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Everything posted by Atomizer

  1. Atomizer

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    You still fail to realize, in first person only, you CAN spot someone looking out a window at you, doesn't mean you will, but there is a chance for you to spot them, in third person, you could NEVER spot them, no amount of moving your camera around will let you see someone third personing out of a window, the same can be said for any situation. It is not the fact that you DONT spot them, it is that you simply CANNOT spot them, this is the nature of the third person "exploit". In first person, sure, you might NOT spot them, but if you can see someone, they have a chance to see you, it really is that simple.
  2. I assume you tried adjusting your FOV as well? My guess is having the slider all the way on the right, but not having motion sickness I can only suggest things. This is the only reason I can support for third person, as I play a lot of FP games and third person just does not make sense for this kind of game, especially since it is striving to be a more realistic/authentic experience.
  3. In my opinion, vehicles do not come into this at all, vehicles can have third person even in a first person game, and it doesn't exactly bring with it the same issues, good luck trying to third person around corners in a vehicle to try and get the jump on people....and even if you stop the engine and sit in a spot for a while waiting for someone to show up, the moment you jump out(since you likely won't be able to shoot while in a vehicle), assuming it is a first person server, you instantly lose sight of them, and have to make yourself visible to re-spot them. I personally don't care either way, as I tend to avoid vehicles, though if they were first person only, and I wanted to try them out, I would still do so, and learn how to fly/land in the case of choppers. One thing you're forgetting about is vehicles can have mirrors, not saying DayZ will have them(though they should), for both choppers and cars, ArmA3 has this feature and it works pretty well for first person(only know about cars, not so sure about helicopters, I do know IRL they have them though for seeing below). But either way, they are not subject to the same "exploit" with third person, due to the other major visibility they bring with them, such as noise and how much bigger and harder to hide they are, and how "uncombat ready" you are when in one. In-game, there is a lean option, and you actually do just "peek part of your head", the fact is, you are exposing yourself, no matter how little, but it already exists in-game, yes, you can't currently peek over something, though by the sounds of it, in the coming patches, moving up/down stances like Arma3 will be implemented(correct me if I am wrong, but that's how I understood it), if that is the case, it will let you peek up little by little from behind cover, rather then prone->crouch->stand. As for peeking through small openings, that has nothing to do with first/third person view, you can peek through anything which has a small gap regardless, though I would argue that it would be easier to do in first person, as you can literately put your view right in front of the gap. Peripheral vision doesn't let you see something behind a wall, or around a corner, so I don't see how that is valid, with freelook you can look entirely around you, and if you can't see directly behind you because of your mountain backpack, or because you're prone, you will have to turn your body to see that blindspot, granted IRL you don't also turn your legs and feet around, but it is not a hard thing to do. If you have severe tunnel vision in the game, consider upping your FOV, I have no problem seeing all the way behind me, and I use hunting backpacks for the practical points it adds over the extra storage space of a mountain backpack, it doesn't block your rear view, and it is a good colour for camo. There is actually no benefit to third person in my eyes other then the fact you can spot people around corners/over walls that in no way mimics real senses, or makes up for lack of peripheral(that is what freelook and FOV slider is for). I bring up valid points, because that is how I feel about the subject, and splitting up the community by having separate first person and third person hives isn't a good thing, I however know, that none of this matters, because like it or not, third person isn't going away, and we are already getting a separate, split off community with a separate hardcore hive. I am just glad that since the hardcore hive is where first person is, I will get to experience the more intense mechanic adjustments and possibilities that they will only have for the hardcore hive, and not the regular, third person hive.
  4. It is exploitable, in first person only, if you can see someone, they can see you, there is absolutely no way around that. In third person(assuming everyone is using third person, and thus "using the same view"), just because you can see them, doesn't mean they can see you, the simple nature of being able to stand at a corner and see everything around the corner, there is no way another player using third person will even know you were there, no amount of spinning their own view around will see you hidden around that corner, and yes you could argue they could also hide around a corner, so now you have 2 people, who cannot see each other, and whoever breaks cover first, loses. That is the "exploit" part of it, and of course those who try to play in first person, are at a huge disadvantage, because they have to peek around corners and expose themselves, I don't know why anyone would do that with the existing third person system. I don't see any issues with the first person view myself, in fact, many things right now, only work in first person, like the compass, and for that, and the exploiting I mentioned above, I now play on first person servers exclusively. Will I go back if third person is "fixed"? No, probably not, I prefer first person, and it works pretty well in SA currently, obviously not without issues, and I would like a 1:1 mouse ratio, but otherwise it is my preferred view for this kind of game. Edit: Oh, and just wanted to add that when there was no first person option, I did get used to using third person, but mostly stuck to first person except for when near towns and places with possibility of running into other players, or if I am in first person and see another player, I will go third person. When the first person only servers came out and I swapped to them, I found myself pressing enter a few times, it took some time to adjust back to first person only, but it is a much better experience, in my opinion.
  5. Atomizer

    Is a Hive necessary ?

