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Everything posted by agentneo

  1. agentneo

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    quarter 4 what do you mean we still don't have half the things from quarter2 ?!those time scales are missed by miles
  2. agentneo

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    Exploring, looting, chilling killing zombies. I find that fun. I'm probably going to have to wait for private servers to get the kind of PVE difficulty that is neccesary, but I can't be arsed to play on full servers with the community this bad. Gone back to the Mods' (vanilla and some epoch pve) until pathfinding and persistant items are done.
  3. agentneo

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    I have to disagree, my characters priorities are always a lantern and gas canisters (these light up about 100mtr diameter in bright yellow light). Headtorch, and my FNX with pistol light. I love playing at night and the atmosphere and great lighting effects are immersive.
  4. agentneo

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    I thought we already have accelerated time some servers say an X next to the time which means their edited. On topic, i think 2 hours is way way to frequent for restart,. 4 hrs is tollerable but still annoying, it is game breaking and immersion ruined for me having to stop every 2 hours. Especially in the mod its a pain constantly landing vechicles etc standalone not so bad but it breaks up the possible contacts etc
  5. agentneo

    Possible Server crash with Large gatherings

    It wasn't even the entire server it was like 10-15 people and the server was empty apart from us. The server crashed with only a couple of items on the floor. The point is 10-20 people could easily be fighting over one area such as an airfield, especially if 100 person servers are pushed. And what's to stop 3 clan having 10 members each and all fighting over an area? This is absolutely nothing to do with Call of Duty. This is highlighting how bad the engine is that the whole server crashes if a large group meet up, pretty much what the game is supposed to be designed for (free-roaming, do what you want). As usual no response from a developer about this. Good luck barricading a big base with a big team if this is what happens!
  6. agentneo

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Draw distance is in the cfg, default to 3000m, like i have said before on arma forums etc. u only need about 1800-2000 for infantry. I use that on all my Armas and Day Z and only use 3000+ when flying Heli. Moving down to 2000m helps performance a lot
  7. Did the navmesh get patched into experimental today or not? Because I seen the quote from Rocket but i assume there would be more rejoicing if anythign was actually changed and it seems quiet
  8. is it been added today or not? i seen the rumour
  9. agentneo

    Rule # 2 Double Tap Overpoch

    yeah we noticed this as well. there are also some issues with barracks they are spawning farm yard loot and also didn't see any dynamic missions popping up only a couple of stationary missions without timers. hope it gets sorted Cheers
  10. Hi yes i know what you mean that is part of my request. the current system doesn't allow you to vault if the fence is over waist height. I suggest the max height be abut 8ft tall, but you would need a sprinting run up for something over 6ft. For waist high, that should just improve the vault system so it can handle anything from ground level to 6ft, and anything over that you would need a run up. As for hot bar that is a general Lag feature of the engine that is apparantly been improved in experimental and with the new engine what nots.
  11. I would like to see a complete re work of character movement and improved agility -Ability to climb and pull self up onto any wall >8ft (run and jump push onto walls higher than 6ft) -Ability to drop and roll to reduce fall damage -Dodge mechanic to be able to do a 'commando roll' Pretty similar to basic GTA commands. Would be useful...
  12. agentneo

    Afraid to go on

    yes this is a tough predicament and indeed i feel the more i become geared up, the more pressure and tense gameplay becomes..You just have to accept the fact you might loose all your gear at any time. i usually just play on servers with not many people on and try to keep hidden as i move around. good luck
  13. was talking to Loocifer about it in this thread as he gave me some tips. and when you told me it was 'fixed' you never answered my questions about the details, so I don't know. Do zombies still attack while running. Do zombies do the hit animation if they attack while running. Do they still run faster than me. None of that was answered, the only difference in the notes is 'zombie hit range reduced from 3.6 to 3.2) assuming that means metres, then I won't know if the other issues are fixed. Just saying 'its fixed' didnt let me know the things i was wondering about. Cheers anyway
  14. agentneo

