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Everything posted by gingatsu

  1. The factor Pristine, Worn, Damaged, Badly Damaged, Ruined does not work at the moment my friend. I use a m4 with badly damaged parts and it has the same accuracy with a pristine one. A damaged butt stock does not affect the damage of the gun at all, in fact it only should affect the aiming and the trajectory of the shot nothing else. To the topic of ruined ammo... well you might nor realized it, but if you put the ruined ammo into the clip and then empty the clip then you will realize that the ruined ammo turns into pristine ammo back... so the game engine still is not able to distinct between the damage factors... in fact, if you use the long range scope for the mosin, you will realise that the picture does not change at all even if the scope is badly damaged or pristine... you get the same view trough that scope... but its not the same with m4 scopes for example. So being in alpha release I think there are tons of things to work on... and therefore dont bother it all for the moment.
  2. gingatsu

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    if you play on steam add me dude.. darkopal... we might have fun moments :D
  3. gingatsu

    No healthy

    food and vitamine does not bring you health back at the moment as I see... but if you use saline bag you quite get ok.
  4. gingatsu

    *Workarounds to some common bugs*

    Another tip from me, it might be a game mechanic for now and I don't know if it will be fixed at all but I hope so. Do not lay down in grassland... someone who looks at you from a distance more than 70 meters, see's the area naked while you think you're covered in grassland. You just give the person who shoots at you a clean target, especially mosin. if you wanna lay low, try to blend into trees somehow... or use a group of trees, its much harder to spot.
  5. gingatsu

    All guns one shot kill = more authentic

    Well ok I just think back at my military life and remember scenes where I had seen people get shot or even people I shot myself... The thing is the concept of the caliber and what it was designed for. 7.62 is mostly a killer caliber, but as said before, people dont die from a shot instantly (that depends on the spot where you got hit, the human body is really some weird thing) I have seen a colleague got shot from an AK47 at long range to the head but he survived (but yes he got unconscious by the shot and we had to carry him urgently out of the field which prooved pretty damn hard under fire, then he was transported out with heli and got operated... lucky for him, the doctor was a professional and he managed to keep him alive) But I can definitely say that he would die if he would have been hit by a Heckler&Koch G3. If you take it technically it is a matter of the rifling (numbers of groove) too... an ak 47 has 2 grooves an Heckler&koch G3 has 4 grooves so that just makes the entrance and exit of the lead more smooth or destructive. Thats one of the reasons too why 5.56 has been implemented by the NATO as regular ammo. The higher ups realised that carrying out a wounded mate out of field would take manpower and precious firepower which would weaken the enemy front (easily explained) So wounding an enemy soldier rather than killing him is more effective in the field. And you have various benefits from this, like if you be able to capture the enemy soldier, you're able to interrogate him and get precious info too.. But a hit with 5.56 to the head or to the heart or some main artery can cause quick death too... Some people are just resilient, but some people just die from shock too... so its really a hard thing about calling a shot a kill or not. so what's my opinion to the matter of damage in game? it really should be worked over... the way it is now is really not realistic, nor logical at all... if I need more than 20 bullets to pump into someone just to get him killed with a m4 that is a serious problem in my opinion.And what I dont understand is I managed to kill someone with 2 shots of m4 too... so what is it about that takes 20 bullets on some and just 2 shots on another? the second thing is the outcome of the damage should be more realistic too.. for example; if you shoot someone in the arm (depends on left or right) he/she shouldn't be able to use that arm, which should lead to the fact, that if you have a weapon at aim that your aim should be shaky as hell, or that you cant aim at all... if you shoot someone in the leg, he/she shouldn't be able to sprint, nor even run! he/she just should be able to hump at most... not every shot into the leg or arm leads to broken bone but to a specific percentage and the caliber of the gun it should be implemented into game. And I have made this suggestion some times before but I think that the character generation as it is now is totally unrealistic. The person can make first aid like a professional medic/doctor, can loot parts from cars and helis and build those vehicle's and operate them as a master mechanic, and have the accuracy with a weapon like a soldier. In my opinion there should be classes where people has the ability to choose from professions, which makes them good at one field but not that good at the other fields. So co operation with other players becomes more important because someone who takes soldier build for example cant heal his major injuries like broken leg or weapon wound and so on (the game developers should implement chirurgical instruments into game with which you can operate the bulletwound and not otherwise... so what happens till then? you bandage and try to stop the bleeding till a professional comes) this way it makes things more realistic and more interesting... why? well because that leads people to act with other people and not KoS, they dont risk to get hurt which would lead them to die or even worse to suffer. That would stop banditry/murdering to a degree. how would the professions affect the game? those with medical or mechanical background does not have an accuracy like a soldier but they do have the skills for mechanic or medical treatment which is important for survival... its like a trade between classes and logical too, make the doctor a civil doctor who got stranded somehow, make the mechanic a civil mechanic that stranded somehow so that explains why their accuracy is low (they are support classes if you want to understand this way) and the soldier has the most accuracy in game but he/she doesn't have the skills for injuries or mechanical settings (that means he can basically bandage an open wound but cannot amply medicine, because he does not have any clue how it would affect him and overdose or morphine can kill too, or overdose of medicament can kill you trough poisoning. And no one can tell me that he/she can take out a bullet out of him/herself while conscious and without shaking hands AND withstanding that hellish pain, which would result in more damage done than just removing the lead) See? everyone benefits from the other, people are more in need of interacting with each other, and senseless KoS lowers gradually coz people do not want to risk being injured.
  6. This topic has been discussed before and suggestion has been made too... there are just people who just dont want to compromise and who still want to abuse the 3rd person camera, but they do not say that openly, they just defend their argument about " its my freedom to choose so or not" or " MOTION SICKNEEEEEESSSS!!!!" or " hey I come from game platforms where 3pp was only, I never played counterstrike or any kinda FPS games where you just have 1pp on"... they just dont want to accept any compromise while they expect compromise from us and still use the childs excuse of " its your problem, naaa naaa na na naaaaaa..." sorry but this is just translated like this " I want to abuse every kind of possibility to get some advantage against players who wants to play this game as fair and square, if I can stay at the corner of a building and can see you without exposing myself and then just bringing out my gun and shoot you dead. Than that shows how extraordinary I am and that you are not, it is not related to the fact that I actually shouldnt see you like this but hey the game has implemented this feature and I just use it as tactical advantage (yea tactical advantage my arse -.- ) " well like I said this matter has been discussed on another topic and you can check it there too... and see how some people discuss something the shit hole down.... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162565-fix-not-remove-third-person-perspective/ check the first page the first post and his suggestions. And if you would like to know what I said to the matter than just go to page 10 and see my answer to the matter
  7. gingatsu

