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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. That is a point, however what is the life expectancy of a player entering a dangerous town? You would be dead really quickly long before any health complications even set in. The whole survival part is sort of pointless because the only stuff that matters is to get a gun and then find someone to shoot it with
  2. Would you dummies mind NOT spiraling out of control and out of topic? I want to know if the developers intend to add any carebear support to the game. So stop arguing over the morality of shooting other players in a game that has guns as prized loot and only players to use them on
  3. There should be a safe zone that physically prevents players from being hostile. Like for example there could be a small area at the edge of the map that provides a safe place to meet people. Players could still be able to attack people leaving that place but at least there would be some non violent interaction. It would allow players to meet, form groups, trade. Obviously the immersion fundamentalists will hate on this because they hate everything but the advantages of such a place would outweigh concerns of it being too gamey. Because the current fundamentalist "no rules" skews the gameplay towards pure shoot on sight which is not realistic because in the real world people would have the need for socializing in the apocalypse or go insane (excepf for a few people that can survive alone)
  4. Warz has M4 rifles. Dayz has M4 rifles. Warz sucks, therefore dayz sucks as bad
  5. Current player spawns (remote far south east corner of the map) are too remote and boring. It takes 2-4km to the next large town. Before if players spawned near a large town there was at least excitement. Now it is just: 1. jam object next to W key to activate autorun 2. Run to next large town Survival is supposed to be not knowing how the next 10 minutes will be. But all its now is knowing exactly that nothing will happen because you have to run a straight line to next gun loot. And any other loot does not matter. The game should have far more guns right from the start and instead reduced other loot.
  6. I got more dayz and arma street cred than you will ever have, I can tell what area I am in on chernarus by seeing a screenshot looking at the sky directly. Besides a high post count is a sign of increased stupidity and mental health damage from exposure to internet. Not a sign of great dayz skill I am just that good. I just find it boring. Spawning in solnichny means jamming a coin near the W key and go have a drink for 5-10 minutes. Its like fast travel but slow.
  7. That is factually and empiricall not true. Other games have safezones, notably EVE. It actually has exactly that situation where you can feel safe in high sec space and trade but the second you fly to low sec it is the jungle. And the only reason that actually enforces it are sentry AI guns and space cops that shoot down offenders near jump gates. Proof that safezones do work
  8. How to suicide? My character fell off a roof and now he broke a leg and cant walk. Pressing respawn is greyed out. There should be an option to respawn for that. (alternatively, where can I request my character to be reset? I wont spend a few hours ingame time to crawl to the next zombie to fix teh situation)
  9. alleycat

