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Everything posted by akaeliss

  1. akaeliss

    Post Your Gear So Far

    148h alive. How badass my char is :)
  2. akaeliss


    Hi guys, i'm here bcz i'de like to ask if some of u have the same problem as me. I play on a 2 years old asus g 53 sx (i5/gtx 560m) it's not a beast but i can play any other game with good frames thx to my low resolution 1366x7.. Dayz run between 20 to 45 fps atm on my rigs, with an average of medium settings..that's fine..BUT my games keep crashing (nvidia driver isn't answering, or game freez when i join server) and my computer is fuckin overheating. The problem is, that it's overheating ONLY on this game (made a repast and cleaned it often so..). I dont know why, any of u have the same experience? I realy need help on this ;)
  3. akaeliss


    So , if i guess right, the only way to play dayz for me...is to buy a new computer?
  4. akaeliss


    I used to play the mod, arma 3 altis life or breaking point without any problem..
  5. akaeliss


    any words from the dev? :blush:
  6. akaeliss

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    gtx 560M. Same issue, everytime, unplayable for me...
  7. akaeliss


    It's not the point, i was just asking why, dayz is the ONLY game that push my computer in hell. Even with everything on very low and 83% resolution it stills overheats my computer...
  8. akaeliss


    Easy to say, i have to move a lot so...didn't realy have a choice.
  9. akaeliss


  10. akaeliss


    Just tested temp, on arma 2 with high settings it's more or less 60° max on the cpu and gpu, on dayz it goes up to 80..
  11. akaeliss


    I will run a temp test later, and report it here.
  12. akaeliss


    If only it was dust...
  13. akaeliss


    The g 53sx is a gaming laptop, and i run dayz on the gaming mode ( the two fan are 100% on), and i'm even using a cooler..It has been clean and repast by myself and by my brother who is working for clevo. The computer is on a perfect condition.. I play to dota 2 (max settings) arma 2, coh2 (at low settings ^^) crysis 1/2/3; bf3, ac 4,the witcher 2, TESO etc without having any heat issue..but as soon as i launch dayz, it's hell under the keyboard.
  14. akaeliss

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Hard time to find stanag? ^^
  15. akaeliss

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    45 minutes of dayz. Just be smart, and dont try to loot the coast .