    3 of us died from a hacker last night

    I know its not topic related but... HOLY SHIT I LOVE YOUR BOOBS :p
  8. gingatsu

    Mods in the standalone

    if the mod support is just cosmetical and doesnt give you advantage against other players like putting up crosshair on the screen although it should not be in the veteran mode than I think the mod support should not be integrated... to say " it's your problem if you don't use it " is just a childish excuse to say someone " I wanna abuse the game, I wanna abuse every possibility to get an advantage against other people, but I don't have any other words to say that to you and I don't want to look like an abuser too " So I say for that case, sorry dude, just because you suck to play this game without having any help from 3rd party programs does not mean I have to give up my fun of the game for your sake... you paid the game, I paid the game. I prefer play honest and fair, but you do not. So its actually not me who should piss off, its like that the thief is kickin the house owner out of his house (in the logic of who is the right and who is the wrong one but the wrong one tries to get the upper hand by saying its your problem)
  9. gingatsu

    What maps would you want in the Standalone?

    I would like to have Mediterrianean maps like Turkey and middle east. The geography is really awesome! But at the second thing I really would like to have some snowy terrain map (not totally covered, just partially, so that hardcore players can make some expeditions to those places and turn back)
  10. gingatsu

    Saving the progress

    Dude I and my friends have encountered the same problem several times too... and at the end we have realised something... do not log out in the buildings especially not in upper stores.. sometimes (not in all servers) it happens that the game shoots your character to the sky, or bottom the field and your character dies but you dont see it because you logged offf. I think the saving progress is as follow that the server needs some more seconds to save your location. But at the time your character logs out you dont have any control on your character anymore and you dont see what happens either. So when you switch server in other terms when you hop server, the game recognises your character as dead and makes you restart at the beach... For me and for the bad fortune of my friends this happened to us several times although we didnt ever hopped, but had to log out due to the limited time we have to play (well yea work awaits the next day and this game has no end right :D) so we tried to log out in the building where we thought it might be more safe than outside. Now we just log out outside whatever happens... better a zombie knocks you out than some stupid game glitch which kills you on logging out. cheers and have a nice time playing
  11. gingatsu

