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Kashimus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Kashimus (DayZ)

  1. Kashimus (DayZ)

    Friendly survivor system (hard-coded 'friendliness')

    i would mix this frinedship thing with few things if you aim your cursor on that person itt will show his name to help indetify your "buddy" like in early dayz version (survivor)Dave , for an unknown/not friendly man itwill show only the 8survivor)unknown/not friendly , and there should be a few leveles of friendship/trust for example the first is the name tag, second is name tag over his/her character in close range, third you could check his /her condition (food,thirst,blood level like the pulse, and a text should say xy is not thirsty, xyz is very thirsty...etc ) fourth pointing your cursor on him/her it should show the status of the character like it show's now 30m(survivor)Jane, under it the status icons (food,thirst,blood level,temperatur) fifth you could check his/her debug monitor for blood level,like the indicator pointing your cursor on him/her six you could see her/him like a squad mate in the green square for 50 meter range, or for the direct communication range (like in the game ), for this both players have to set each other to the same trust level, for the higher trust level there would be conditions, you have to play with him/her 4 hours in reallife time, or help him bandage,give him blood,play in cooperation, then you could add him/her to your buddy list and level it up between each other,both players have to confirm the changes on levelling up/lowering the status, the levels may vary and the conditions i just wanna know what do you think about it , this will not block the friendly fire, back stabbing thing, it will help friendly players indetify "buddys", edit1:sorry english is not my native language
  2. Kashimus (DayZ)

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    And what about disabling the radar function in heli ,if its possible, and make it a repairable thing like the (engine,etc)and making a new object for it for example radar computer parts, and make them rare as hell? And could be used without the radar.