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About FoOKaa

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  1. FoOKaa

    Private and public ?

    Yeah I can see private shards being worth while for large communitys ect but for smaller ones its not much use really. Unless ofc you are using it to build a community or play as a group in a certain way. Must be more of that around than I thought. I like the way it is at present, thats life you dont always like everyone or get along ect and theres different types of players/people to encounter. Thats been the big attraction of the game for me personally. This way of doing it seems to me like it will just split the community up completely. Half the community will play on private shards doing role play or just farming for loot that they can only use in that server ? The way it worked in WarZ was how I said, you could rent a private server with a password, get looted up in your own group then go PVP together ect. Whats the point in say a clan renting a private shard, with no password no one would join cos the loot will be all gone and theres a clan in there waiting to kill you, other clans cant even join to fight you as they cant bring their own stuff they need to gear up on your server 1st which is going to be impossible cos the clan who own the server have looted it already ? I see the ghosting thing then being an issue but thats easily worked around surley, in WarZ if you log out in the middle of a city/town for example then switch server it spanws you back in on the outskirts of the said city/town. And also maybe an exit timer so you cant just combat log or your character will be stood there for 30 seconds, you have to log out safely... Just seems that option has not even been thought of and would of been nice, people who play for PVP mainly will just play the way we have been on this game all along now as private shards are useless to them...
  2. FoOKaa

    Private and public ?

    Ok kool thanks for that info. So the private shards will run on seperate database to the public servers so in other words you cant gear up on a private server then go PVP on public servers ? All else you said makes sense but that for me, the private and puiblic servers should all be on the same database IMO, woudl be more fun. The way its going to be as you describe means only large communitys will benifit from it. What would be the point of a small community renting a private shard ?
  3. Can someone please explain all this private and public stuff. Im a bit confused, I only started playing DayZ on the SA so its quite confusing seeing talk of public hives and private hives and shards of servers and sub shards of hives and shards and WTF oO ?? So we have Public Servers atm. Then they are releasing these Private Shards, so what does that mean, are they private servers connected to the same database so you can loot up on a private server then go PVP on a public server ? Or will you have seperate characters for Private and Public like you do between hardcore and 3rd person servers ?
  4. FoOKaa

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    I just wanted to add to this post... It seems in 2 years Vilayer has not changed... I will be posting this review in as many places as possible to help others avoid this company like the plague... WORST GSP IN THE WORLD - DO NOT USE VILAYER !!This company is the worst I have ever used and I have used lots. I tried these guys out for the DayZ SA servers as they seemed to pop up everywhere and their website seemed very tidy and well made. I really wish I had done my homework 1st on these guys. Firstly make sure to read everywhere on their website before ordering anything as there is lots of information that is not very obvious, lots of information that is very misleading and very badly linked together. Their clan packages just seem too good to be true and that is exactly what they are. They don't allow all games they make out they support on the clan packages and they make you submit a ticket (which they will take minimum 24-48 hours to reply to) to get a teamspeak 3 server AND you have to provide your own 'non profit license' file from Teamspeak for which Teamspeak are not even issuing out anymore at time of writing this. Then on to their support. Lets be honest, anyone who's rented a game server or any kind of service hosted on a server know full well and pretty much expect there to be some down time or issues from time to time, the two kind of go hand in hand. And that means you need to contact support to get issues resolved. This is where Vilayer completely fall over sideways. Their support is almost non-existent. You make a support ticket and they will generally take 24-48 hours to reply to it IF YOUR LUCKY, and then you may say get a reply saying OK we will check out your problem, you then have to wait ANOTHER 24-48 hours for the next reply. It can go on and on and on before you get your issue resolved IF you do. They have phone numbers on their website for support 'ALL' of which are disconnected or non existent phone numbers so phone support is not even an option. Then you have email support, yay !! Not a chance, you write them an email and guess what, it just pops up in your support section on their website as if you had put in a ticket AND dealt with in the exact same way, i.e. it does not get dealt with. They also offer Teamspeak support, this I thought to begin with was a very nice touch, little did I know at that time. The ViLayer Teamspeak will generally have 5 -10 ViLayer customers with their ticket numbers as their name as it asks you to do on joining sitting in a channel waiting to speak to someone, and guess what, they never come in their teamspeak, see for your self. ts3server://ts3.vilayer.com Then there is the refund situation. I asked for a refund for over a week, the server they provided me with kept randomly crashing and they would not reply to my tickets to help me get it to work correctly, so I just thought enough is enough, asked for my money back and am still yet to see it. They first cheekily told me I was asking for a refund for a reason that did not count ? So the service I'm renting doesn't have to actually work ? lol, then I complained more and more and they finally escalated the ticket. I thought ok at last I'm getting somewhere now, then 2 days past and still no response, so I asked what is happening and was told the billing department were still deciding if I should get a pro rata refund as I used my server oO ?? So me trying it out apparently counted as it being used and means I can not get a full refund ? lol So this carried on for a further week, I sent in more tickets asking what was happening and no reply at all, then I decided I will make a further reply, they then tell me I am bumping my ticket and that is why it is not being replied to ? This was complete rubbish as I had left plenty of tickets for over 48 hours with no reply even at all. How was I going to get my refund if they never reply and I never reply ? lol The whole situation was a complete joke and the best was yet to come. I decided to send a ticket via email to the billing department asking for a refund and cc'd the mail to the admin email in hope some one of authority might see it too, and basically asked for a full refund and quoted things form their site explaining about a 30 day money back guarantee ect, 48 hours later I get a reply saying the matter was being escalated to senior billing and that I would only get a Vilayer credit refund ?? oO As you can imagine I was and still am completely livid, why on earth would I want ViLayer credit ? I will never use this company again ever even if they were the only hosting company left on earth, I would rather quit gaming. This matter is still not resolved 2 weeks after the start of my issues and does not seem any closer to being resolved... Be warned, ViLayer is a terrible host, has terrible support if you can even call it that and they do not give two cares about their customers, once they have your money that is that by the looks of it, you could almost accuse them of being a type of scam company.
  5. FoOKaa

    How the heck do i play this?

