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Teemo (DayZ)

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About Teemo (DayZ)

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  1. Teemo (DayZ)

    Name of the game: Survival.

    Public ranking would welcome instant grief. Bandits would target you, not because of your loot or a perceived threat, but simply to ruin your chance at beating your record. I dislike the notion of this inviting any form of meta gaming from others. It's purely meant as a personal motivational tool, albeit one that might just make people try a little harder to live, avoid unnecessary risks and thus, rub off on the way we play the game. In theory, if people care about living, they'll take less risks, meaning they'll attempt fewer suicide encounters, meaning they wont be as random once encountered, meaning they'll cooperate, meaning at least some of the reasons for KOS might vane. i.e there'll be less reason to shoot first, out of blind paranoia, because the amount of players who'll punch you in the head, might decrease, purely because these players now care about staying alive. It's naive and utopic... But it might just have a tiny impact, and frankly, that makes it worth it to me.
  2. Teemo (DayZ)

    Toggle weapon = cock revolver

    I have some spare beans from the survival thread... Have some.
  3. Teemo (DayZ)

    Name of the game: Survival.

    Steam achievements would only pop up once, and then be forgotten. An indicator next to your character, every time you logged on, is a much more consistent motivator.
  4. It still rings true. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. As long as zombies are a slight inconvenience instead of a formidable threat, players are going to be the only real long term challenge, and thus, that's what people hunt. Add hordes, barricades and what not, and people might try to hold off the undying hordes as they embark on their camps, which would promote teamwork... Lest they become overrun.
  5. Teemo (DayZ)

    Name of the game: Survival.

    See this is where I disagree. Some people will still hunt players. But I'm hoping that this might make people less suicidal. If held up at gun point, I'm hoping people will play along, hand over their goods, and carry on if it means they get to survive. Right now, I find that people beeline straight for me, fists up, regardless of whether they're held at gunpoint or not. Heck, people with pistols seem more keen to go down, guns blazing, vs superior numbers with carbines, than cough up their beans. The stories that make DayZ so damn unique, don't happen when people just shoot each other. They happen when they don't. I'm merely wishing to give people an incentive to hope for the best. To try to survive. The system I suggest is entirely private. If people wish to brag, they can do so on their channels or via pictures, but once in game, it's your own little motivator, nothing else. Hence, it's a non-intrusive system. If you wish to ignore it, you are free to. That way, we don't impose arbitrary rules upon people. They're free to play as they see fit. Too many suggestions I see here, rely on people playing the game in a certain way. Here, I'm merely hoping to play to peoples vanities, instead of actively forcing them to change play styles, I'm trying to trick them into doing it. The griefers will remain, and bandits will be bandits... But maybe their victims will play differently, and frankly, that's a start.
  6. Teemo (DayZ)

    hands free drinking and powerdered drink mixes.

    Because you, Sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.
  7. Teemo (DayZ)

    Single Player

    Each and every one of us started playing this game the same. Walking about like a bunch of muppets, out in the open, flashlights shining and without a ready weapon in our hands. We didn't immediately find cover when we saw another player. We stood up and greeted them. We let them close, as we tried to help or befriend them... We lost our beans. 1. Rule of DayZ club: Be Paranoid. 2. Rule of DayZ club: See 1. rule.
  8. Teemo (DayZ)

    hands free drinking and powerdered drink mixes.

    My hiking backpack has a built in one. Like Commanderbash said, it's really just a bag holding water, that your backpack either has a small compartment for, just behind your back, or you stuff it in the bottom like everything else. The backpacks that are designed for them, then have a fixture for the tube, hear your shoulder, so when you wish to drink, you simply turn your head, bite to open the vent, and suck. Simple.
  9. Teemo (DayZ)

    Gone to the DogZ, zombies after a decade.

    Varying stages of decomposition is a rather sexy idea...
  10. Teemo (DayZ)

    Name of the game: Survival.

    Well seeing as people seem to find this angle to be at least worth consideration... How do we go about passing it on? How do we get some attention about this?
  11. Teemo (DayZ)

    Name of the game: Survival.

    While I find this an interesting idea, I don't think it should prompt itself. I might be interesting though, if you could inspect people somehow... Or even just show it in the player log, when you press P, and see which players are on your server. Also... Now I want to be a Bean King =(
  12. Teemo (DayZ)

    Hide player names

    Then don't use P. The rest of us like to know we're on the same server as our mates, before we run for 40 min to find them.
  13. Teemo (DayZ)

    Early/Pr-Players is kept throughout the Updates and Versions

    I admire the fact that you expect to live long enough on a single character, for that to be relevant. Don't get me wrong, I do too... I just expect to be proven wrong ;)
  14. Teemo (DayZ)

    character animation transition

    Hang on guys... I got something in my pants, you need to see!
  15. Teemo (DayZ)

    Teleport to Beginning Villages

    This is practically the same as teleporting closer to your friends. I know we all want army barracks, but frankly, if you just start in one, why make the rest of the map? Why even include the east coast...? If we all had instant access to Mossies, M4's and army helmets, we might as well play counter strike. Have you heard of something called "The Heroes Tale"? I don't mean to be condescending here, I mean it literally. The Heroe's Tale, is about pain. It's about sacrifice. Without these, they always make for a pretty terrible story. Well, this is no different. Without the hardship. Without the fear. Without the hunger or thirst... Without these things, your Mosin Nagant isn't special. There's a reason you care about your gear and want it back. There's a reason that fire axe makes you feel safe, and special. It's because you can remember when you didn't have one. And you realise it might happen again, so you cherish it, while you have. If you can select a better start point, you'll ALWAYS be in a bigger city, or near an army base, cus that's where you'll find these things. But it's not supposed to be like that. You're supposed to fight. It's supposed to be scary, and you're supposed to hate it. If you don't hate some bits... How can you love others?