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Everything posted by Atomizer

  1. Atomizer

    I cant seem to attach things to my weapon?

    Is the scope "ruined", if it gets ruined on the gun, I assume it will stay on there, but if you remove it, you wont be able to put it back on, not sure if this is the case, but it's possible.
  2. Atomizer

    Does anyone know that combat logging -> KOS?

    I have run into more combat loggers who shoot at us first, then as soon as they get shots returned at them, they immediately combat log, sure I have seen the odd person who logs off as soon as they see us, but we have had many times where we were actually able to befriend people. But for the most part, the KoSers have been the combat loggers for us. Kinda weird because most peoples experience on the forums seem to be different.
  3. Exactly this, you can alt look around to see your character in first person, and you can see exactly what you look like in the inventory screen. Third person WILL NOT go away, the devs know there is more interest in using third person, then not. And I prefer first person, even in action shooters like BF4, it is FP ONLY(except vehicles), I prefer the experience, and am glad we get first person only servers, and have made the move to only play on them from now on. I would prefer third person to be disabled for everything except vehicles, but it won't happen. On first person servers, if they can see you, you can see them.
  4. Sure, I believe you guys are "RPing", then bragging about non-RP things like K/D ratios, when none of them had weapons. Yup, TOTALLY RP right there.....
  5. Atomizer

    "It's an alpha."

    I see the trolls have appeared after news of a new patch has spread, now suddenly "it's alpha" becomes relevant in this thread, in which it shouldn't have. Oh well.
  6. Pretty much this, though I imagine SA to be a bit more detailed, and with item damage now, I could picture cars not simply destroying their storage, but instead if a vehicle is damaged near where items are stored, it'll damage the items(just like players with bags). In fact, just like players, maybe you could put items in different parts of the vehicle, like how you can shove stuff in your shirt/pants/vest/backpack, you could put items on the dashboard, in the glove box, in the boot etc, and maybe even show those items in the vehicle. Would be pretty cool.
  7. Atomizer

    Zoom Vs Iron sights

    Meh, even knowing about the FOV "zoom" thing, I would rather have a wider FOV, it just feels weird otherwise, it also seems a bit more realistic in terms of peripheral vision, though I will be honest, that's not the primary reason I use it, it gives a larger view for spotting threats(player or otherwise). I have also switched to first person only servers since this new patch, much better experience, and if they can see me, it means I can see them!
  8. Atomizer

    Zombies to jump from the furniture

    Cool idea, obviously would have to come much later as mentioned, but yeah, I support zombie suprise. Would be neat to have a zombie in the trunk of a car, and as you get close you can hear it banging and groaning, open up the trunk and it'll spring out.
  9. Atomizer

    A Simple Request for Developers

    This thread deserves my beans, beans for all!
  10. Guess what, rocket has said they will be adding pointing :)
  11. I really don't understand why people have a hard time reading the compass(assuming everyone is making sure to press space), I can quickly glance at it and put it away, I don't need to adjust my view to see the compass. Unless you mean adjusting from third person to first person to see it, in which case, why argue about realism?(Not to you specifically, just to everyone in here).
  12. Atomizer

    "It's an alpha."

    They released a patch every day for the first 3 days, the alpha has been released for 2 weeks, and there will be regular patches coming shortly after the new year, have some patience, you are the type of person who shouldn't have bought the game yet.
  13. I don't know about you guys, but I don't have a problem keeping in mind my general direction without having to constantly look at my compass, so I can easily spout north/west/east/south on the fly if combat arises, and this assumes you are literately in the middle of nowhere without any distinctive landmarks, and a treeline to the south for example, gives you a good landmark to call out. Heck, 90% of the time I have no used the compass, except for when we are traveling, once I get my heading I can put it away again, not needing it unless I run into trouble and get turned around, and even then it takes just a few seconds to check the compass and I can keep going. Use landmarks if you need to call out and you can't remember your directions, it's especially effective if your group is spread out and don't know each others exact locations. "To the north"/"To my north" isn't helpful if you don't know where your friend is.
  14. Atomizer

    "It's an alpha."

