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Everything posted by anticreativity

  1. anticreativity

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    Not sure whether this should go in the Cheating thread or Server thread but I figure it's cheating so it'll go here. A little before 7am EST on the Dallas 40 server, a friend and I caught wind of a truck (ural) and decided to take it as our own. After tracking it down and waiting for the occupants to be distracted, we made our move. We jumped into the truck and took off with our new found loot. Sadly, as soon as we did this the server went down. The admin restarted the server, got into position, and promptly took back the truck after killing my partner and I and taking our belongings. Surely this qualifies as abuse on the part of the admin and I hope something can be done about it as it is unfair to those who play the game legitimately to be subject to admin abuse in such a player vs player oriented game. Thank you. P.S. I realize I am new to this community (I made this account strictly for this post) but I hope that fact will not discredit my story.
  2. anticreativity

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

  3. anticreativity

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    Yeah, haze, it sucks. I felt outgunned at first but plenty of people have posted on reddit and here backing me up and corroborating my evidence. Now the Dallas 40 guys' stance has changed from "We didn't do it, you're a liar and a cheater" to "so what if we did it, nothing's going to happen." And they're right.
  4. anticreativity

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    Your condescension is unnecessary and if you think I'm annoyed about having the vehicle stolen, you've missed the point of this entire thread. Your guy used his admin position to not only revert back to before we stole the truck, but then killed us and looted our bodies. Let me reiterate in this sentence that the problem was the abuse of power. I don't need to set up my own server as there are plenty of servers out there that are run by mature individuals who don't abuse their power. Stop avoiding the issue and changing the subject. Grow up and accept responsibility for the fact that not only did the abuse happen, but you then lied about it. Everyone knows you're a liar, even other server admins have weighed in and called you out on your bullshit. So, grow up, adopt some adult principles, and fuck off. Thanks.
  5. anticreativity

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    Well I sure do hope it comes out because as it is, your admin abused his abilities to gain an advantage. An advantage which ended up with him and his friends not only getting back what we (fairly) stole, but also the loot on our bodies which we had been amassing for days before this incident. Forgive me if I don't think a vague apology is enough. I know "things happen" but when those "things" are controlled directly by an admin and "happen" at their discretion, that phrase becomes meaningless. I think the only reason I still care about this issue (besides the incredible loot we lost) was the reaction of you and your team after I brought it up with the community. Had you apologized and agreed to look into the incident, it would be one thing. But instead you and your dudes were rude and defensive, even enough to the point of blatantly lying about what had happened and accusing me and my dudes of less-than-tolerable behavior. Not cool, brolio.
  6. anticreativity

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

  7. anticreativity

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    I have no evidence as I didn't think to take a screenshot or any other form. I did make a post on Reddit, however, where the admin admitted that the "server was purposely crashed" in order to get the truck back. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/uxr2o/dallas_40_admin_abuse/\ Edit: The reddit thread has since been updated with more information from those involved. If you read the thread you can see the admission of bringing down the server as well as an inconsistent story (first they say they took down the server intentionally, then they say it was a coincidence) with pretend facts about how my friend and I were "server hopping" or "hacking without actually hacking". I can assure you that I haven't "hacked" in any way, nor have I "server hopped" and I hope there is somehow a way to verify this. The Dallas 40 staff seem to only be interested in drowning out my complaint while covering the actual incident up with make-believe stories in order to avoid taking responsibility for their blatant misuse of admin powers.