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Everything posted by Atomizer

  1. Atomizer

    Can we haz this?

    You mean what they are already adding? (Click the image for the source)
  2. Atomizer

    Loot spawning is too formulaic

    At first I disagreed, but then I thought about it more, and with the excellent points everyone has brought up, you are absolutely right. So I propose something based on the hive controlled loot thing I heard Rocket talk about a while back. Essentially, it has all the "loot spots" in the various buildings, vehicles and other locations, it then determines the quantity of loot of various types for the whole map, it then distributes the loot in a fairly realistic spread over the whole map, probably with a weighting system for each location, giving certain locations higher chance of snagging at least one item from the right loot category, if not more. Because lets face it, the supermarkets are more likely to have food, the military camps are more likely to have guns/ammo/attachments, however this does give loot of all types a chance to spawn anywhere on the map, however still limiting the actual numbers for the whole server. For example, it might be decided that each server will spawn: 25 primary guns 50 secondary guns 100 melee weapons 1000 food/water items 500 clothing items etc So it will try to keep that many items of each type spawned, with a check to spawn more say once an hour. There is more that could be fleshed out about this system, but that is what I have come up with, would obviously require a lot of testing and balancing to get this to a playable state, but this would ultimately result in anything spawning anywhere, just with weight added where it makes sense.
  3. Atomizer

    Zombies...What do you think?

    Someone suggested to Hicks having zombies you can only kill with headshots for hardcore mode, he responded in such a way that makes me think they might actually consider it, but it was just a tweet response, so nothing concrete. https://twitter.com/Hicks_206/status/422821181222162432 To be honest, I would be very happy with having that, my only concern is with zombies already running around rather then being shamblers, combined with other factors such as desync, it might be just a tad too unforgiving, even for hardcore, I would be willing to trial it though and see how it would actually play, before saying it wouldn't work, but I can understand if they decide not to do it.
  4. Atomizer

    Vehicles (Planning)

    People are forgetting this is not america, or australia, or anywhere with a large population of drivers, one of the devs said if they were to do a map based on an american setting, they would have a more heavy vehicle count, for this though, vehicles are less common.
  5. Atomizer

    Zombies should run faster than players

    The engine DayZ is using could render those zombies, the issue is server performance, and it is why we have limited zombie numbers to begin with. And as I am sure I have mentioned before, increasing zombie run speed is just a quick "fix", and causes other issues, in Standalone, they already have the "leap" attack for the zombies, however, it is not fully implemented, I believe it is intended to knock players over, if you get knocked over with a few zombies chasing you, you could be screwed right there, my guess as to why it doesn't right now is they need to balance that so players aren't just insta killed when faced with a zombie that leaps at you.
  6. I already did, though I might have tweeted at a bad time, so if someone else wants to give it a go, I would love to see some mystery stuff thrown in by the developers, they could add little bits over time and string a long the story. https://twitter.com/Atomizer74/status/428339234588483586 Nah, people can stream direct audio into the ingame voice, meaning their own mic is not being used and won't pick up any background noise, however, I do imagine being able to hear them if you're nearby to be possible, but I have never messed around with radios yet, will have to do that when I play next.
  7. Atomizer

    Vehicles (Planning)

