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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. As of now, after a server start, the areas around spawns rapidly deterioriate in terms of loot and excitement, while the player herds move towards places that spawn guns. And unless that changes, ie there is loot respawn, every single respawn will mean repititive power walking for at least 3 km to get anywhere near high probability weapon loot
  2. alleycat

    The new .357 firing sound sucks

    It is ancient tradition in bohemia interactive to have the crappiest weapon sounds. It was true for all arma games.
  3. The current situation is that there is an expanding crater of pure void and no loot radiating from berezino. Like the zone in the stalker games, except instead of excitement you get 100% powerwalking
  4. alleycat

    The game needs nametags

    http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/721993905112026251/57572733F565E3DB76F1D04BFD8C8B51BBE4F820/ The game needs name tags. So that players can tell who they are talking to. It should show another player's name within 10m if you aim at the face, and if you are within 50m, depending on range, the name would appear garbled. (the above screenshot shows an example I coded for when I want to ID players in my TVT games in arma3) Like so within 10m Jimmy He looks tired (vague status indicators too) within 50m J**m** The name tag should also depend on condtions, like shorter range during night time, longer range if you look through a scope, and it should be blocked by players behind soft cover (bushes) and face covering items can mask it. It is absolutely necessary to be able to identify players you are interacting with so that not shooting on sighti s even possible and making friends becomes possible. For example if you are having social interacting with a player, that same player could run into you an hour later in balota and shoot you on sight because he has no way of telling who you are. GEEKTALK Code example of the above screenshot (this wont work if you simply copy and paste because it still needs define entries) if (isPlayer _caller) then {disableSerialization; 11000 cutRsc ["Cobra_NameTag", "PLAIN"];_display = uiNamespace getVariable "Cobra_NameTag_display";_ctrl_lol = _display displayCtrl 1040;_ctrl_callsign = _display displayCtrl 1041; while {!isNull _display} do //Loop as long as the resource is shown { _ent = cursortarget; //If alive, man, friendly if ((alive cursorTarget) && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man") && (side _caller == side cursorTarget)) then //isPlayer needed to prevent no unit error { if ((cursorTarget distance _caller) < 40) then { _ctrl_lol ctrlSetFont "PuristaLight"; _ctrl_lol ctrlSetText format["%2 %1", name cursorTarget, rank cursorTarget]; _ctrl_callsign ctrlSetFontHeight 0.06; _ctrl_callsign ctrlSetFont "PuristaMedium"; _ctrl_callsign ctrlSetText format["%1", _ent getvariable "callsign"]; }; }; //If it is not man if !(cursorTarget isKindOf "Man") then //isPlayer needed to prevent no unit error { _ctrl_lol ctrlSetText format["%1", ""]; _ctrl_callsign ctrlSetText format["%1", ""]; }; sleep 0.1; }; };The immersion fundamentalists (In real life you dont have....) should just stay away, because it is immersive to recognize a face in real life and ingame you need FAT COLORED text on YOUR SCREEN (gasp!) for it to work.
  5. alleycat

    The game needs nametags

    I see a lot of people have issues with reading comprehension. Me: "nametag within 10m if you look at their face in the lower right corner of screen + smooth faded for less obtrusion." Person that fails to comprehen what I wrote: "FUCK NO NO FLOATING NAMES ABOVE HEAD THAT ENABLE SPOTTING PEOPLE IN TREELINES ON HORIZON" Anyway, I think this suggestion is being considered. Look at the latest patch notes:
  6. alleycat

