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Everything posted by gingatsu

  1. gingatsu

    Have yet to find a shotgun?

    the 3rd floor of the school building haves most time one of these weapons... you might find a gun, or a mosin or a shotgun in some rare occasions m4 but the range and accuracy of the shotgun is awful. someone couldnt shoot me from 10 meter distance although me and my friend were wiggling to our hearts content (means static position not moving) in order to get new followers for the holy order " tha wiggle "
  2. gingatsu

    DayZ not Worth a Buy

    Frankie pointed out what I was thinking the whole time... so this is my thoughts about the matter in general
  3. gingatsu

    berets instead of berries

    Hey Beret's are cool :D Im allways wearing one! :D Berries are nice too but if you accidentally eat the wrong one, shit flows like water bro :D
  4. OOk stuff I encountered so far... I have found shotgun too but hadn't paid any attention to it... so I didn't took any picture of it. Haven't seen any SKS too (at least not yet I have readed some claims that it has been seen though) or any AK74... Thats how the gun looks like now Thats the M4 buttstock I found newly... This one is for the mosin...
  5. gingatsu

    Don't Touch the Spray Cans

    the spray cans have some kinda bug like thing going on right now. Even when it is at 100% in your bagpack, if you drop it to ground accidentally, or if you just drop it to ground to swap items or like that... the spray can turns to 0% I mentioned on another thread I opened that my mosin has gone missing many times I tried to paint it... on the same time... I learned from other friends that when the mosin gets painted, the munition chamber loses its functionality and you just have 1 round to shoot everytime, and refill afterwards
  6. Ok this starts to get annoying so after 3 trials and failures I would like to know what I am doing wrong... I search for the paint cans... find em.... take my mosin into my hand... at my first try I used a black paint can while the weapon was on my back (was not holding)... result; mosin gone cant find it. <_< At my second try I thought ok I do it with weapon at my hand... used green paint while weapon at hand... result; mosin gone cant find it... <_< At my third try I said to myself, ok than it means that I have to use the black as grounding first... and used black paint can on mosin... result; THE DAMN MOSIN KEEPS GOING LOST EVERYTIME!!! >:( so question is my fellow survivor friends... can someone be friendly enough and explain to me what I am doing wrong?
  7. gingatsu

    Im doing something wrong....

    damn... would be to good to be true... and while the devs try to solve the problem... I would LOVE to be able to paint my m4 in camo too :D We wanna paint everything in camo... DEV's listen to us!
  8. gingatsu

    Im doing something wrong....

    Painted my first mosin while mounted on my back (it had a full of 5 rounds in it then) Painted the second one without ammo but the same outcome.. dunno theres something wrong but whatever :D
  9. gingatsu

    Suggestions for the defibrillator

    Defib we love you :D
  10. gingatsu

    Pictures of new items.

    can you tell me where you found the spray cans? I really would like to paint my mosin into camo but havent found any paint can yet... and second question is. Do you need to use multiple color cans to make camo on the mosin or is there already a camo spray can?
  11. gingatsu

    What are you waiting for to be fixed?

    Tents would be nice... then I and my friends could build some first aid tent where we can put some food and some gear in it if any of our guys would die or like that.
  12. gingatsu

    Night Time is Unplayable

    Sorry to disappoint you friend but night time in real life is PITCH BLACK... you see the surroundings illuminated during night time because there is allways a light source in your surroundings... but just for once, pack your camping stuff and go to the mountains and camp over night... you will realise that you cant even see the tip of your nose when there is no light source for you. So your comment to the matter of night time in Day Z is unrealistic, because you just werent able to play on night server due to the following reasons as 1) you dont want to be seen when you're sneaking around 2)you would definitely be spotted if you open your flashlight/head torch/weapon flashlight therefore you don't want this 3)But the night servers are mostly very low populated because most of the people dont want to risk to be seen and got shot because of their lights. So they prefer to play in daytime servers. So this possibility gives you more chances to hoard items and weapons and you can gear up more quickly without any risk. and as a side note... the Flashlight or head torch or weapon flashlight does illuminate quite well I have used it all time and every time it is the same good quality.
  13. I want my m4 to be able to painted!!!! camo spray for alll!!!!!!!
  14. gingatsu

    Finally found a Mosin, and left it there

    might be that you entered one of the test servers... the thing is that the mosin in the test servers have this issue right now... I have a mosin and I put everytime 5 rounds into it not single load every time.
  15. gingatsu

    Should this be called fun?

    Sorry my friend, but your idea that this game is about PVP is your own delusion. You are actually the one who kids himself not the people who knows that this game is a Post apocalyptic horror Survival game the game description puts it under the same category not under the FPS category. You just gave the answer to yourself when you said that 99% of the time you were spending in the game was about moving from point A to B then to C to gear up (which meant actually that you were trying to gear up to get better chances to survive in such a world.) and then find food/water and eat food/drink water in order to not to starve or dehydrate (which means that you still try to survive ). So lets compare this game with a real FPS/PVP game like for example Battlefield, or Arma2-3. in a PVP game you choose your class and then you spawn fresh and fully geared up and then you go to specific locations like Alpha, Beta, Echo, Gamma and then you try to kill your opponent in order to win the game.. In this game you try to find food, water, gear and so on but you do this to stay alive in a Post apocalyptic world which is fully infested with a virus and people turned into zombies. The choice of you as person to shoot ( in short terms MURDER) someone is a real world feat.But that doesn't mean in any way that this could be called PVP that is totally absurd and your misunderstanding of the situation.Murder is not PVP. In example it is the same thing if a person would shoot you in real life or not.The only difference is people don't shoot you dead right now because they have issues with something called law you know ;) if they weren't to go to jail then you should see what kinda fun things happens around... you cant call this PVP either right? so its simply murder and a honor less act. And you said it to yourself... if you really just are looking for PVP and this game is really not about PVP then you should look to play those games where you spawn with full gear and you dont have to worry your items will get lost if you die and you dont have to run around to get items again. long story short if you are looking for PVP then this game is the wrong one dude...
  16. gingatsu

