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Everything posted by Danny0112

  1. Name: Danny Age: 20 TeamSpeak Name: Dt Danny Mic?: yes Why do you want to join?: i want to play some dayz with a group of people Experience in game 1-10(Don't lie because we will find out ;)): 8 Timezone: eutz but i play in all tz Bio: Nothing really to know :) In game Name: Dt Danny How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? about 2 years How often do you play a week? everyday Any questions about the clan? How active and organised are you What can you bring to the clan? a loyal member Skype name(We may use this to contact you about joining):? please pm me for this What other games are you currently playing? Eve online and arma 2 Favorite flavor milkshake? strawberry Are you willing to play new games with us? yes if the game intrests me What times do you usually play? depends what time i get up
  2. Questions:1. do you have a mic and be on teamspeak while playing dayz?2. how long have you played dayz for?​3. how often are you available to play dayz? depends on the day but around 4 hours maybe more4. are you a good navigator/driver/pilot? im a good pilot 5. are you dedicated to 905? i will be if i make the grade6. what do you think you can bring to the clan by having us recruit you? a reliable team player and a support to the team7. have you been in any other clans? Not played with any other clans 20 years old
  3. 1] Nickname: Dt Danny 2] Region(Country): uk 3] Are you willing to be active: yes, im on for a wide range of tz most ustz 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: yes :) 5] Steam name: Danny0174 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: about 2 years 7] How many Clans have you been In: 0, but im a team player and would like to be in a active clan 8] Previous experience: was a military cadet know how to work in a team to accomplish an objective and a great arma pilot 9] How many bandits have you killed: 1 10] Are you willing to help other players: yes i like to play a hero thats why i have hardly any bandit kills