    My guess, is as with the guns and other items, vehicles will be done from scratch, so while we may end up with similar vehicles as the mod(due to the setting), I imagine they will not be exactly the same as the mod.
  8. The only hacks I have seen that are actually confirmed are ESP, teleporting, and PBO modification. ESP - Have seen screenshots, not as big of an issue as other hacks, still an issue obviously, much more subtle, harder for other players to detect(though anti-cheat can pick it up), players using this still need to hide/shoot with their own skills Teleporting - Seen it in streams, fairly large problem, though it is REALLY obvious, unless you are not keeping yourself aware of the surroundings and they come up from behind you, obviously makes them harder to hit and easier to get in close for easy kills PBO modification - Confirmed by devs(because they posted about working on fixing it), allows you to remove all trees/buildings from the map, so you can run through things, and most importantly, see through things, probably more effective then ESP, can be more obvious I have not personally seen/confirmed anyone doing any of that, just going by what I have seen in streams/videos/forums/twitter, and I have well over 100 hours of game play, though admittedly, not been playing as much over the last week or so(just waiting for more content mostly). Now for more: God mode - I have not seen any hard proof of this, though I don't visit hack forums so I don't know what is going on over there, most seem to be reports of desync mistaken as god mode, or various other things, such as people using the crosshair in third person, not realizing it is not accurate at all(I only play in first person so it has not been an issue for me). Not to mention the difference between being full blood and full health versus people believing they are at full health, if people are at full health, they likely won't die from 1 hit to the torso even with a mosin, yet due to some peoples misconception of the system, a lot of people are running around at half health or less, and thus they will die with one shot(there are several good videos on this topic on youtube) Lastly, and this is my understanding of the actual way the game behaves, without actually having access to the games source(or at least, the way the game SHOULD behave). Player stats like blood, health, stomach, energy, water etc, are all controlled by the server, even if a player hacked his client to make sure he cannot die, the server would be "nope" and not allow that client any further actions. In the mod, this was actually controlled client side, as were loot spawning and zombie spawning, this is why you could tell if someone was in an area, because there would be zombies, if there were no zombies, it would mean no players, obviously loot and zombie spawning are now controlled by the server, as is(should) everything else. The reason teleporting works, is because player movement is still controlled client side to some extent, it is also why players can walk through walls etc. This will change in the future, but for now it exists. You will never get rid of hacks in DayZ, or any other game, however, we will never have hacks like we had in the mod, it will never be possible, for those unfamiliar with hackers in the mod, probably might want to look it up on youtube, some hackers actually entertain in the mod, like a rabbit running around screaming, I miss those guys, but they are few and far between, and I am much happier without all the hacking that the mod has, infact, that was the BIGGEST thing I was looking forward to for Standalone, so I am quite happy.
  9. Atomizer

    Zombies should run faster than players

    The biggest issue with slow moving zombies in a large open map like DayZ has, is the key aspect, of the slow moving zombies, is numbers, for DayZ, this would mean you would need say, 50000 zombies for the whole map? Just a guess, but either way you would need way more then what the game will ever handle even after all engine optimizations are done. However, if you make them the speed they are now, and include things like knocking the players over, then you really only need a handful to make them very deadly. And for hardcore servers, requiring headshots to kill them :P
  10. Atomizer

    Give us a Duckin Map

    The only problem I have with the in game map, is the fact it uses the old method of viewing it, where it replaces your whole screen, and when you leave the map, you get a small loading screen. In my opinion, it should be something held, like the compass.
  11. Atomizer

    Private,hardcore.... servers when?

    Right now, hardcore mode is just first person only, however, alpha yadda yadda yadda, more will be added, same goes for all servers, the zombies are not even finished yet, mechanics are not finished, most of the game isn't finished, getting fully geared up is easy because there isn't much to find in terms of gearing up. Sickness, infections, other medical complications are not in yet, heck, not even the item damage system is fully finished yet, you can eat ruined food, use ruined items for the most part just fine, sure some things no longer work when the item is ruined but most things don't have the item damage affecting it at all. Bottom line: it will only get harder as more things get completed. As for server hopping/combat logging, that is coming in the next patch or so, when you log out, you have a 30 second + penalty timer, penalty gets added to on server hopping, and can be added to based on other things as well, but during the timer, your character remains on the server, and you cannot join another server, that will essentially stop combat logging, and reduce server hoping. As for private hives, in my opinion, there is absolutely no need for them, especially not at this point in development, if I had any say in the matter, private hives would not exist until beta at the earliest to prevent confusion in development(issues on public wont exist in private and vice versa), though it sounds like they will be coming soon, I doubt you will hear anything more from the devs about it, they have already said it is coming soon, but like anything, no ETA can be given.
  12. Atomizer

    From now on I trust no one.

    Military bases and airfields are KOS fields, granted me and my friends have attempted a more friendly approach at balota....after killing a lot of people, but it is pretty much a rule you don't trust anyone in these places. One time, while I was providing overwatch on balota, a friend decided to befriend people in the air control, they were pretty much all bambis for the most part, all up it was my friend and 5 other players in the air control building, eventually, one of them said he was shot at when he was over near the barracks, so my friend decided to take a look and the guy axed him in the back and started axing the other people, there was a bunch of confusion as people didn't know what was going on and so it ended up a full on brawl, until the guy who started it became the victor, however my friend was still alive, just unconscious, the guy with the axe started to try to finish off my friend, by this point I had finally realized what was going on and who my target was(my friend didn't say anything straight away). So I took the shot and killed the axe guy, then made my way up to the air control as quick as I could(while still keeping a look out) and managed to save my friend with bandages and saline, unfortunately everyone else had already logged off/died. Oh and it was a splitting axe, not fire axe, if it was a fire axe, my friend would have died.
  13. Atomizer

    Why is this possible?