    If you post complaining about bugs or other things not being in the game(ESPECIALLY if the devs have already acknowledged the issue and plan to do something about it), you should expect the "its alpha" spouting, because I have seen a lot of posts saying "I know its an alpha" then go on to complain about things that MAKE IT A DAMN ALPHA, and now you are complaining that people are telling people its an alpha. It's not a cop out, its not being a fanboy. If you want to have a proper discussion about maybe how you think something should work, or maybe a feature you would like to see(not one that is plainly obvious such as "more/harder zombies"), then you likely will not see "it's alpha" thrown around. Remember, you did not buy an alpha, you pre-ordered, or "bought" if you would prefer not to use "pre-order" in this sense, the final product, there were plenty of warnings about expecting to see missing features, bugs, character wipes etc. Now if someone spouts "its alpha" in a legit discussion about ideas, then they are in the wrong, but I haven't seen that happen very often.
  15. Atomizer

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    "Missing feature X, devs address that missing feature X will be worked on/being worked on" "People make posts complaining feature X is missing from the ALPHA" -> "Someone points out that it is indeed an alpha" -> "More posts people complaining about people pointing out that its an alpha" Yes, because it's been addressed and they are going to work on a solution, pointing that out does not make someone a fanboy. Discussing various behaviours/mechanics isn't the same as complaining that its not yet in the alpha.
  16. I love the why they handle the compass, and imo, the map should be done in the same way(and maybe it will, it is alpha after all), the only thing I could see improving this would be if they had a way to have it around your neck or something, "attached" to you in some way(much like weapons and clothing is, so it doesn't go in your inventory), then when you hit the key to look at it you quickly grab the compass and bring it into view. I have seen more then one person suggest they are not doing this, and have to use alt-look to look down at the compass, if they pressed space, you dont need to look around for the compass, as it remains in your view(UNLESS you alt-look), and it is very clearly readable, without having to "zoom in" or anything, unless maybe you're running on a very low resolution with very low textures, I have not tested that myself.
  17. Atomizer

    "It's an alpha."

    After all this time, people are still spouting this BS, you know why it was going to come out in 2012? Because they were going to just REPACKAGE THE MOD, it would have been the mod, just you had to pay more money to be able to play it. The dev team were thankfully not stupid and decided that was a bad idea, so they put the time and effort into refitting the engine to something that fits DayZ, instead of piggybacking on top of an engine that was not made for DayZ. The mod wasn't "abandoned", it was handed over to the community so they could do the standalone, and unlike the mod, this project has actual MONEY behind it, if you think they will just say "nah fuck it lets work on something else" you are dead wrong. Stop spreading your stupid Rhino-like fud and do some actual research about the damn game.
  18. Atomizer

    it finally happened....

    I am feeling a bit like this at the moment, really excited by the future possibilities of the SA, exactly the same way Rocket mentioned about prison architecture in his DayZ SA stream.
  19. Atomizer

    Mouse Control Problems

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158221-mouse-issues-literally-unplayable-top-priority/ ^ Use that thread. I do agree however, we need a 1:1 mouse ratio, or at least get rid of the "negative acceleration" that is causing the issue.
  20. Atomizer

    human claymore

    To be honest, I want something like this to be a part of base building, having all sorts of traps you actually design and place yourself, mines, tripwires etc. Not sure how you could do this without limiting placement of explosives or without limiting base building locations(limiting anything is a bad idea when it comes to actual in game mechanics). So ehh, not so sure about explosives in DayZ...I want them, for base building purposes, to protect my bases, and make them "safe" without any stupid game limiting mechanics, but at the same time, I would be more annoyed at running into a random mine when there isn't even anyone near me, to "see" it happen. If it was to use the "hive economy" limiting the number of existing explosives globally across all servers, then its possible...
  21. Atomizer

    Steam Beta

    133860 is the current version, the experimental(beta of an alpha build...) is a higher version number, you'll see your version on the main menu top right, the servers you are joining appear the same because they are. I haven't been able to locate the experimental servers yet, but at most you are getting a sneak peak of the next patch, so it won't be much different.
  22. Atomizer

