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Everything posted by razguul@gmail.com

  1. razguul@gmail.com

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Are you everyone? Obviously I mean myself and those I know who play the same way I do. And no, I have no interest in roleplaying. I play this game for the thrill and to shoot people.
  2. razguul@gmail.com

    How seriously do you take your gameplay?

    We tend to jog about Elektro until we see or hear someone and then we start getting tactical, while we aren't in combat mode we tend to just run about and we pretty much never sneak.
  3. razguul@gmail.com

    What is your survival style?

    I survive by shooting them before they shoot me, though It doesn't always work out that way.
  4. razguul@gmail.com

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Because we don't like to roleplay?
  5. razguul@gmail.com

    [POLL] - 3PP / 1PP and seeing round corners

    Having servers with 3PP:ON/OFF is the perfect solution to the problem. I only play on 3PP:OFF, and I don't care that other people play the game differently than how I do.. shock and horror.
  6. It's a sandbox without rules, why should we follow your made up rules?
  7. razguul@gmail.com

    End Spawn Suicide

    Spawntimer is a terrible idea, some people are suiciding because they do not want to spend 1 hour running to meet up with friends because they got killed. Some of you may enjoy spending 1 hour running through the woods for no purpose other than the developers "vision" that forces you spawn in terrible positions instead of being able to choose your spawnpoint or spawn near friends.
  8. razguul@gmail.com

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    I will go out on a limb and guess that OP is a teenager, lashing out and declaring he's going to spoil everyones fun because people tell him his ridiculous idea would never work.
  9. razguul@gmail.com

    Is It Necessary?

    Freshspawns running around in high-value loot areas and getting killed only have themselves to blame. Fine, getting shot on the coast is pointless, but if I see you in Elektro heading for buildings I intend to loot you're going down no matter what you are wearing.
  10. razguul@gmail.com

    [poll] Do you play 3rd person, 1st person, or both?

    Use the forums pollsystem, I will never click on any external links. And this topic has been done to death.
  11. razguul@gmail.com

    <<<< Item Quality? >>>>

    I sport a Orange raincoat coupled with a orange 25 slot backpack and a payday mask, the worse condition the better.
  12. razguul@gmail.com

    Why do YOU play DayZ?

    Because the thrill of losing all your stuff as you are going through town killing everyone isn't found in any other game. I can kill more people in a game like Battlefield, but there I just respawn with all my stuff and there is no suspense, here I know that if I make a wrong move I may be the one running back from the coast.
  13. razguul@gmail.com

    "I Nearly Sh*t Myself" or Startling Moments in DayZ

    Last night me and my mate were looting 2 bodies we killed in Elektro, after about a minute someone logs in by one of the doors and we both panic and spray him with a dozen rounds, poor sod.
  14. razguul@gmail.com

    <<<< Item Quality? >>>>

    I also like wearing ruined clothing, it shows that you've survived battles and had close calls. But the idea with ruined+duct tape to make them badly damaged sounds like a great way to cause people to search for other stuff than just guns and ammo.
  15. Never going to happen, unless they pull a miracle out of their ass and do proper optimization that has never been seen in Arma before, shadows are staying turned off.
  16. razguul@gmail.com

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    +1 This, so much.
  17. razguul@gmail.com

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    DayZ means different things to different people, your way isn't the universal truth to the game, just look at any other thread and you'll see that is the case.
  18. razguul@gmail.com

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Stopping people from playing your game is the easiest way to drive people away from your game, I highly doubt BI would ever approve something as absurd as death timers that causes people to stop playing.
  19. razguul@gmail.com

    Hunting tonight

    Elektro is the place to be if you want to have some firefights going, most nights me and a friend hang out there and wait for geared groups of people to roll in, once the shooting starts more people tend to flock to Elektro.
  20. razguul@gmail.com

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Getting killed is part of the game, killing is part of the game, getting held up is a waste of time, maybe once everything is in its worth staying alive.
  21. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    It is broken in a way that causes most of your spawns to happen on the east coast, which is why a large batch of the bandit population is running up and down the east coast shooting freshspawns and there are dozens of corpses littering the towers around those villages.
  22. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    And you were commenting on the difficulty part of the food/drink system, your point? The spawn system is broken, what's that got to do with anything?
  23. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    Well thank you captain obvious for not providing any feedback to the thread, as I was not complaining about the difficulty.
  24. razguul@gmail.com

    Should you only have one character per server?

    Here's an idea, don't play on private hives if you don't want to. Private hives are a must for this game to become better then the mod.
  25. razguul@gmail.com

    Death Counter in main menu

    How about you actually read the post I was commenting on before trying to look smart. He was talking about how your survival length is based on skill when it's very much not.