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About Nomac55

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. yay but maybe they got loose from a farm after the apocalypse , lol
  2. Nomac55

    Thank you Dean !

  3. Nomac55


    LOL I love random street fights to get my mood up after a fresh spawn. :beans: :thumbsup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeQUnAMitkM&feature=youtu.be
  4. Nomac55

    How the alpha could be MUCH BETTER

    lol Yeah i mean i got tons a friends who have semi fire assault rifles and handguns now that i think about it they should be in houses for sure and especially ones near the military bases lol.
  5. Nomac55

    Mosin 9130

    you dont loose second gun its in the inv screen just drag it back in your hands and yeah the school top floor has them alot.
  6. Nomac55

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    What about unconscious bug there is no timer and sometimes you never get back up it seems? Will this be fixed because I was just logged in and out until I got back up, now that will kill me?
  7. Nomac55

    Nighttime and metagaming

    I agree i think night time is fine. also if you have trouble seeing chk out the tips and fixes and turn up clouds to very high this makes is easy to get around at night even without a Flash light on, night is one of the best parts of the game IMO