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Oook... Im really amazed by the people to " discuss " something down the hole... The suggestion which was made was actually good and it really is a solution for people who wants to play straight&fair... but whatever... there will surely be someone who will say I'm talking bullshit now... Therefore I just want to write down my opinion about the game, the feeling, the environment and my experiences with friends and other players here... I for myself like Day-Z because it is a simulation game about a post apocalyptic world. Where people have to survive different difficulties. There are factors like, infestation, zombies which has been infected and died and got somehow up again, hunger, thirst, weather, hostile environment (yea the nature can really be the enemy itself if you don't know HOW to survive) and yes we have our beloved murderers too ( I call them murderers not bandits because in a world where the humanity goes to the brink of extinction it really is anormal that there are people who would gang up about 2- 6 persons or more to just to kill people who they see, just to get their backpacks or get their beans, banditry is something where law and order exists, in such a world like day-z this is just mindless murder) Well yea I have encountered people who claimed that this is a PvP game and well many times I had to argue with them although without any success but whatever, that is another topic and not related about the 3pp discussion now. Back to the topic, like I said I like the " realism " in the game... if I wanted to play unrealistic games and play the hero all time I would play COD and not such a game where you can drop dead from 1 shot or even worse by starving or dehydrating, or even a broken leg, fractured bones or even allergy/food poisoning etc. A basic human has 2 eyes and its " field of vision " is actually quite narrow. More narrow than most people think it is. We do not have a full 180 degree seamless sight we have a much more narrow clear sight range and the rest of the vision is what we call it a " peripheral vision " which means it is still in your sight but not clear and focused. You can catch up movements and things but you cant see them clearly until you " focus " with your eyes to the object. Sooo the following 2 links I'm posting here is about the vision field a Human has... and there is by far no explanation about " another " field of view which lets me see behind a wall, while I even didn't have a direct or partially Line of Sight. http://s16.postimg.org/fe1yugak5/Fo_V1.jpg http://s22.postimg.org/tr32thh01/Fo_V2.jpg Therefore I don't actually like the 3pp camera which is implemented,i but hey it is there and people do like to play with it, and ok I respect it. But what I actually see is, that " most " of the players who use this 3pp camera is not because they all suffer from " motion sickness ", right in contrary because it proves you a tactical advantage on your " prey " and well for my " opinion " that kills the mood and the stress factor of the game. Like said before this game is about survival and horror. So imagine yourself that you " really " are in such a world. And you need to get into the town to get supplies which enables you to " survive " for another day or week. So you actually have to be cautious. You have to sneak in and out as smooth as possible, and if possible with the least noise, coz the horde is partially " sensible " to the noises you make and some of them are even aggrivated by sight only. The risk that you might encounter such an infected just when you turn the corner or just when you bob out your head a lil bit in order to get some sight is actually quite a thrill, coz you don't know what might happen the next corner or building. And don't forget, even a scratch from those infected might get you infected too... so the risk is huge as hell, and you bet your life for some cans of beans or spaghetti or whatever... would there be any thrill if I could see behind the wall or hedge without even to bob the head out? or would that be even realistic? no it wouldn't... so this is actually my point for the game. Why are we playing this game for? just to find some mosin and some sniper and kill people indistinctive? Or trying to survive on a world where the humanity is on the brink of extinction?... this will make you see what you finally expect from this game. If you're looking for survival then your motto should be " realism " in first case. If not than this game is actually the wrong game and you choosed wrong from the beginnng. Yes it might be a game, but hey it has something called " feature " like RPG, MMORPG, or FPS and so on and this one is under the category "Post Apocalyptic Horror Survival Game" and the features in such game bases about realism and not about nonsense. So 3pp and realism? well the answer is obvious. In my opinion it should not be implemented to make yourself see if you are concealed enough in a snipe position or not, because you actually have to know how much you expose yourself if you stick out under a tree or bush or whatever or learn it the hard way and for this you have to use your wits and brain for it... I have real sniper experience and according to the situation we even had to boil the sheets with tea and used charcoal and so on to just "camouflage" ourselves in some environment which looked necessary. So there actually should be options to make camouflage from different things, but we really should " learn " to do things rather than "given" this is actually what survival is about... observe, learn and use the skills for it. I also have another proposal for this game mechanic in order to get it more realistic, but I don't know how if the developers would imply this feat into the game in this stage, because it has some proposal about character generation and their " professions "... Line of sight is something very important in game, it can differ between life and death and death in this game means you loose everything you build up so far and to do everything from scratch. If it says that the community get separated from 1pp only and 3pp only servers, than the solution should be like a compromise on both sides. Like the LOS on the first post and how to implement it on the 3pp on this forum. You still get your angle camera, you still can see more from the environment than a 1pp player but you cant see him until you bob your damn head out in order to see me, so that gives me at least the possibility to run away or to fight with you on equal terms (which is actually still not, but ok we do wanna compromise from our side too) as to the topic of motion sickness... there have been said enough things how to compensate it. And what I dont understand is, you dont get motionsick when your charackter runs with angle camera but you get motionsick from first person sight? How do you manage to live in the real world? I mean you just have your 2 eyes and theyre not poppin out and hover somewhere upper behind you and give you some 360 degree sight do ya? (when I just think of it, dude that really would be creepy)
  12. gingatsu