    Broken leg, no respawn option

    Breaking a leg without the option to respawn if you are far away from any way to suicide is a flaw, it is not amazing survival gameplay, just tedious crawling for hours, not excitement, just crawling. And you fail to consider not everyone has too much free time to waste it on doing something tedious while playing the game He was actually being mean about it. But unlike him some players have real world jobs and things to do instead of using the time to waste on crawling around in dayz
  10. There are certain bugs and lack of responsiveness/punch for blunt melee weapons: BUG: -The actual range appears to be less than the weapon and the swing animation. It is very easy and responsive to hit a zombie with an axe but using the bat or crowbar at the same range does not appear to connect. -To overcome that range issue one has to keep moving towards the zombie, rubberbanding against it. Makes it feel you are trying to tackle a sumo wrestler -The swing sound plays instantly and is not synched to the animation -Head hits should be more lethal and body hits should at least knock down. (A crowbar to the head will likely smash a skull in or at least desorient the victim so much that it will get knocked down). In case you never held a real crowbar, they are not flimsy sticks like in the HL2 games but solid steel bars of considerable weight. -Impact sounds lack punch.
  11. The combat range for blunt melee weapons is bugged
  12. 1. I never played warz, I only heard from others that it is kind of bad. 2. Even if it is bad, having designated safezones even if the idea is poorly materialized does not mean the idea sucks.
  13. You just owned Blotto on the empirical evidence thing. yay the reasonable people cavalry arrived.
  14. Excuses? I am having fun shooting anything that crosses my path. Law of the jungle, you trip over my path and I got better guns = you dead. If you got better stuff, I run and hide. Also would you guys stop trying to call me stupid? I used the words extrapolation and emprical correctly. And I can mop your tushies in COD/RO2/LD42/DAYZ/ARMA3 anyways. Besides that I am a proud owner of most COD games and most DLCS. Trying to disqualify me from being a leet dayz player for that makes you look like idiots. After all dayz is like a round of COD, but you got to run 6km to find a gun and the respawn times suck. At least I get kill streaks for all the kills in COD pffff
  15. Real world analogy time: Do you know why people do violent murdering in civil wars and not in stable countries? Because civil order collapses, and people have guns and no fear of consequences. Thats it. So yes, having a safe zone with a strong authority to enforce it (which abstractly would be a physical barried to fire guns) would make people behave and interact while they would shoot on sight if that authority is not present. It is the same reason why kids do pranks when no one is looking or people speed on the highway when they think the cops are not watching
  16. I would need to record each encounter for that, however basic logic backs my argument and I think most players would agree on this: 0 incentive to risk your gear to have friendly chat every single reason to shoot on sight because you get loot and the guy you shot cant fight back And you can extrapolate from that that 99% of encounters will be hostile
  17. I have empirical evidence that 99% of my encounters were hostile. And this depends on your gear and location. Near airfields: No interaction, just people shooting Large towns: 99% shooting on sight small towns, new spawn area 80% hostile, because 20% dont have weapons yet I challenge you guys to gear up with the finest gear you can find then try to have a conversation in krasnostav, you wont even see the guy who is shooting at you.
  18. Logic fail loop 90% of players are not friendly because they got shot 100 million times when they first played ebcause the game fails to point out that you will get shot on sightall the time. It is advertised as "your story" implying you have these amazing survival choices like in a zombie movie or series. However what happens in actual zombie movies? Confused survivors holding on to what civilization they have, instantly meeting up and banding up with others, forming groups. And pyschopaths that use the breakdown as a way to do what they want is a miniority.I do not think there is even a single zombie movie or series where 90% of people are savages that attempt to kill anyone they find.
  19. And about friendly interaction being common: It is not. Get some empirical proof: 1. Gear up with expensive gear 2. Approach strangers The reason you have to gear up with good stuff is because its piss easy to just try approaching 5 armed guys if you just spawned, nothing to lose. But after collecting things for many hours or days? Try being nice then. Make a list of how many times you dont get attacked. And the PC Gamer and RPS articles are misleading. You can bet if you record all the time a game journalist plays dayz (alone!) most of the footage would be murder on sight. But the handpicked interesting footage makes it look like dayz is full of meaningful player socializing and Shoot on sight just being one of many choices, which is not the case. Because it is pure shoot on sight 99% for everyone unless they travel in large groups of players that know each other.
  20. 1. Dean only said the "anti-game" part, but he never said its not supposed to be fun. The guy who made up the quote is a special type of immersion fundamentalist, lets call him a masochist. He thinks just throwing random frustrations at the player makes it better ("I am frustrated! I am not having fun! That is what its supposed to be like!") Also slightly modifying a quote defeats quoting because quoting is supposed to quote exactly what someone said. 2. Player run safe zone is just a larger bandit ambush. And you get the same probability of the outcome as if you would encounter a group of armed players randomly. Let me break it down: 1. No bad consequences for shooting/robbing you 2. Firepower superiority 3. Larger group = 99% of getting murdered. Because that is what happens in real life too if you run into a group of people with guns after local police authority collapsed (Any civil war for example)
  21. Someone find the picard facepalm please About the suggestion of having safe-zones player run: (I could write an elaborate amount of words to explain why this is.. actually forget it Ill go with this: Player run safezone = van with free candy written on it Another important point that should sink any of the immersion fundamentalist arguments: Every survival/horror game needs contrast. Not color, but the contrast between safety and danger. Some examples Stalker World is full of danger and sudden death but there is small areas where you can be safe, fortified towns and the famous bar (what is the name again?). That feeling when you buy new guns, load up, make sure your weapon all have loaded magazines, then you head out into the dark void. L4D2 Instead of constantly being attacked the game gives you breathing room to feel safe for a bit. Dead Space These short safe moments when you find a locked supply room and you can rest for a minute buying stuff. And TV shows: Walking Dead Most zombie movies (romero classics and new ones) They all have the concept of danger and safety contrast.
  22. I think some people dont get my point here. I am not complaining about the whole shoot on sight thing and the constant danger. Because I do it myself all the time, sneak up on less well armed players and shoot them. I am just bored of having no other option to play this game. Besides it is not "deans vision" for it to be like this. He just dropped the ball on trying to add a proper bandit system. In the mod they tried it, but probably ran into issues and decided to completely drop it for whatever reason. Looks like a 100% pragmatic decision (I would say cheap cop out but I dont want to be too negative as other parts of the game work nicely). The whole game design is trying way too much to keep it "real" as in, everything player driven and no rules. But no rules will always favor pure shoot on sight. The game fails to simulate the negative effects of shooting everyone you see. Expecting any form of non violent interaction to develop is like expecting people not to shoot you in a game of Counter-Strike Another issue is the immersion fundamentalists whose mindset is: Keep as much information obscured from the player as possible and just pile random frustrations on the player without any regard on wether they make sense realistically. You can see that in: - FIrst attempt of immersing players by constantly slapping "I AM THIRSTY" on screen because heavens forbid a simple number based indicator in the inventory is ruining the game (it is still all numbers but you just dont see them) - pure hate about anything that would immerse the player more just because it adds numbers or letters on the hud (nametags) - screen color degradation, a crime against good visuals, just to immerse the player into telling him he is wounded (toss out all the awesome hdr and colors instead of a simple HEALTH: 100% in the inventory screen) awesome trade-off, immersion fundamentalists Also lets look at EVE. It has some awesome clan interaction, trading, spying, combat, pirates. Imagine removing the high sec safeguards against shoot on sight. All of the clan stuff, piracy and trading would instantly disappear
  23. alleycat

    Broken leg, no respawn option

    Not going to waste precious gaming time crawling for hours
  24. Also for the guys who think they are bohemian artists that are too leet to play warz or mmo games: The same things that make DAYZ so fun have been established in the mmo games you hate so much. Loot gathering and player progression were first tested for mass appeal in the most commercial as fk mainstream games funded by evil large companies who sell dlc for puppy corpses. (I play all COD games and bought most of the dlc so suck it) Dayz is as much "loot pornography" as diablo is.
  25. 1. Camping outside a safezone is not a bad thing. EVE has pirates camping the jumpgates to highsec space. It is a major part of gameplay getting past pirates. 2. Right now there are already camp fests. And its called "ALL of chernarus, especially where many players pass through"