    The game needs nametags

    Read my nametag specifications in the first post then come back and apologize for what you wrote
  7. Can we get some info on and even if developers plan to reward non bandit gameplay at all? So far from reading and watching streams I only found these things: - Loot on a player getting damaged when he is shot - Adding blood on a player that recently interacted with corpses These are just esoterical things that will never stop anyone from killing another player on sight. Even people trying to be nice to others will turn bandit and everyoen will be a bandit then. - If you are helping another player that recently spawned that same guy will shoot you on sight when you meet him later because he has no way of recognizing you. - The streams are probably unintentionally misleading about the carebear gameplay in this game. You can see rocket wander in groups and people talking and being nice. Is that because no one of the closed test team would dare go bandit on a developer? Because that carebearing does not happen when someone has a gun. -Early in the mod the bandit system was dropped because of that weird idea of keeping the game "pure" of "gamey" concepts so it can be "this is your story". But my story is, shoot and kill on sight or regret it. And I dont see any developer comment on actually trying to adress that. Might aswell drop the carebear and social interaction content and invest development time in a few more guns. And the alpha fundamentalists (its alpha!) can skip their argument too, because in the mod there was the expectation of some incentive for carebearing, but that never materialized. The game needs: - Ways to identify a player, by looking at his face up close - A message showign you the name of who killed you - HARD TANGIBLE INCENTIVE to be good or bad. HARD numbers in a stat screen if need be. And that is still more immersive than going text adventure fundamentalist and pretending people will actually not shoot someone because that useless shirt he is wearing gets a bit damaged. As of now there is 0% consequence for killing on sight. And a lot of good reasons to do it instead of not doing it. There should be the possiblitiy for shooting on sight. But its merits outweigh the none existing disadvantages so hard that carebearing is not only irrelevant but highly irresponsible. What is the most important and rewarding thing in this game? Gathering better gear. And how do you get better gear? 1. Scavenge through buildings 2. Take it off player corpses Now which of these is the most convenient and rewarding way? It is 2. Because you can get a huge amount of useful loot in one package without the tedious searching. And since the guy wont ever be able to tell who killed him for that loot and the game has so many players, there is no bad consequences for it. Is rocket schizophrenic about this? They created features that are supposed to enhance carebearing yet every design decision so far is pointing at keeping it a pure deathmatch.
  8. Because they dropped even trying something in the mod. And all attempts have been esoteric. Look at the game now: Guns are much rarer in the last patches. And this only delays the problem because players have to find guns first but they will still shoot on sight. And rocket will be all like "naa lets maik the gaime about the pleya and his stoooory" (new zealand accent
  9. alleycat

    The game needs nametags

    ok you dummies let me explain this again. The human brain is great at recognizing faces. You will be able to recognize someone you talked to a few years earlier out of millions of different faces. And identifying a human face is possible without that person giving you permission, so if the name tag should be hidden, a face covering item should be required. It is technically not possible to add enough equipment variations or face generation features that can simulate real life as far as recognizing unique faces goes. There fore the only unique identifier we have is either STEAM ID or name. Thats it. We get name tags or there will never be meaningful player interaction, because why carebear if that same person you helped 20 mins ago can simply run around a corner, change clothes and shoot you without you ever knowing who it was.
  10. The devs basically went screw it on the bandit system because they did not refine the solution and simply dropped it. And now it appears dayz retail will be stuck in shoot on sight hell for ever
  11. alleycat

    The game needs nametags

    Teammates? Teammates dont matter shit, the game has to work even if you play it with complete strangers. So stacking up with your teammates on teamspeak and saying "hey kill on sight is not so bad" is like John McCain visiting iraq while being protected by 100 soldiers saying the situation is not so bad. Besides, I proved in my first post that nametags can be added and be reasonable, like, in the corner of the screen, with faded text, and only showing if you are close to someone.
  12. I actually run an nvidia gfx card on an AMD mainboard, does that make me weird?
  13. Posted Today, 07:28 AM Finally the reasonable people cavalry arrives. Where have you guys been all the time, leaving me alone to fight these cretinous savages that hate on HDR lighting. Posted Today, 07:01 AM Mos1ey, on 21 Dec 2013 - 12:01 AM, said: Exactly, Mosley should consider this a PAID FOR GAME Forum now and he cant just act like some average forum ass moderator. Also, the colors in BF4 are not oversaturated, the lighting in BF4 is basically the standard for realistic lighting in realtime games.
  14. Wanting to lose awesome HDR colors for a crude on screen colorblind mode indicator of health is as cretinous as it gets. And there is many other ways to indicate low health: Different animations, character stumbling around, STONE COLD HARD NUMBERS in an inventory display. All of these are better than ruining visual quality of the game. Also about skill and "being too stupid to keep health up". I get 25 fps in average sized small towns on a rig that is far above minimum settings and slightly above recommended settings. Then add in some load stutter and fighting a zombie with an axe is quickly degenerating to a dice game.
  15. All of you, you do not get it. I followed this guide on how to heal that effect: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Blood So I hate 1.5 bags of rice and drank 5 sodas. Eventually my color started coming back but, and this is the crowning achievement of stupidity among very stupid design flaws in this game: The blur was still there: If you look at the second video, it says that the player screen will still stay blurry even after the color has come back until full healed. This means even though I still had my color back, I am still stuck in out of focus land, probably for hours. And for those who lack the capacity to comprehend how bad it is: Being severly wounded shortly before the blur sets in is actually preferable over "healing" because the healing actually induces a blur effect. And I rather watch a grey screen and be able to navigate the world than have colors and not be able to see things in the distance. So if you are so gravely wounded that you are in blur state and then you need to endure blur for the entire healing procedure (which might never complete because you are still going to run around and eventually get attacked by zombies) Then you might as well skip the whole wounding mechanisms and simply kill the player after the blur sets in. Because a respawn with actual colors and clear vision is way more fun. CONSTANT OUT OF FOCUS = TIRING FOR YOUR EYES This is not about immersion or realism, this is idiotic abuse of pixel shader blur. If immersion in this game is about stumbling around with blurry vision than I rather have kill streaks and UAV drones. They are realistic too and at least their optical zoom can adjust the blur. Your opinion is so flawed and unimformed I am going to refer you to simply reading my posts again until you get it.
  16. Had to revive this topic because it is still not fixed and the problem is even worse now. On this screenshot you can see how the game world looks to my character after surviving 10 melee battles during which my character was hit 7 times. I instantly bandaged after the battles. As you can see not only the visual fidelity in colors is gone but also there is a constant out of focus pixel shader blur applied which is very tiring to watch. If the game punishes the player with unbearable loss of color and loss of visual focus after inevitable melee combat with wobbly melee combat system then there is clearly something wrong that should be adressed, as in, THROW OUT THE COLOR LOSS AND OUT OF FOCUS BLUR. YOU MIGHT AS WELL INSTANTLY KILL THE PLAYER AFTER SOME MELEE DAMAGE. I mean what is the point? My character in this state will be stuck in colorblind out of focus mode forever. And punishing players for taking damage by reducing the visual quality of the game is a design choice that is idiotic beyond comprehension. The game interface is literally in the sense of the word literally getting in the way of the player to make a point about "immersing the player". Just add a bar in the inventory stats that tells me how low the blood is instead of obsessing over "no hud" immersion so hard to the point that it different aspects of the GFX rendering are used against the player to punish him and the game itself by making it look crappy.
  17. alleycat