    mobility and saving

    I think they gave a general aim of hitting 'beta' by december. So will hopefully be sometime in the next 6 months
  15. yeah I like that and appreciate a more PVE focused game. I actually only play on low pop servers and try to avoid conflict. Anyway I find it a bit akward how the zombies can hit whilst running, giving the player no way to escape or defend themselfs if unarmed. the zombies can run faster than me, and hit while running without doing the hit animation, i just seem to loose health when they near me. So i think zombies should either be the same speed as me (not faster like now) or not be able to hit while running. but it is much better than before thats for sure so im not moaning just saying how i feel they are currently.
  16. agentneo

    when are pistol silencers going to work

    Thats why i said please use it, it was a plea not an order . most of the time I have to go to dev tracker and then over to Reddit because people simply won't answer here, if they do its once in a blue moon, i was shocked to even see a reply for once. Im sorry you think Im a bit harsh but most people I know have simply given up playing at this point because things are taking their time and its hard to decipher from all the various social media sites when exactly any updates will be released to make the alpha playable.
  17. agentneo

    Rule # 2 Double Tap Overpoch

    All good i am going to set up on the chernarus map and will probably have a couple of friends playing now and then. cheers
  18. agentneo

    Question on Nvdia Gforce gamers

    I have geforce experience installed., but i don't automatically optimise, I do all mine manually. The auto-optimiser seems to put things wildly too high or too low for my system. However I'm not going to un-install it, it's very useful when new Nvidia drivers come out it let's me know as I wouldn't usually find out
  19. agentneo

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    not everyone is a bandit. But Day Z community is some of the worst gamers I have ever seen in many years gaming. I think due to the harsh and unforgiving nature of the game, and popularity of stupid 'bandit' players on youtube. Plus the COD kids and culture of bad spoilt gamers coming up, we are at the peak of internet stupidity and trolls are everywhere! I hope at some point true bullet noises will attract zombies from a large distance to the shooter, and difficulty needs to go up considerbaly. If you have played Left 4 Dead 2 on Expert or Realism Expert we need about that much difficulty, in order to encourage PVP. With the environment and zombies currently its more around 'easy setting' for any other horror game. Its a walk in the park. If the difficulty doesn't get hard enough, we will always be stuck in this situation with trolls and low attention span children looking for their quick kill fix. From what I have heard from Rocket and others, they are trying to make it more challenging, but it doesn't sound nearly enough! The game needs to be a literal nightmare of death, blood and zombies for any of these people to even consider not killing on sight.
  20. agentneo

    Question on Nvdia Gforce gamers

    Hi mate, GTX 660 GeForce 337.88 Driver . I only crash when I exit the entire game.
  21. agentneo

    when are pistol silencers going to work

    True. This is probably the first thread I've seen you developer actually reply to a human on the official forum. Usually, its twitter, reddit, or some other form of social media that half the people here don't visit. Yes this is official DayZ forum- Please use it. thanks
  22. agentneo

    Do you want moderation of the mods on DayZ?

    Please remember there is a good portion of players that need fully open choices of moderation in order to make a hardcore survival server with increased PVE challenge. Not everyone wants to build the vehicle deathmatch servers your all so worried about. Don't like them, Don't join em. Simple. Or are you all worried you won't have enough bambi meat to troll on your vanilla PVP bullsh*t server?
  23. agentneo

    Never Trust a Server Admin

    I would prefer a few official servers where I know I won't be kicked by a Admin. Surely there is funds for this, with 2 million copies sold! I find this extortionate to sell us a game and then force us to buy servers to play the game. I guess this is the norm for PC gaming.
  24. agentneo

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    game still crashes on Exit (nvidia 660, i5 4670k, win7 64bit) Controller and joystick support still broken (not in devices) Loosing random items from backpack on Joining servers (seems to happen when carrying a sawn off, lost a yellow box, green ammo box, and first aid kit on seperate logins)
  25. agentneo

    Never Trust a Server Admin

    Maybe BI should start offering some stable servers, seeing as we all paid to play yet it seems people with more money can essentially pay to win here- buy their own server, and kick people who join. Its happening constantly