    Whoooooaaa there a sec.... http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/animals/bear/35506_bear_polar_bear_facepalm.jpg
  6. FoOKaa

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    Ok i have 100% experience hackers in this game and I will explain... I have 366 hours played for one, and i run a server, me and my clan m8s try to use the server to recruit and have done pretty well with it. One night 2 guys join our TS for a game after we asked them on and they then start explaining how they previsouly used hacks in teh mod to "admin" their modded server with safe zones. They used aimbots and wall hacks to see and kill players entereing the safe zones to keep it "safe". Ovbisouly me and my pals were pretty shocked at this and I found it quite funny that they just rolled into our TS and announced this shit like it was ok ? oO They even went on to send links to screenshots of them selves using wall hacks in the SA..... Example: http://oi43.tinypic.com/33u4cqp.jpg Its just an image.... So then we experienced this type of hack, maybe it was these guys as I swiftly banned them from our TS and website ( would be nice to of banned them from my flipping server too btw :| ) but yeah, so theres like 12 of us all playing spread out around Elektro doing our usual thing, killing fully geared dudes and helping the fresh spawns who pass through. Suddenly one of us notices a few tooled up guys on the small hill by the green house with the water pump. ALL 12 OF US DIED IN 1 MINUTE !! There was no way on earth they could of known where we all was, some were on roofs, some in buildings ect, it would be impossible to know where we all were situated, not even could it be coincendence, the guys on the hill must of had green fukin boxes dotted all over elektro and basically smashed us all up with in seconds. So yeah, that is my proof, they 100% were hacking and i have admind servers for years so I can spot the signs imo and i hope that there is a way implemented so you know who killed you so if you suspect this kinda shit you can see the patterns of deaths ect and nail the twats... All this being said this happened BEFORE battleye was introduced and I have not seen or noticed anything since. I would go as far as saying there is very small amounts of hackers if any now....
  7. Sorry if someone already said this but the frame drops i think are mainly on Multiplay servers... All Multiplay servers have rain since the patch and its destroying fps, been playing a few hours tonight on a gameserver server and its not as smooth as before the patch but its way smoother and no where near as bad as MPUK servers... Gonna ring support tommorra n get em to disable the rain hopefully :D
  8. Games unplayable now. Constant frame drops to 15 fps in towns ect...
  9. FoOKaa

    Difficulty Setting discussion

    Yeah I hear ya man, the realism is what makes this game for sure but it is still a game... I guess it does add a different dimension to PVP that means you have to be very organsied ect, we tried no pants, same hats and it works for a while but ppl cotton on to what ya doing or some random wears the same hat and your all toast... Yeah i never played Arma or the mod... I dont see the harm still in team m8 markers...
  10. FoOKaa

    Difficulty Setting discussion

    I dont mean the 3pp or 1st setting, there's a separate setting for the server difficulty with options Recruit, Regular, Expert and Veteran... I was assuming it will maybe end up being like this which is from the mod i believe Im not actually sure if that even means there would be a way to mark your team m8s so you know who is who when in PVP... That is what I would like to see in game, a way to mark your team m8s so you dont shoot each other lol :D
  11. Hi, Before the trolls appear I have searched with no luck so up yours :D So yeah was wondering if anyone knows if the difficulty settings actually do anything right now ? Also will they in the future work ? I did not play the mod but am fooking loving this game so much. I did find this on the net http://guides.gamepressure.com/dayz/guide.asp?ID=15601 Is that what the standalone will be like eventually ? IMO its kool the way it is with no markers but when your walking with 10 team m8s playing some PVP it gets bloody confusing to the point it really spoils it.... Also IMO i think that just having a way to mark team m8s would be all that is needed. Just a simple marker on their head that only team m8s can see for example... Does anyone know any information on this ?
  12. FoOKaa

    Why is time uncompressed?

    Wow thank god for this post !! It should defo be half ratio so 2 day night cycles in game to 1 real life cycle.... I run a UK clan of guys who all mainly work till 5 pm so we would only see Daylight on weekends providing we never sat up all night gaming, or by oplaying in a server in the US... 2:1 ratio would be much better and well put that guy who said you wanna feel the cycles HERE HERE !!
  13. FoOKaa

    Farts (serious discussion)

    Ah wow reading this whole thread just gives me more ideas its like a never ending thing, like one of them moments where you say "or you could haaaaaaaaaaaave" lol Just imagine it, you just been killed and you hear over the mic the guy coming over to your body to slag you off and tea bag your dead corpse and at that moment a timely fart pops out hahahahhah I do agree with one comment though, it is a game and better things could be added like, maybe the shitting and pissing is a bit far, farts though should be added at least just for some comedy and come on "BEANS" are in the game... You can not have a game where you eat beans and not have farts, its like having a gun with no bullets imo :D
  14. So as the title suggests what do you guys think about farting ? In game ofc... It says now "my stomach grumbles violently" so at that point the guy should do a fart right ? Would be funny as fuck :D Just imagine, your holed up in some house under attack and need food desperately, so while your hiding recovering from your 1st exchange of fire with the guy outside you quickl.y open a couple tins of beans "munch munch munch" then "Parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappp" and BAM, he hears you fart oO It gives away your flipping position and now your dead hahahahahahha lol You could even have a random fart system maybe dependant on food intake ? lol Anyway I think it could be a good feature maybe, oh and +1 to the beard growing and shaving idea :D