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Everything posted by JohnPower

  1. JohnPower

    The Mystery Lake at Grozovoy Pass

    While I've got a bit bored waiting for my mates, I've decided to head for some NW locations. On my way to Grozovoy Pass I stumbled about a place which looked like a lake on the map to me... But the freaking hell, I was a bit surprised when I arrived there. No lake. Just a hole. What is it? Has the lake been gone to nowhere? Is it an military experimental ground? An old, abandoned area where they tried to find a solution for the increasing zombie problem? There are so many ways into nowhere from here... And why the ground was changing it's colours when I walked though it? Was there a new weapon tested? Or is it camouflage to hide from the zombies? So many questions and not a single answer has been given. I rested there for a few minutes, noticing nothing but the humming birds and buzzing bees... way too normal for such a strange place. I've decided to leave the spooky mystery and head on to Grozovoy Pass, hoping that I don't die out there...
  2. JohnPower

    The new North

  3. JohnPower

    Merry Christmas

    Yo Merry Christmas to all of you! Love to the Zombies, hey.
  4. Yep, found one in Electo aswell. Looks like they have no function. But maybe I was just too stupid to figure out how they work :P
  5. JohnPower

    Anyone broken a limb yet?

    Broke my legs already twice. Was falling out of a deer stand once and the other time while falling off a roof. So it's definetly possible.
  6. JohnPower

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Checking other Steam games' forums, everywhere the same. Congrats, Steam! :)