    Rocket never promised NO HACKERS, as mentioned several times, to expect no hacks in any game is just naive, the problem is the pure scope of hacking that the mod experienced, in the mod, hackers could do absolutely anything, and could do it to EVERYONE ON THE SERVER, because ArmA2 has a lot of the actual decision making code run on the client, once unlocked, a client can have just as much power over the mod as the server does, in fact, most likely more power. DayZ Standalone, has moved most of the decision making code to the server, and restricted the information that is given to any one client to a small area of the map(instead of the whole map like ArmA2), this hugely limits the type of hacks even possible, and any "open holes" will be patched as time goes on. That said, there will ALWAYS be hackers, any information you do give the client can be used in some way or another, the biggest and hardest to crush hack is a basic radar, which tells that player what items/zombies/players are nearby, the only way for this to not be possible would be to not send that information to the client....good luck having a "game" at that point, the best they can do is detect it and ban any offenders.
  14. Atomizer

    Server Hoppers

    The main problems with that, and the reason I believe they added death on log out while handcuffed: You can't know when someone is logging out, and if they aren't dead, if this system wasn't in place, they would get away from you and you get nothing, they log in on any other server, struggle out of their handcuffs and be on their way, it is actually way too easy to break the handcuffs, and being able to do it away from the person who handcuffed you in (relatively) complete safely breaks the mechanics, it also gives you a stronger reason not to simply log off. 2 choices: Lose your character or sit through it and see how it plays out
  15. Atomizer

    Played on a 1st Person server last night...

    From this interview: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/01/22/an-unexpected-journey-the-life-and-dead-of-dayzs-chernarus/ You can still generally assume if you're prone in the open, that people in the distance can see you, but it seems they have at least looked into the issue, and more might be done in the future.
  16. Atomizer

    Server Hoppers

    I assume once the clone is ready to disappear, it will count as logging off, if that is not the case then I would imagine that is a bug, since once this is implemented, the "actual" log off occurs after the timer runs out, so I assume that will be when the penalties get applied. I will probably test this with some friends once this gets added, and report it as a bug if it isn't the case.
  17. Atomizer

    Played on a 1st Person server last night...

    1. Completely agree, the biggest issue in my opinion is the mouse movement, it should be a 1:1 mouse ratio, and I believe that will happen down the road, though it is not as simple as flicking a switch(otherwise it would probably be done already). The only other issue I have really encountered is the "getting stuck in doorways" issue, you have to head straight through the door, you can't really move out sideways to ensure you aren't giving yourself up to another player. 2. The way I generally do corners is holding lean, and inch out using a/d, not by holding and releasing lean, tapping a/d and holding lean again, it gives the same effect in my opinion as slowly inching out. 3. I am able to stand at a window, look to my left or right, then lean out appropriately, which can help in seeing down somewhat as well, not sure if it really needs another hotkey for lean forwards, though I have seen games that have lean forwards/backwards, it is just generally not required(though that is my opinion, and wouldn't be opposed to such a feature, just probably wouldn't use it) 4. I am all for the ArmA3 stance system, being able to shift all the way from prone to fully standing up in smaller increments, not sure how complicated that would be to integrate into SA however, especially if they haven't already been planning for it, once the animations are in place, there is a lot more work involved in more stances for all actions(shooting, swapping weapons, transitions to other stances, leaning, moving). Granted, they could do a semi stance system, where you can shift into the stances while stationary, but to perform other actions it has to transition into one of the 3 existing stances that are already fully animated....sub-par solution so I don't see this happening, so lets hope for a full stance system(it doesn't even need as many stances as ArmA3!). 6. I believe this is related to the 1:1 mouse ratio, as you can get faster turning speeds by upping sensitivity, the issue is the mouse handling isn't smooth and has acceleration / negative acceleration . 7. Head bob can actually be turned off, and you can adjust it to whatever setting you feel most comfortable with, effects per step might be cool, but I haven't experienced it to say one way or the other, my thoughts on it are it is a bad idea, but as I said, would have to see it in action. 9. I personally don't see the need for this, even at the high rises with me on the ground outside and my target on the roof, there is a certain point when getting closer, that rather then shooting(mostly because of concealment), I would rather just clear into the building, rather then sitting at the bottom trying to shoot. I also don't imagine it being very natural shooting up/down beyond a certain angle, that is not something I have ever experienced though, but from in game experience, I haven't encountered a time when I needed to fire further up/down(again, my opinion/experience). 10. Can't say I understand this one too well(the reason for needing to see the clothing under the same lighting conditions that is), and for me seeing it in the inventory is enough(or at the main menu), I am not against the inventory screen being an exact duplicate of what is rendered(including lighting) in the game world, just not overly important to me(there is that pesky opinion again). 11. There is the inspect option to view any item including weapons, which will let you view different angles then you can see in first person, otherwise, you can get a decent look at your gun in first person, I dunno, guess that is another one of my opinions, and the last for this post, yay!
  18. Atomizer

