus

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Everything posted by Magnum Opus

  1. Magnum Opus


    Comes with the territory =/
  2. Found one before too, it's legit.
  3. Magnum Opus

    Loot Heaven

    I found a camp on my server similar to this, but with about 10 vehicles. It's still there, saving it for a rainy day.
  4. I was randomly cruising in my V3S when I came across someone with broken legs, fixed him with my magic backpack on 50 morphine and then let him tag along, we headed down to Cherno. On our travels we ran into someone called "Dan" whom at the time was being chased by zombies. We stopped, picked him up and carried on, he seemed like a nice legit chap... Until he found a gun....dotdot THE END. Mr iHL Rowling. Penguin book publishing 2012.
  5. Magnum Opus

    Bestest story in tha whole worldz.

    My baby book is better than Twilight.
  6. Change FriendlyTag/EnemyTags to 0 as well. Nevermind that's nameplates.
  7. Found ours at Green Mountain and Dubrovka.
  8. Magnum Opus

    So I just got banned?

  9. Magnum Opus

    Toggle zoom in/out not working

    Turn Num lock on.
  10. Magnum Opus

    Two helis on one server?

    Don't the old servers still have 3?
  11. Not worth the risk, any data editing could be considered dodgy.
  12. Magnum Opus

    Hacking group.

    Already done :P Just further reporting them on here.
  13. Magnum Opus

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I need to try this out sometime.
  14. Magnum Opus

    What is the nicest thing you have done in DayZ?

    Picked up some noob that was about to die in the middle of Elektro with some awesome chopper landing skills.
  15. Magnum Opus

    Thoughts on DayzHive

    I think it's the bee's knees. Ha. :lol:
  16. Magnum Opus


    They will be, next patch which should be anytime.
  17. Magnum Opus

    Microphone Problems

    It's funny because your name is "toastymcbutternubs" yet you are a butterbun.
  18. Magnum Opus

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    900,000 hackers.
  19. What company are you using?
  20. Magnum Opus

    Passing out every time I log in, wtf?

    I've had this a few times, once I died it was back to normal.
  21. Magnum Opus

    Fan made trailer

    Nice work :)
  22. Magnum Opus

    Take three

    What am I watching? o.O