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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. Why do you describe only these 2 scenarios: 1. Get stuff rushed early and buggy 2. get stuff delayed but bug free How about: 3. Get stuff bug free done earlier? I think people are giving indie/half indie developers too much slack for delaying things all the time, while a tiny issue on a large game like BF4 gets blown up to soem conspiracy that EA/Acti is holding political prisoners and stealing player money against their will with DLC they are hypnotically forced to buy at gunpoint. DAYZ is a game that moved 1.5+ million units and yes some of the players are unhappy with the current state where all teh wrong features that they might not care about get too much focus. So yeah, how about the rush getting a lot of zombies into the game and do it clean while rushing so it works too? In physics, power is work divided by time. Instead we get the average fanboi on the one side chanting "WE ARE UNWORTHY" while on the other side anyone complaining about getting some interesting stuff ingame early is being shouted at as "entitled" because heavens forbid he might have a negative opinion on the game in the current state. DAYZ has currently a few massive gaping issues, one of them being lack of PVE (zombies) and the way rocket talks about it it sounds like something that they would like to fix and that it might work some time the future. And the average player who would like to have some PVE is excited waiting for new patches which then get delayed and when they come we get canvas pants, various torturing items and deeper medical gameplay which does not matter because you dont need a defib when a mosin rifle shot shoots you anyway.
  2. well if the devs could spell out in clear sentences what was happening players would not be confused. so are we getting a patch today or not? And moderators telling people to calm down is irritating considering the confusion could be avoided if the developers were talking clearly
  3. I think the development is going a bit slow, at least from a player's perspective. It takes weeks for a new patch and we only get tiny changes while real hard massive gameplay additions are announced for some time later. Example: Permanent storage would be the first thing since it went retail that really makes a difference because it adds a new gameplay layer, you can hoard stuff and hide it. Meanwhile guns and clothes trickle in at a superslow rate. And a lot of features do not even apply for the average lone player (torturing tools, medical system)
  4. Color degradation from blood loss has to go Here is why. As you noticed probably, the game HDR lighting looks far better than regular arma2, colors are more vibrant, no desaturation. However after getting wounded, the colors start to fade to near monochrome. And this is really bad. It basically throws visual fidelity out of the window for a bit of "immersion". But losing the colors in a game where you spend at least 50% of your time being wounded and where you do extensive amounts of jogging through the landscape, the last thing the game should do is trade amazing vibrant colors for a less HUD intensive display of your blood level. I rather have a bar or number ion the corner of my screen or in inventory than losing all the colors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 14.1.2014 FROM PAGE 3 Summarizes why color degradation sucks even more compactly
  5. experimental was updated? when?
  6. Melee combat is wobbly as hell, that is where the 50% time wounded is coming from. Of course if you camp a firestation in elektro while sitting on a hill not moving for hours you wont experience that. And you could also avoid getting hurt at all, but that involves not going near populated towns. You will be 100% healthy, no other players. But if I want to just run through the forests on my own for hours I can do that in arma2 single player, at least I can accelerate time in that
  7. alleycat

    When will the new update arrive today?