    What if DayZ ran on the Snowdrop Engine

    The division seems more like GTA style, where 99% of the buildings are not enterable, and on a smaller(yet more heavily urban) map, sure it looks nice, but with just that video to go off, I doubt it would handle the DayZ SA map with most buildings enterable(and hopefully ALL by release, though limited by performance). Not to mention, one of the things on Rockets list is improved graphics, which I assume means an upgrade to the shaders, sure, it wont look as good as that video, but it will have a larger more detailed map(in terms of enterable buildings and loot)
  19. Atomizer

    Server Hoppers

    Nope, because if you log out while handcuffed, your character is automatically killed, same goes for being unconscious, if you log out while unconscious, your character dies, this was added in a previous patch.
  20. Atomizer

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    I got shot by a shotgun when I had not had any previous damage taken(ie, full blood/health), 1 shot, I was dead, not unconscious, dead, judging by my experience and everyone elses in this thread, the shotgun seems fine, and not underpowered. Never trust numerical figures based on data pulled from the game files, experience something first hand before stating an opinion on it.
  21. Atomizer

    less militarised more improvised

    No, they are not removing military grade weapons, this is not the mod, the only military weapon in right now is the m4, so they have not "removed" anything, and don't intend to remove the m4, they will be more rare most likely, but they will still be there, and more to come, as far as I know, the SKS is "military", and will be added in the next patch, also, as of yet, there is no improvised weapons, just civilian and military, improvised weapons will just be easier to obtain, but it won't be the focus. Now, compared to the mod, there might not be all the same weapons, but definitely no shortage of guns, with military guns included, and there will be MORE then the mod had. In short: m4 is here to stay, the AK(not sure which one, I think it was the AK-74?) will be added, and there will be more rifles and assault rifles added later on, along with various handguns and smgs, both military and civilian.
  22. Atomizer

    Wall Hacker

    Anyone claiming there will/is NO hacking in standalone is just wrong, every game, will have hackers, no one is(or should) be claiming no hackers. The thing that WILL and IS happening, is there isn't the same hacking that was seen in the DayZ mod, thunderdome, teleporting everyone on a server somewhere, god mode etc as things are locked down a lot more then in the mod, it is ArmA that is easily hackable and provides this kinds of hacks due to its heavy scripting nature, and fact that most of the game is controlled by clients, not the server. Standalone is going to have most everything on the server, not to mention using the network bubble, will limit what information potential hackers can receive to the immediate area surrounding them. But no matter how secure things are made, there will always be radar and aimbots, the only thing they can do with these is detect the hacks and ban people using them, but thankfully the server wide hacking will be a thing of the past.
  23. Atomizer

    Can't get on to Bug Tracker so have some Bug pics

    The first issue has been reported directly, with a dev response saying it will be fixed, I assume the tracker will also have it. I noticed it was a wooden bench partially blocking a door too, and the end of the wooden dock at Solnichniy also is offset up from the rest of the dock, seems to be some corruption of the map happened in the last update.
  24. Atomizer

    Gamma exploit

    The issue is there is no shadow shaders at night, if there was shadow shaders, the light would be properly blocked by walls(and other objects), I assume it is just a matter of time before night is finished with shadows and all(and the ability to disable shadows is removed...)
  25. Atomizer

    new update coming next week

    Sacriel is one of the biggest DayZ streamers, seems logical to me.