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About cookay

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    On the Coast
  1. http://dayzdb.com/news/hunger-and-thirst-in-standalone ^ This answers some questions.
  2. Okay, well, I made this account just so I could write this post. As I would like to see this game become improved to a more playable quality than it is now. I understand the game is in Alpha but the level of 'not-knowing-what's-happening' is too high for most players. Let me bring you up to speed on how I came across the issues I'm going to touch on below. Feel free to skip this next paragraph if you just want to see the issues themselves, and how to maybe fix them. I was playing with a group of friends last night, a group which has been playing the mod off and on pretty much since it was released. So we're coming into the game with a little bit of background knowledge, we know where to loot, where towns are, etc. So we jump in right into the game, we're having a blast. All of us immediately notice how frequently our characters are getting hungry and thirsty, but we keep eating and drinking and shrug it off as some sort of bug. After running up and down the coast trying to meet up with them, I'd notice they would fall unconscious after it saying something like "You are exhausted" in red text. So, "Okay." I thought "I'll just figure out how to sleep or something, my character has been telling me he needs a nap." Naturally I go in a house and look at a bed with the action menu. Nothing. "Well, there's probably some key on my keyboard for it." After messing around and pressing every key on our keyboards from left to right we found out you could sit down with the F3 key. We're all sitting down, and we sit for a good five-ten real minutes. We eat, we drink, and another one of us passes out, and beyond help. After some light Googleing I found some people having the same trouble with this, but no explanation for why or how to prevent it. So as we're playing together one by one each of us falls over. Usually they keep moving when they knock out, so we couldn't perform medical treatments on them. Finally, it's just me, my last comrade knocks out. I take what I can off his body and wait for the inevitable, once again, I try in vain to sit down and rest my character. I do so for probably fifteen real minutes. After that I stand up, drink two sodas and a whole thing of tuna, take my first few steps, and collapse. (tldr: You can't not go unconscious, and therefore die and no one knows how to prevent this.) So the problem here is not knowing. No one knows how the tiredness works, or how to counter it. Part of the beauty of the DayZ Mod was not knowing things, getting lost and wounded, fighting to survive. The difference between the mod and the standalone, at least how I see it, is that the game is leagues more complicated and technical, there's obviously more at work here than just hunger, thirst, and blood. So with that added complexity, players need a bit more of an explanation, more so than what they got in the mod (just dropped on a beach). If there are diseases happening, we need to know some of the symptoms. If it has something to do with hunger or thirst, we need to know roughly how much 1x of drink or food recovers. I think the problem is that the devs of this game might think it's self explanatory ("If you're character feels like a nap, just take a nap.") However when you have a keyboard and mouse to take a nap with, it isn't that simple. So far the game looks great. I can't wait to see these issues resolved as the game continually improves. Edit: Mods, if I'm in the wrong place to post this, feel free to move me.