    Mosin is single load now

    If you spawned freshly, then you should not head to balota or to electro man :facepalm: you should go to cities or places where the camping would be more less... but if youre lookin for action and quick kill then you can go to balota or electro, but then be prepared to die and dont whine. Secondly, Mosin is not OP at all.. did you ever shot a gun in your life? that thing is 7.62 with 4 rifle's!!! it punches like hell, and leaves a hole like hell... it is normal that you can kill someone with such caliber (except you hit him on shoulder, arm, or legs somewhere...)
  17. gingatsu

    Just opened a can of bean soup w/knife in RL

    Do you people actually realize that arguing such a trifle matter is nonsense? opened on the bench or not... opened a can with knife and didn't spill wow.... c'mon dude, if you really want some more realism than the game has tons of things yet to be implemented and would take the top of the list before " adjusting " the can opening with knife or not... and besides... whats the big deal with it? just search a bit in the city or the neighboring cities and you will find a can opener anyway... why the big fuss about it? (please dont say realism now)
  18. gingatsu

    A badly needed attachment

    Well here are 2 Silencer video's... not like the one at the range with the old man where he seems to be at a place where the sound echoes a lot. This one is from a soldier shooting in Iraq with a m4 and silencer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGHZQ1LzI0w In the second video the suppressor does hide the sound more in my opinion. just take a watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_D9neCL2c8
  19. gingatsu

    Church of the Wiggles.

    oh holy one!!! I'm wiggling from the bottom of my heart!!!
  20. gingatsu

    Why all this "need hunting rifles not sniper rifles"?

    Well I have to disagree to you in this case. If this game is made in the USA then the developers easily could be able to " change " the map and use some US based topology or whatever, but instead they insisted to keep the vanilla topology, so they have to stick with logic and keep Russian weaponry priority in this game, and not US weaponry, otherwise this is just total nonsense. You just cant make a game and fill the game with US weaponry just to say " hey the game was made in the USA, so the developers are putting US weaponry as a matter of fact, coz the main population who buys the game are US citizens and they wanna have weaponry they are used to see..." sorry that doesn't work that way.
  21. gingatsu

    Patch 114343 reduced loot spawn.

    I totally disagree... First of all, war z (infestation stories now) developers never listened to the community. They were listening to those who said " I am someone who actively buys in game money and spends it so the fuckin game should be as I wish" and that was what they have done... the game turned into pay to win and the game went the shit down. Secondly, the backpacks are too many in the game. You can easily achieve a 30 slot hunting backpack, or the 35 slot backpack from places like Berezino, airstrip and airfields, the military bases and tents, and all those places around. Do you even know that a makeshift backpack will be implemented to the game (which can be made with rope and burlap)? do you know how much slots that backpack will have? much less than a Talon backpack of course but with all that easy to find backpacks (talon backpack for example) people wont even bother themselves to try to make some makeshift backpack at all... and M4... do you realize that this fuckin map is a Warsaw Pact region? that means Russian territory? M4 is not a Warsaw Pact issue weapon its more common to find in the NATO forces... the Game developers didn't explain at all, what the hell the NATO forces were doing in such area at all!!!! A weapon which should be ultra rare is like shit in every bodies hands right now.
  22. gingatsu

    What scenery can you shoot through ?

    easy we should ask dyslexci to do it since he seems to be able to do it with arma3 :D
  23. gingatsu

    Why all this "need hunting rifles not sniper rifles"?

    What I don't understand is why people still insist on American rifles on Warsaw Pact topology... This imaginary place is a place somewhere in Russia, or Russia related and Russian language speaking location... As I recall there is no place in the USA which has its whole region and city names called in Russian. Nor Chinese, or else. So what I don't understand is why people so terrifically insist on western made weapons..., yea this map comes from Arma 2 but in Arma2 NATO forces do fight with local army, so that is understandable. BUT this is DAY-Z... we still have the same map but it hasn't explained at all why the hell NATO forces were in this region? rescue operation? then the question is what happened to the local army? and so on... NATO issue weaponry should be less like hell in this map. But in contrary, Warsaw Pact or Russian issue Weaponry should be in abundance. which means, people should be able to find shotguns yes, but not western issue but rather Russian issue. They should be able to find Rifle's in game but not Western issue, instead Russian.Same goes for pistols, assault rifle's and so on... IF you will be able to find any NATO issue weapon, it should only be pistols, assault riffles, sub machine guns, and Sniper rifle's at most but not lever action rifle's, western issue rifle's or hunting rifle's and so on.... And by gods sake, someone tell to these developers that they should add some story to this game finally!!!
  24. gingatsu

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    This happens when you really play too much of the game... :D I hope people will be able to keep their sanity when the game is released finally. :D