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Everything posted by agentneo

  1. I dont think it is a 'terrible' idea No, not at all..... just an exploit that spoils some of the experience. By no means game breaking and still I enjoy third person mode despite those problems..Its a game..it doesnt have to be super realistic and no exploits all the time and fair whatever the situation..I like third person view, its improvable, as described could have camera closer, 4th wall just looks immersion breaking and ruins the scene in my opinion...whatever you are entitled to your opinions and i will enjoy both regular/hardcore...
  2. No i said it doesn't make a difference , did you read what I wrote? In fist person mode you would also have the advantage as you could poke your gun just slightly over the corner without revealing your whole body, the guy on the ground already is exposed. Now you are saying a different thing, and i see what you mean, but i stand by my point which you misunderstood. In that situation, it doesn't make much difference, the guy on the roof has a massive advantage in first / third view and there isn't a big difference in that particular situation
  3. agentneo

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    because so many people dupers, hackers, using inventory inception (backpacks inside another) this can cause lag/desync for everyone... so it would put everyone clean, people would have to loot again...Helps to keep the game balanced when things have been removed or changed and people still have their stash..So seems like its needed at this stage
  4. That doesn't dispel anything...The guy on the roof always has advantage , whether he's in first person or third person, he has the height advantage (enabling him to poke his weapon over the edge) where as the guy on the ground has full body revealed, now whether that situation was in 1st or 3rd, it wouldnt make much difference.
  5. this is true they could put the camera a bit closer like Gears of War/ Res Evil 4 and the view exploits would reduce massively, also disable zoom out for infantry...
  6. Yes it does increase the field of view greatly. switch between first/third and you will see more to the side/pheripheral sides/behind of your character., How many of you 'hardcore' players are using FOV slider to gain zoom and sh*t? How many of you are inception inventory? Because i never do either FOV Sliding to gain scope, or inception inventory.. There are worse exploits than a view change
  7. well dont say its so unrealistic then, because looking over a wall like that is realistic. The second point works both ways so is moot.-there is no advantage to a third person view, if everyone in the server has access to it.
  8. agentneo

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I agree theres too many hoarders and questionable inventories i think they should do regular wipes throughout the Alpha until more anti cheat is in place. Maybe a monthly wipe or something
  9. the wall in that screenshot is so low it just prooves my point. The character could easily grab the wall with his hands and pull his eyes up to see over it.
  10. Good enough has nothing to do with it, my characters are full geared on hard core as well, I often play it but do not prefer it..I prefer a third person view point listen this is not rubbish., in real life your pheripheral vision is 120 degrees and you can see to the sides just flicking your eyes, third person view pulls the camera back giving you that wider view.. Its just a visual preference thing, and what about looking over walls in real life, you can do that easily enough, but the game is not that advanced. I grew up loving resident evil , silent hill, and not call of duty and counterstrike, So I've always like third person games.
  11. agentneo

    Any good epoch servers left?

    i agree with you though i am posting here to try some of these Epoch servers as there sometimes fun if you want a quick go for action with friends. I really agree about the whole safe zone and trading, I think it undermines the game greatly and I wish you could play with Epoch base building but without the traders, or take away the safe zone, then trader zones would be very dynamic and risky to go to.
  12. agentneo

    My plea to remove military gear

    but AK's , Mosins, 7mm ammo is everywhere, I agree with OP reduce everything drastically ASAP and add more crossbows. + NON lethal weaponary... tazers, stun gun, more melee options, power tools, katana's etc
  13. agentneo

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    to be honest with you, I think it's possible, Arma 3 Has pretty much fixed all those problems on my rig. its really well optimised unlike standalone, the map is larger with more on and still runs far far smoother... Also Arma and Day Z have a lot of configuration user end and things you can change yourself to improve it...
  14. agentneo

    It's getting lonely and barren in NWAF

    The airfields at Balota and NW are far superior to NE, what are you talking about? There are tent cities which are THE place to go for Acogs and LRS....There is much much more gear at those two than NE, (NE only has 3 or 4 buildings)...there's never much at NE, because of all the noobs running there...So There is plenty of reason to go West and NW....this is just foolish claims
  15. Not at all, third person players just prefer the view point..day z has headbob even when turned off,, navigating in small houses is pretty awkward in their First person..Third person gives you a more realistic pheripheral vision..rather than tunnel vision First person..Its more of a graphical visual preference.it really doesn't affect gameplay as much as people go on about. In real life I can easily hop, stand on tip toes or lean my head to see around fences, or over small walls. much like using the view.
  16. agentneo

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Praise the sun ! :thumbsup:
  17. agentneo

    Where do I find the AKM?

    is it happening today is it coming to stable? please say yes
  18. I also wondered why BI provide no Official servers. This will be more important as time goes on and it becomes hard to find a fair server like in the mod's. I would love to see (like in experimental) a few servers for each region, perhaps 40 or 50 total servers, all official, on stable and provided by BI. this would mean no badmins on those servers and a guaranteed un-modded and vanilla server with no F'ing around. As I see the server prices are very, very expensive and seeing as those people are paying to keep the game online, I wonder why BI provides 0 official servers to support the players who paid for the game. If no one rented a server at nearly $100 a month as described above, how would anyone play Day Z?
  19. i have v sync disabled in game but I have it 'on' in my Nvidia panel- try that. that prevents me from goin above 61 but also no input lag. I also have nvidia control panel max frames ahead set to : 1 , and two options in the day z config file turned to (1) for GPU max frames ahead. try those and it should stop the frames over 60
  20. agentneo

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    Edit. its the Arma version that I seem to have configuration issue, some of the servers in my favourites are still using 103718 but i updated to 112555. I will add the servers above and hopefully they use this new arma version
  21. agentneo

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    finding it hard to join any of these, my day z is all updated to 1.5 or whatever, and most of these are 1.7.8. and i can;'t roll back now
  22. agentneo

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    I agree with this guy and though i am happy Dean has said he is making a hardcore game for the long haul., the main thing i wish is he did State dates of when things will be aimed for done. Its time to expand on those 'Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4' plans we were told ages ago and start to flesh them out with monthly aims and ETA so we can look forward to when things happen.
  23. I disagree, vechicles and bases will give players something to do and reduce the assholes who KOS all day Further to that, don't forget once released maps can be imported from Arma hopefully we will see Altis and other maps that are larger and better suited to bases + vechicles. My favourite map is Altis, I also like Napf and Tavania, i hope these 3 can be played eventually!
  24. agentneo

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    I like the zombies lunge attack because that gives them a genuine danger, if they lunge and hit you in the face it can knock you out or even one shot kill you. This is awesome and should probably be increased slightly! I like a challenge as it will make players have to consider , whether to charge in with no threat from anything other than players, or with increased zombie danger it makes the game more dynamic. So I would like to see some more attacks that the zombies can perform whilst walking/running. Slashing their arms constantly or occasionally biting would be good.
  25. agentneo

    Damage Models Stepping Backwards

    the M4 is only going to spawn at crash sites from now on with the AKM taking it's place, so that might reduce your rarity issue; but I think once more realistic dispersal and weapons are fine tuned they might require a bit more skill to aim and land those shots properly.