    The game needs nametags

    Your are worrying about something that does not matter. As I explained a few times, CALM the hell down and let go of the stupid idea that name tags are a distance spotting tool with intrusive names above player heads. The name tag I propose is in the lower right of the screen, with slightly faded text, it only shows on players on very close distance, and only if the player is in view without objects partially covering him. which again, is perfectly realistic, because in real life you will be able to recognize a familiar face among tens of thousands of people. Example: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/721993905112026251/57572733F565E3DB76F1D04BFD8C8B51BBE4F820/
  18. Night time is already being avoided. Because there is no even playing field, not because it is not fun. Many players would like to have that extra scary night time sneaking around, dodging zombies. However since you can gamma cheat if there is some ambient light, those who dont gamma cheat are at a massive disadvantage. And no, if there is no moon at all, visibility is very low in real life, and even worse with an overcast sky or when you are in a forest. Then it is so dark you wont see your own hand in front of you. My fix would work and it is the only way to equalize the brightness for all players. So its either that or lose all your gear to a gamma cheater. It is like in sports, if you dont enforce drug checking before competition, those who do take them will have the advantage.
  19. alleycat

    GAMMA Ruining nighttime gameplay

    Gamma locking does not work for technical reasons. You can not lock monitor or gfx card settings outside of the game. However I proposed a fix for night time: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155211-a-simple-and-effective-fix-for-night-time-gamma-cheating/
  20. Why does performance suck so hard? My old PC matched the minimum requirements almost to the letter (excepf for GF550Ti) and it was around 40fps in the forest, alone. 17fps in small towns. 8 fps in the largest towns. So I upgraded the PC 4x AMD 3600 GFti550 6GB RAM Now the fps sort of doubled to barely playable: 60fps in forests, 25 in small towns, 12-15 in largest towns. Knowing how bad performance sucks in this game in large towns, why do the developers even bother designing places like the new highrises when they clearly run shitty on hardware that is far above minimum and match recommended? It is alpha, but I highly doubt that part will improve, because in what arma game did the fps ever get better in a town. For comparison I get a straight 40fps on medium high settings in kavala alone in arma3. one weird thing: When I press escape and the menu appears, my fps jump +10.
  21. How did you get the night to look so colorful?
  22. alleycat

    The game needs nametags

    This should win the case for nametags: In real life, you will remember the face of a person you interacted with, even if only briefly. The human brain is good at recognizing faces. And not being able to do that in this game is a crime against the realism and immersiveness you immersion fundamentalists claim to defend (while you are willing to throw out large parts of game enhancing realism and immersion because there is a bar or letters on a screen.) And to recognize a player (face) there is only one solution, A NAMETAG subtly shown in the corner of the screen. In real life you could recognize the face but arma does not have that. Either rocket codes a system that generates a few million unique faces or we get nametags. There is nothing in between that makes sense and leaving it out completely means they drop the ball on social interaction in this game. (And no meeting over TS with your clan does not count) The next guy claiming this is unrealistic will have this pasted as a response.
  23. You took your screenshot at a time where moonlight was present. This means my fix still works and you simply confused a few things.