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    1. Your character remains on a server for 30 seconds after logging off, regardless of if you were in combat or not, and you cannot join another server during that time. 2. If you leave a server, and join another one within 15 minutes, you have a 30minute timer before you can rejoin the server you just left. 3. If you log off inside a building, and join a DIFFERENT server, you will spawn outside of the building, if you join the same server within 15 minutes, you spawn where you logged off, after 15 and you spawn outside. 4. If you log off a server you get a "hop" timer attached, if you log off with a hop timer, it gets multiplied by X, and you cannot join a server within that time frame(this is actually what Rocket hinted at doing) Quickly about the "hop" timer: Lets say when the timer gets attached, it is 30 seconds, if you see point 1, you'll note they can't join another server within 30 seconds anyway, however, you still get the hop timer added. When you log off again, the timer gets multiplied by lets say, 2 for now, so you have to wait 60 seconds to be able to join another server now, log off again, it gets multiplied, now you have to wait 2 minutes, then 4, then 8, then 16 etc. The reason I suggested multiplying by "X"(rather then just doubling), is because if the system needs tweaking, you adjust not only the starting timer, but also the multiplier. For example: 30sec, 2x : 30 seconds -> 1 minute -> 2 minutes -> 4 minutes 30sec, 4x : 30 seconds -> 2 minutes -> 8 minutes -> 32 minutes 30sec, 8x : 30 seconds -> 4 minutes -> 32 minutes -> 4 hours 16 minutes I prefer the middle ground myself, though the 8x is a more extreme example. With all of these systems, if you rejoin the server you were on, or the server you were on crashed while you were on it, it won't add any penalties. Heck, for point 1, if you log off, then within 30 seconds, you log back on to the same server(ie, game crashed or your internet dropped or whatever), you will be where you were and take control of the "dummy" again as it was when you logged back in. So if you log off a server, and someone shoots at the "dummy" of you, and causes them to be unconscious, or handcuffs them, within the 30 second timer, if you don't get back on before your character is ready to disappear, it will be killed as per the existing rules added in the patch, though if it happens and you log back on to the same server within that time, you will log in unconscious or handcuffed. That and loot respawn will do a lot to stop server hoppers, yes, there will still be the odd person doing it, as in the mod, however, this will prevent it from being an effective means of getting loot during a play session. As for "single character per server", I hate that idea, I hate private hives, I will enjoy my public hives where I can change servers(though at the moment, its really hard to see what server you were just on, it needs a proper history saying when/how long you were playing on a server), the public hive is one of the things I love about DayZ. Also to note is, once base building and vehicles are in the game, that will keep people returning to a single server, because that server is where their "base" is, but it still lets you branch out to other players who choose not to play on your server, you do however have to leave your vehicles behind... Fear not though, as much as I hate private hives, they have been confirmed by the devs, they will be coming, and there you can have your own little fantasy land without server hoppers or ghosters etc, the public hive will never go away, it's the driving force behind DayZ for me and a lot of people.
  23. If you do not see this with your compass in your hand, press space.
  24. Atomizer

    "It's an alpha."

    Not to mention there is proper places for bug reporting, bringing up bugs on the forum isn't going to help a whole lot.
  25. Atomizer

    DayZ is FailZ (Lacklustre Infected comment)

    I agree, zombies need to be feared, as for "them being some annoying glitched out feature", well guess what, ALPHA, if you think they are going to remain the same just with more zombies, you are very clearly mistaken, it has been addressed, not just zombie counts, but the existing zombies are PLACEHOLDER, the pathing, the AI, the counts, and the various zombie behaviors. Have you seen the zombie leap at a player and knocking them over yet? no probably not, you might have seen them do some glitchy leap thing, but otherwise doesn't seem to do anything, because its not finished, because guess what, alpha. I agree that not everything should be shouted "ALPHA!" at, people are fine if they have ideas, the fact of the matter is, Rocket has said plenty of times the existing zombies are not their final state, and the number of zombies is limited due to server performance(needs more optimizations), the focus for DayZ right now is the core mechanics, the foundation in which other mechanics rest on or interact with, then they will do more with zombies. So, the key: its been addressed already by the devs, its already planned, it doesn't exist yet, because its alpha.