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Everything posted by fratetrane

  1. So I have limited playtime with the dayz mod and have been watching some streams of SA. First question: When spawning do you see the name of the town you spawn in so you get a idea of where you're at? (didnt seem like it from a stream I was watching but didnt pay much notice) Second: I have heard someone mention that rocket may implement spawning with friends if you're both dead at the time of spawning (obviously). Any truth to this or just rumor?
  2. My navigating skills are absolutly Horrible irl as it is in this game and I was really relying on the name at spawn. I have no idea how I am supposed to convince friends to give this a shot when I know I wont be able to find them and they wont be able to find me. Unless the spawn close to cherno/elektro. Im hoping the spawning with friends shows up before the prize get raised I guess.
  3. Thanks for response. Makes it harder to get friend to start playing it since I have no idea where anyones at and I cant help them find me :( 2: But there has at least been talk about it?