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Everything posted by razguul@gmail.com

  1. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    I say it is broken because it worked fine, then a patch came out that broke it. I'm guessing you never played the mod where the spawnsystem worked like that, welcome to the alpha.
  2. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    Devs could fix the broken spawn system that spawns you on the east coast 90% of the time instead of breaking the game even more.
  3. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    Judging from all the anti-KoS thread, yeah, there seems to be a shitload of people doing just this. Spending their time in villages no one ever goes to.
  4. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    Oh please, "surviving" in this game is so incredibly easy, just go through a small town and stock up on food and water and you can sit out in the woods for as long as you want. Kill/death counter I could agree on, but putting up a death counter adds nothing when the spawn system is shit and there are so many bugs in this game.
  5. Input delay when switching between items on your hotbar NEEDS to be fixed ASAP. Dropping items on the floor and them not showing up for upwards of a minute or two is extremely annoying when you are trying to give someone an item while under fire and completely unacceptable.
  6. razguul@gmail.com

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    To people suggesting death timers to give people an incentive to stay alive, you're fucking stupid, stop trying to keep people outside of the game because of your ideas of how the game should work. *~realism~* And like most people say, why get held up and waste time getting forcefed poison or getting robbed of all your stuff which basically makes you have to start over any way, it's the same as dieing and getting a new spawn. Regarding those that talk about roleplay, we're not all interested in nerding out in a computer game, I'm here to loot stuff and shoot people.
  7. razguul@gmail.com

    Why does every person with a gun shoot on sight?

    Many exciting battles in Elektro last night between armed gangs with freshspawns getting minced in the crossfire was some of the best Dayz gameplay I've had.
  8. razguul@gmail.com

    Suggestion: Sleeping When Logged Out

    Worst idea ever. Sleepers are basically made for people with no life, someone who can spend all day at their computer at any give time. I have Rust, and I regret buying it, for someone that has a partner/child having to just up and leave your computer is very normal, having to run back to your house to be able to log out of the game is absurd.
  9. razguul@gmail.com

    Why not three hour dayz?

    I will never play on a night server, it is in no way fun and just a terrible waste of time running around in pitch dark woods. Putting all servers on the same clock will just make me stop playing during night shift.
  10. razguul@gmail.com

    Combat Logging and server Hopping

    Serverhopping right now is a non-issue as there is no loot respawn, once the loot starts respawning you'll see a significant drop in serverhopping. Combatlogging is being worked on according to devs.
  11. razguul@gmail.com

    the issue with suicide new spawns, and how to stop it

    Spawntimer is a terrible idea, some people are suiciding because they do not want to spend 1 hour running to meet up with friends because they got killed. Some of you may enjoy spending 1 hour running through the woods for no purpose other than the developers "vision" that forces you spawn in terrible positions instead of being able to choose your spawnpoint or spawn near friends.
  12. razguul@gmail.com

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    I tend to weigh most choices by risk/reward, if I'm coming up on someone that is unarmed I don't want to waste my ammo on them as they offer no loot, the furthest I've gone is to drop a can of food or water to someone, but I don't hang around with them for longer then the 5 seconds that takes. I regularly play with a group of friends and don't want to waste medical supplies on a random stranger.
  13. razguul@gmail.com

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    I tend to kill most people I see. If they have a Mosin/M4 I will shoot straight away, no questions asked. If they only have an axe I will make sure they see me and if they move away from me I will let them be. If they have nothing at all I will let them live. This game in it's current state is a Deathmatch game with running, the survival aspect is so easy to 'beat' and gearing up to military grade can take a few minutes with a lucky spawn. I currently see no reason to cooperate with players outside of my friends as there is no benefit, nothing worth trading or selling.
  14. razguul@gmail.com

    What percentage of players you meet/engage Alt+F4?

    I've shot and killed about 20-30 people, I've fired on and had people run away. I've been fired on by people that didn't hit me, I have never ever encountered someone using ALt+F4.
  15. razguul@gmail.com

    What is the actual purpose of barbed wire?

    This is really getting annoying, I don't want to have to jump between servers to find one that actually have buildings you can enter.
  16. razguul@gmail.com

    What is the actual purpose of barbed wire?

    About 75% of the buildings in Elektro and Cherno are blocked by barbed wire on FR16. Even some buildings with low level loot like civilian houses were blocked. This really is just a way to grief people and adds nothing to the game in its current state.
  17. razguul@gmail.com

    What i hate and love about the mod

    Now the go back to X game calling is stupid, but damn, go back to CoD. It's not a fast paced shooter, it's a survival game, it's supposed to be slow paced. If you just want action all the time it's not for you. Secondly this game has not been released, it's a mod in alpha. You didn't pay for it so how can you compare it to a AAA game that you have to pay for that's been developed for years.
  18. razguul@gmail.com

    Server Hopping

    Seeing this as a solution bothers me a lot. Fine if it's 30-60 seconds. But several minutes? I often have to log out in the middle of doing something, like inside a building Cherno, I don't want to log back in dead because while I was offline someone came in and shot me.