    Silenced Weapon

    " Silenced " meelee weapon is a ridiculous idea. Because a melee weapon actually does not any sound at all... you swing, you hit, the target grunts/yells because of the pain. 1 Hit kill?... so far no melee does it.. even Firemans axe uses a couple of hits until the dude falls over. Silencer for weapons?... well great idea yea... but so far, the silencer for the m4 does not work... so far so good, we have a silencer that does not silence at all :D yea we love that... but whatever, its in alpha stage for now, we will see what comes... Just a word of advice; If you see people with firearms like mosin, m4, or pistol. Please do not run to them with your axe or any other melee items swinging... insted hide and be on your way... it is really unrealistic to storm someone with an axe or whatever in order to get his/her weapon... it might be a game yes, but you should " at least " put some thought behind the fact that you NEVER would try to do such a stupid thing if this was real... so act according to it please.
  13. gingatsu

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    ahahaha you really amuse me :D
  14. gingatsu

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Ah I see... so you dont boast with videos but you boast with written stuff like the cheap action movie shit you splattered here on the forum... I call it shit coz I dont believe that you sir have done this stuff at all... and by the way.. can you tell me how you fake a video in which you shoot a target from 800 meters and the target gets hit and dies? coz if you manage to do this, than you really should go to hollywood and apply for a really high paid job (at least 10k$) coz this is something really no one can achieve... So my good mister... either you proove your claimings with some video, or you stop blabbering bullshit... I am not convinced in any way that you can shoot any target from 800 meters in this game and eat pizza meanwhile. you two have a nice time in the forum with people :D by the way... can you tell me what kinda stuff you two pump in? it really works as I see Go in peace my friend :D
  15. I agree to the matter on server hopping and combat logging... I do not agree to robbing people. You can have your items if you roam the surrounding areas with your friends, robbing is not a solution... this way you can feel the survival side of the game too and see new places instead of camping 1 place and waitin for people to pop out and then rob them from their belongings.
  16. gingatsu

    Where is the best place to pk people

    Those who lives by the weapon, dies by the weapon... if you insist on being a bandit and kill people who isnt able to defend themselves, then you can be sure that there are people who are going to put you on justice for your crime. Sooner or later but it will happen.
  17. gingatsu

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Sorry my friend but all I read in your sentence is that you actually just dont want to make a short video about how you shoot some target (can be a zombie I dont care) from 800 meters without missing once. This is a really amazing feat, and I am really eager to see and learn from your expertise (if that proves true)... Coz your friend stated you shot a moving target with your OFFHAND while you were eating pizza (which means you didnt even bother to make any effort for it) you even have written about something how amazing you are and so on... I do not care about the fact how amazing you think you are or not... let us decide that when we see your video and I am really serious about this. I can manage to headshot a walking target with mosin from 200 meters up to 300 meters (300 meters is difficult but I managed a few times)... it differs from time to time.. and I dont claim to shoot the person on the 1.st shot. I tried to shoot stationary targets from 500 meters ( it was an estimated guess coz we still do not have a rangefinder so it might be about 50meters + or - ) but that just succeeded after 6 shots. And it doesnt succeed everytime coz like I said, the dispersion rate is a hell of a thing and you have to nullify a really huge cone, and this cone just gets larger the longer the distance gets. So I am really looking forward for your short video. To watch and learn... till then be in peace my friend
  18. gingatsu

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Ok you claim to be good, I dont denounce that... then you can teach people like us how you hit people from 800 meter without any missing by this dispersion rate in the game (and to mention the dispersion rate is totally random so you have a huge cone to nullify) I am looking forward for your vid where you show us how we have to handle the mosin... people say Im good but I really would like to see how youre handling the scope and mosin.
  19. gingatsu

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    lesser players? wow... Im speechless... to see people as " inferior " and so on... you really have some kinda ego issues my dear sir... I would respect you if youre a good player. I would say " wow what a good marksmen, I wouldnt be able to do it" but "lesser people"? get your grip man, you're no better person than anyone else on this world. And I am still expecting a vid tutorial from you experts to teach us how to shoot with a mosin from distances like 800 meter without missing the target once
  20. gingatsu

