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Everything posted by cadeudo

  1. cadeudo

    What do think about the game so far ?!

    ive like the new buildings ,and the posibilty u have and crafting system can be great . That ive most enjoy is exploring atm and try so see new thing on the map . dont like the long walks...
  2. cadeudo

    Push to talk? or not...

    Some ppl i dont know ,its a bug tho i think . Ive hear some one talk all the time , just becuse he have mic activation. Curse u guys that have that! for god sake pls turn it off.
  3. cadeudo

    Push to talk? or not...

    lol , u totaly took my point :)
  4. cadeudo

    Push to talk? or not...

    yeah , my bad dident look for it either tho:S but God why do some ppl have a bussing sound when they speak? is is becuse of bad mic or Voice activastion?
  5. cadeudo

    Push to talk? or not...

    P and u can mute i guesses, but have to mute all tho. or go throu the list
  6. cadeudo

    Dayz Norge - Norwegian server & community

    Nice one , will check it out :) heia norge
  7. nice one , to bad i have posted some of the same post that u had... its my fault not finding urs before posting tho :)
  8. cadeudo


  9. Hi there , i play in the evning/night and i would like to see some coulers and the day for once . I like that its day/night tho ,want to see day for once:P
  10. cadeudo

    SO! any EU Only daytime?

    yeah , finnaly last night ! i found one server whit light! :) to bad my ping is 200+ . But i guesses they can fix some sort of filter whit daylight options or some sort u can see before u join evt. :) like in the mod
  11. cadeudo

    Daylight server/s

    same issue here ,dont get to play the game . Just want colers...
  12. Hi there , we are from Injectiongaming.com WE are an Skandanavian clan . and we are streaming atm :) Feel free to take a look or not :P http://www.twitch.tv/cadeudo