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Everything posted by Callyste

  1. Callyste

    Interaction problems, not a bug.

    If anyone finds a "fix" for this, I'd be interested too, as I also like to use the left mouse button to use the menus (beside, my middle mouse button is so bad that it usually scrolls up or down before it actually clicks) cheers, Callyste
  2. Callyste

    Drink disinfectant....why?

    Made me think of this
  3. Callyste

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    - Aint related to mouse acceleration - Aint from the newer generation of gamers Hope that helps. best, Callyste
  4. Callyste

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    Well, I too don't believe it's hardware related. We have absolutely no piece of hardware in common I see :p Let's hope this issue won't be overlooked for being seemingly benign, as it can be seriously uncomfortable to play for some of us. I'm a long-time DayZ enthusiastic player, but I did not manage to spend more than 10 mins in the Standalone because of this. May the Beans be with you. Callyste
  5. Callyste

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    Hello there, You're not alone. I also find this mouse control annoying. I'll try to more accurately describe the issue: - X and Y axis have seriously different default speed. Hopefully this can still be tuned with the sliders - for some reason, I can NOT turn mouse acceleration off. Button stays on "On". I assume there's some .cfg trick, but I havent tried yet ! - last but certainly not least: there seem to be a mouse speed "cap", which is what makes it the most unbearable for me. I know these might seem "light" issues, and I don't know if it's just how the game is coded or if it's an issue that only affect a few people... but they are what prevent me from playing the game without wanting to kill kitty cats (zombie kitty cats though, don't you worry!) I also have no game controller plugged in that could be conflicting with the controls (first thing I checked !) best, Callyste Edit: Oh, forgot one last point: reticle has that weird freedom of movement on the Y axis, while X axis is fixed. Makes the whole thing even weirder!