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About clayface

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. clayface

    every server is dark

    there are server types that are offset from the others, i can confirm this 100% look for different server host
  2. you don't understand what they mean with by framework. can you build a mansion on a foundation of an old cabin? things are possible now that weren't or would have just been clunky and kinda ugly. several dayz mod spinn offs come to mind. look at SA right now. its smoother, it has an engine capable of many new things. they integrated arma 3 into the SA just for that reason, because the things they had planned were not functionally capable on the arma 2 weapon. and even if they remotely were, the more you fiddle with an old db to patch in new things the slower and slower the client becomes basically they can do whatever the frig they want now. imagination and ingenuity my friend, it can go a loooong way