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Oook... I readed the story. Fine written, would be some cool action movie scenario, but sorry mate I dont buy your story... What I really find interesting though is how did your friend managed to get a " headshot" from 800 meters with a mosin? and that offhand? by that dispersion rate? sorry did you even readed the topic about the dispersion rate in the SA? I can tell for my own, I was a member of spec ops in the army of my country, and you need some adjustments (we call it zeroing) to hit the mark, and usually there is a spotter and a marksman, but we do as single man too. Nevertheless the thing is you have to " adjust" your weapon for the dispersion of the bullet, so that it doesnt go astray. In this game the long range scope gives you the possibility to adjust on 800 meters but it doesnt give you the possibility to adjust for the wind. And being a sniper myself I am really intrigued to "learn" from you how you hit the mark at such distances... can you make some video tut so we can see first hand "how" to aim for the mosin? coz everytime I shoot the same place the bullet hits another place...which shows me that the dispersion is really fucked up at the moment... Im really intrigued to know how you managed to land " headshots " every time you shooted.
  21. gingatsu

    Winter Survival: The Northern Expedition

    One of the best and amazing SURVİVAL game suggestion I have ever readed... (not that I readed any suggestion in this scale on the SA forum so far.) This is totally something which kind of people would like to play for whom the survival and the atmosphere of the game is much more important than just turning the game into a mindless first person shooter... We had some idea like a last stand, for where you and your group heed to some military encampment just to find out that the encampment they got in would be atacked by masses of zombie hordes in waves (yea you kinda get hell of a shooting action. but not players, instead zombies of all kind :D that would satisfy the people for their happy trigger rage ) well we didnt write any cool story like you did though :D and didnt posted our suggestion... dunno why :D
  22. gingatsu


    This just shows that you totally didnt understand what the goal of a SURVİVAL GAME is about. You have to try to survive, and cooperate with people and not try to kill everyone like a madman. İf there is some idiot who is atacking you with a shovel or a knife just to get your items, ok then shoot him dead.. coz that moron didnt understand the goal of the game either... but trying to play FPS in a survival game is as much logic as youre claiming that a piece of stone is smarter than yourself. the mentality you show is cheap... sorry to say that... you dont try to play the game in its originated mentality... you just try to bend the game to your mindset, which is sad for the game, and the players who is unlucky enough to meet you... if such a thing like day z would happen to the real world, you would be one of the people who would die at first...
  23. gingatsu


    If you claim that you can FULLY gear up in 1 hour that means that you are actually server hopping. You just cant tell me that you run from south coast to north and then try to loot the airstrip and get done FULLY GEARED in 1 hour... sorry even when I died in firefight at north I runned back and it took me about 35 min (totally sprinting just stopping to drink water for once or twice) So long story short that what you claim is not realistic at all and you are just abusing a game mechanismus to get geared and you dont even care about the goal of the game... You might asking now " hmph.. what sould that goal be? its just a friggin game... ppl take it too serious..." Well the fact is that this game is a SURVİVAL game... and SURVİVAL does not mean kill everybody you see, instead try to stay alive in an Apocalyptic world where the environment itself becomes hostile itself. Which means you have to cooperate and group up with people to survive a hostile world, in which is hunger, illness, thirst, zombies, infection trough zombies and many other factors (these which counted were just the obvious ones)... And about real life...you really claim you would kill people in a world where humanity is at the brink of extinction? just because he/she has a bagpack and you might need the beans coz you were too lazy to search around for eadibles? How long do you think will that last? people do not respawn like in th game... are you gonna eat corpses and have your sexlife with the women you shot? quite creepy lifestyle dude... you should urgently check a doctor if you really have such a mindset... dude just staying alive all alone in such a world will drive you crazy and youre gonna shoot yourself when you realise that youre all alone in such a fucked up world. Long story short, the dude who was working 10 hrs. to get his items was actually really playing a survival game... he was roaming from city to city, goin to different places just to find stuff which would make his survival more possible. And therefore he IS actually playing the game the right way... just calling him dumb because of it is actually a sad thing, coz that just shows that you actually dont play this game for its atmosphere just because of its realistic action... well in this case I strongly advice you to play arma series... there you respawn, take up your gun and shoot the heck outta people...
  24. gingatsu

    Door's not opening?

    Hi there... well I and a friend of mine have encountered the following problem and its something important I think. The problem is that we cant open any doors! nor there is any icon appearing that the door can be opened... I logged out in a house and when I came back a few hours later (after the patch) I realised that I got trapped in the house. So now I cant get out, my friend is walking in the city and cant get in any house coz the doors aint opening. does anybody have the same issue like us?
  25. gingatsu

    Door's not opening?

    well my friend said that you cant drink from well's either... same like the doors.