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Everything posted by foxyy

  1. foxyy

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    SA58P is virtually the same as SA58V and was removed in preparation for the SA58's future inclusion in the new attachment system. G36A was removed but we chose to instead add it back in while removing the suppressor attachment from it.
  2. foxyy

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    Search Steam for Dayz or use the links here. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224484-dayz-mod-185/
  3. foxyy

    Old UI

    The problems i see with placing the carry slot weapon on the ground, is 1. that it will disappear much sooner than the body itself, and 2. having the weapon holder and body right on top of each other often makes accessing the desired one needlessly tricky. Also as i'm sure you're aware, in version 1.8 the carry slot weapon was placed on the body, so there's no technical problem there. When going from standing to crouched or prone and trying to open gear during that animation the animation is reset.
  4. foxyy

    Old UI

    The problems i have related to the gear system are the animation reset when opening gear and the fact that the carrying slot weapon is placed on the ground upon death. Both of these problems were absent in previous versions which still had the new gear system. So i'm wondering, what is the reasoning behind the carrying slot weapon being placed on the ground instead of the player gear, and if the animation reset problem is being worked on at all?
  5. foxyy

    Sniper Rifles

    If you want to be like Simo Häyhä you'll lose the scope. He only used iron sights. ;)
  6. foxyy

    Sniper Rifles

    It warms my heart to know that you will never get to fire an anti-materiel rifle in DayZ. Edit: Personally, i'd eventually like the "best" sniper rifle in the game to be some sort of modern civilian/hunting rifle with a PSO scope fitted.
  7. foxyy

    How do i become healthy?

    I think vitamins play a part in being healthy. Me and my friend were both eating and drinking plenty all day. We only noticed being healthy a bit after splitting a ~40% bottle of vitamins. So eating a lot of fruit and/or vitamins might help.
  8. foxyy


    Since last night i have not received any messages regarding thirst or hunger. Drinking or eating only gives me messages such as "You take a swig from the canteen." and no green "Your thirst has been quenched", no matter how many times i drink.