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Everything posted by papazombie

  1. papazombie

    Hunting, vehicles, multiple maps, hordes, wow

    Dayz dont need more maps. They have to improve Chernarus.
  2. papazombie

    what if...?

    Dean Rocket Had said He was going to leave dayz leadership at the end of the year before the game was on sale (like an aaaalpha we know) Do you think Dayz had sold so good?
  3. papazombie

    getting wet for...?

    well, with the last patch our character and their clothes get wet if you dont cover under something...this is a good add but I was wonder if this is just a cosmetic or affects to the game in some way
  4. papazombie

    DayZ is dead to me..

    see you...
  5. papazombie

    Would you play a game with real permadeath?

    making an account every time you get death is really a nightmare. maybe if you suffer a penalty time would be interesting but account after account...
  6. papazombie

    getting wet for...?

    1 - they are balancing stomach capacity patch after patch 2 - i´m with you in this; day-night cicle is too slow for me too 3 - this is just a bug ;)
  7. papazombie

    getting wet for...?

    it sounds good
  8. papazombie

    duplicated items?!?

    Yesterday i met with some friends at hills near to electro. They were testing some amazing scopes. They asked to me if I wanted one and, Of course,I answered ' YES'. Then they said they were going to copy and in one second I had this scope in my mosin. I couldnt believe it!!! Of course I Put it on the ground and left the server. WHAT THIS SHIT!!! I GUESS IS A CHEAT!!!
  9. papazombie

    duplicated items?!?

    But this is an alpha. It suposed that we have to test the game but some gamers just got to electro to do pvp with chea...loopholes like this game was finish. Its hard to understand
  10. papazombie

    Books ? why they exist ?

    .To collect them .for reading .For burn them .For hit with them in your head when have been very bad .to put under your head when you are sleeping in your tent. .To reach high zones .for make a fire .for having less space on your backpack .for use pages to write on them. ..
  11. well, I have the same feeling. going village after village and having a deja vu sense is very boring. always same houses and buildings. Chernarus is big, damn very big! it should be interesting there were unique places all over Cher ;)
  12. papazombie

    A few features, items and changes I'd like to see.

    great, specially radiations storms wich you have to stay inside a house or wear special cothes to protect you. I turned Chernarus more dangerous ;)
  13. papazombie

    no more alphas for me

    well, this is my last alpha. I´ve been at warz before this and sadly at this moment it´s happening the same. they promise AI zombies is the first but patch after patch zombies are the great forgotten. The big problem with this prepaid prealphas is all players asking for things that they want to see ingame. Hardcore gamers want more pvp features and oldschool gamers more PVE improvements. Dev try to give a bit to all players and finally the game goes to no place. we never have a finish and polish game. I expected that DAYZ wasn´t going to be like this but it takes the same road. in one month the core of the game is still the same; we have more shoes, more trousers, we can paint our mosin?!? more drinks with funny games but mothing important like a new AI zombie, a better melle combat system... well, this is last prealpha for me :)
  14. papazombie

    no more alphas for me

    Well, i started rhis topic few days ago and un this moment i, m starting to trust again in this alpha. February is being much more interesting than january. Go on on this way ;-)
  15. papazombie

    I have never had so much fun

    I really like this add, hoping servers is not the way to enjoy this game; maybe you need to go to another game ;)
  16. good work, go on this way ;)
  17. papazombie

    Is DayZ quite playable now?

    Dayz is actually playable, but at this moment is very Boring. In a short period of time you get enough stuff to survive and then you havent anything to do but going pvp ay shore cities. There are no zombies and the combat system is broken.
  18. papazombie

    Tents! We Need Tents!

    Dont be obsesed with storage. Remenber war z had an global inventory to do it and it was onee of main causes that cheats everywhere. Storage in tents or cars would be nice but nothing else.
  19. Well I have to say that I never have been killed by a stair. I guessI have been lucky but it' true
  20. Well, this is for dayz is my last prepaid alpha. I wrote in a past post that I dont like rhe way that dayz is taking and a lot of Fans said: IT'S AN ALPHA Well is an alpha but a very expensive alpha. I paid thinking they were to earn a lot of money and game was to eevolve more focus in the core. Last patch was very sad. Just features and nothing intereating. You may say ITS AN ALPHA and wait like this game stuck or ask to dev team more focus in the game.
  21. papazombie

    no more alphas for me

  22. papazombie

    no more alphas for me

    Do you think new zombie skins, sprays, beer or new pvp weapons are optimizations?
  23. papazombie

    no more alphas for me

    This is what im saying
  24. papazombie

    no more alphas for me

    I never said im leaving this game. What im saying is this is the last alpha for me