    I think experimental will come today. There is a tweet
  8. alleycat

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    I think rocket got into an argument and got fired. (not taking either side here, that is just how it looks to me) perhaps we get nametags now that he will leave.
  9. I would like to see things that make wandering around alone more fun
  10. Point is I am going to argue for whatever I find most important to add, there is nothing you can do to stop it so you might as well just argue your own favorite features or go to another topic
  11. The topic is about what should be next, so just keep the "how dare you" out of it. I am entitled to argue about it, I paid 23€ for the right, so suck it. Damn feels nice to use the word entitlement entitlemententitlemententitlemententitlemententitlemententitlement
  12. Actually I am a priority along with everyone else who bought it. My opinion is 1/1000000. out of the rest, and perhaps a lot of others want tents over defibrlillators. Because a tent is a feature everyone can make direct use of. Defibrillators are highly specialized items that only can be used in very rare situations. Also early access is not a gift from the heavens that we should be thankful for. It is a simple transaction. The developers make a bet on a product they are developing and are asking for early funding. If I like something in the game it is great, I am having fun, the developers got paid, everyone is happy. If I dont like something I complain and if many others dotn like it too they also complain and a complaint gets traction and the developers notice it. So yes they are required to "pander" to me (memeemmeme!) and the other customers.* *I am 100% sure the developers goal is to make the customers happy, I just have to explain this whole thign a bit so the entitlement moral nazis stop running around attacking everyone who complains about something while chanting WE ARE UNWORTHY in chorus
  13. Yes I am entitled to ask for features I find the most interesting. MEMEMEEMEMEMEME To be more specific I bought 23€ worth of entitlement to: -complain about stuff I dont like -suggest/demand what I want the most out of the game. Just like anyone else has who bought the game. So stop making this into some big charity event where everyone has to agree and be thankful all the time. I am one of probably a million customers who all want something specific, and everyone who voices what the want gives the developers a clear image of what the customer base wants. And that is more supportive to a game s development than instutuating a fanboi cult that treats everyone that has a complaint as a heretic. Besides a an early access alpha is a hamster wheel the developer is stuck in (with a lot of money). Once an early access alpha starts you got to balance features that take a long time with adding quick things to keep players entertained. Such is life in the zone (hamsterwheel)
  14. You dont get my point. I dont want model artists to start coding, I want coders to code tents and not 10 firemodes on a defibrillator and difference pixel shader effects for drinking desinfectant becuase these are thingst hat basically never are used ingame while players liking to have a stash for loot is something everyone wants.
  15. It works like this: Keep early access customers entertained. Thats it.
  16. Actually GEEEEF is the right attitude to have. Some player here have this masochistic/asketic concept that we are not supposed to have fun in (a paid) alpha (that moved more than a million copies). For me, gameplay is like this: 1. I do not play with a clan. 2. When I spawn I avoid others until I find a gun 3. When I found a gun I start chasing other players. So in my playstyle i have no use for an expanded medical system, extra torture tools or payday masks. I want more loot, more different places to loot and more guns. And loot specific features, like tents. I might be leaning far out but I assume that it is like that for most players, because most encounters with others end it combat if you are not in a group already. Therefore any patch that lists stuff that does not add more features to my style of playing is boring for me. It is frustrating to wait for a new patch and then have to squeeze some fun out of the new features because you need to carefully go through it to find something that -adds something new for me as a player -you actually notice when playing rocket talking about this and that deep under the surface that will make something awesome far later in time is just filler material for me. It is nice for people who enjoy reading about the development process but I would like more hard tangible gameplay stuff because I dont care much about the stuff I cant experience as a player
  17. Well the whole "wait for the good stuff later, in the meantine take these canvas pants" is frustrating a bit. Also canvas pants are a crime against humanity and fasion sense, so there is that
  18. Villages should have some specialized loot that is only found in them and not in towns. Examples: -Old modest looking clothes (the things some of the zombies wear, pull overs, leather jackets). Players can then go to these villages if they look for finding clothes fitting a specfic fashion.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/z141yji.jpg Stop telling me that I am wet, hungry, thirsty, sick. Make it toggleable. I want all these status indicators in my inventory screen. Not on screen. The "damp" condition on items was ingame for some time now, and I noticed it like this: Waded through water and wondered if that would affect my stuff, so I pressed tab and mouse over on clothes showed DAMP. See what I am getting at? My amazing cat mind was able to figure out WALK THROUGH WATER >>> MAKES CLOTHES WET I dont need a stupid text message telling me if it happens.
  20. Just played experimental for a bit, the status messages are spamming all the time. Theey should add a small discrete icon in the lower right like in the mod, which should show if you are getting wet, because in some areas (under trees) you cant really tell exactly.
  21. How will bad weather affect players? what ever you add do not abuse the pixel shaders again for some stupid immersion that A. desaturates colors B. makes everything out of focus blurry, making it very tiring for eyes. Sicknesses ingame should be immersive but not to the point where they get in the way of being able to see things or not ruining your eyesight. So I would go for sneezing sounds, or slower run speed.
  22. That is a good plan but with all good plans they go to hell when you go into the firestation tower in elektro
  23. alleycat

    Shouldn't the #1 priority be mods ?

    gibonez what you dont understand is that most mods suck, or at least are far below commercial product quality. All Dayz based mods only added superficial easy to add features, like basebuilding (which is very easy). The really hard stuff, coding sql connected persistent inventory BEFORE ANYONE ELSE did it, or mocapping your own zombie animations and coding it, that was all rockets work. These dayz clone mods basically just folded a paper hat and put it on a marble statue that rocket crafted and then present themselves like leet modders that "improved the vanilla dayz". Same for retail dayz, look at the amazing inventory system, a few thousand high end clothing and item models and an updated chernarus map. (If you had any idea how bad the official workflow for making terrains or models sucks in arma games you would dissolve into dust out of shame on how some people can bear to work with it without going mental). Obviously some amateur modders will hack in a texture replacement and claim they can add "new content faster than dayz devs"
  24. alleycat

    Loot temples (irradiated zones)

    The game should have loot temples. Now what is a loot temple? A place that has amazing super-loot but is environmentally so hostile you need a lot of gear to get in. For example: Radioactive zones Places that are so irradiated you need a radiation protection suit to access it. It would provde high end loot areas that are closed off to less geared players