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Everything posted by unclebourbs

  1. unclebourbs

    Diving to prone

    I've seen a few people who don't know how to do this, and it's rather simple. Go to your controls and rebind Z from "prone" to "go prone". Now you will dive everytime you go prone. yes yes goodbye now
  2. unclebourbs

    Diving to prone

    Just tested it. The actual dive only works when you're empty handed. When you have a weapon, say, an M4, you will go into a crouch then go prone, with your weapon ready to fire aswell. And yes, you do go prone normally when not running.
  3. unclebourbs

    Resetting options

    I'm not sure if it's a bug or something I'm doing wrong, but whenever I restart DayZ, all my graphical options are reset to max, where I would have to tweak them again. Another thing, my controls reset back to default sometimes whilst I'm in game. It's getting quite annoying aswell. Anyone else having these problems?
  4. unclebourbs

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Battleye... please no...
  5. unclebourbs

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

  6. unclebourbs

    Does everyone prefer the Mosin?

    Mosin but I wish they'd change the sound it makes when you fire.
  7. unclebourbs

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    It keeps what deleting whatever I put in "set launch options".
  8. unclebourbs

    .357 Revolver

    Has anyone found it yet? I've been finding ammo for it but I can't seem to find the weapon itself.
  9. unclebourbs

    .357 Revolver

    I reckon they would be more common than the FNFX45 (I think that's what it's called), but that's all i've been finding.
  10. unclebourbs

    .357 Revolver

    The patch notes say otherwise, but that may be true.