    In my opinion, private hives should only exist for mods, and I am talking about proper mods(not 1000+ vehicles), though, I guess that is still a mod. Server hopping, ghosting and combat logging will all be solved, on the public hive, or at least reduced to the point that it is not an issue. Private hives are not a solution for this, and yes, as already stated, the devs have already confirmed private hives will happen, and by the sounds of it, quite soon, as well as a separate official "hardcore" public hive, which will be first person only and other things to make DayZ the game it should be. I am not happy with the "separation"(both private hives and a hardcore/normal hive), but eh, id rather it be separated since third person wont be going away. As for private hives, people can go off in their own little private "sub-communities" separate from the public hives, enjoy your small communities and the problems that come with it, in an attempt to strap a band aid on a problem that can and will be fixed on the public hive.
  6. Atomizer

    Do you combat log?

    Except for the fact that most of the KoSers I have run into, have been the combat loggers, combat logging is an issue, because it is not part of the game mechanics, KoS is an issue, but it IS part of the game mechanics, there for it is acceptable, if you don't like it, DayZ isn't the game for you. I am hoping however, once zombies are finished to become an actual threat, and get attracted by gunfire, and there is no easy/quick way to escape them(with the introduction of anti-combat logging mechanics), KoS should be less then it is now, it will still exist, because there is players out there that just treat this as a PvP game with loot grinding, among other more legit reasons to KoS, not to mention finding ammo for a particular gun will be harder then it is now, so you would have less of it, along with anti-server hopping mechanics. It will make more people consider the risk and cost involved with firing their guns, and at the very least they will want to evacuate the area after shooting.
  7. Atomizer

    Do you combat log?

    This, I have seen so many people on the forums complaining about combat logging, yet people I run into always tend to combat log in game, however I now play on 1PP servers and have not noticed as many on those servers.
  8. Doesn't work that way, there is no region locking, at all.
  9. Atomizer

    Do you combat log?

    Not sure if you know about the new patch, and the meaning of combat logging, they fixed it so bodies now stay behind like they should, but that has nothing to do with combat logging, it cannot be considered combat logging after death.
  10. Atomizer

    Do you combat log?

    Don't feel bad about that, you were stuck in the unconscious bug, if that bug wasn't there you would have been up and ready to go anyway, the only way to escape that bug is by logging off. Granted, things might have turned out differently as they might have been watching your body, but honestly they should have finished you off instead of leaving you alone, you also logged back into the same server, rather then joining a different one. As for combat logging, it's stupid and people calling it a "survival tactic" are idiots. And yes, clearly this poll is rigged, as most people on the forums are not idiots, however in game, most people I have run into have combat logged, even when they were the ones who started shooting first, in fact, that seems to be the biggest culprit of combat loggers. It has been less common on first person servers however, had some really cool squad battles.
  11. Atomizer

    will zeds be dropped from the game?

    He is saying, in its CURRENT state, they can get 4000 zombies by removing loot, once they optimize more they will handle both at the same time, if not more.
  12. Atomizer

    Please make loot respawn!!!!!!!!

    The thing about loot respawns is, loot will not respawn if players are in the area, and there are many things they have to account for in regards to people attempting to exploit that fact, it is not a "simple script" they can just chuck in, sure, they could waste time doing a script that will later just be thrown away and wont help the situation, but as I said, its a waste of time, they will work on the proper system when it becomes important, for now, find other cities, server hop, whatever, it is alpha, test what we have, then when they add respawns and anti-server hopping code, if things are still broken in regards to loot, or exploits are found, post it on the bug tracker so it can be fixed.
  13. Atomizer

    Ultra realism Vs Balanced game design

    Not sure if anyone brought this up, but realism does not mean it needs to be clunky and complicated, and while not a game striving for maximum realism, Battlefield 4 is a good example of what I am talking about, being able to run around and quickly navigate the map in a reasonably realistic way, you don't need to think about if you're vaulting over an object or just jumping, both of which are handled with the same key, it is a streamlined smooth experience without detracting from any "realism". That is why the vault in SA is better then the mod, even though sometimes it just randomly decides to stop you from a sprint to do a slow vault rather then the quick hop, though still a bit more clunky then it needs to be to be "realistic"("authentic" is the right word, but it isn't unrealistic to be able to do that, you can do it in real life, why would it being clunky be "realistic"?) Another thread, I forget what it was, discussed the idea of making weapons block your turning, someone however brought up the fact that if you're turning around inside in the real world while holding a long rifle, you don't need to think about moving around the weapon in order to not slam it up against the walls, it would be a rather smooth operation in real life, same with going through doorways, why should the game enforce "clunkiness" on these aspects when it isn't "realistic"? In a perfect game, it shouldn't, it should animate everything perfectly so if you turn around indoors and your gun would hit the wall, it would animate you positioning the gun to avoid the hit, no having to think about what button to press to change your gun position etc. Since this is not really feasible with the way the engine handles things, it should take some liberties, but shouldn't restrict your movement to such a degree.
  14. As far as I am aware, DayZ doesn't even have occlusion culling right now, Rocket has said this, and since he said "it doesn't have it", to me that says it will come as part of optimization, which should increase performance in cities a lot(on the ground anyway...different story if you're high up and can see all the buildings anyway). Also, Object Detail: Turn it down if you're lagging too much, if that doesn't help, you will need to invest in new hardware.
  15. Atomizer

    Please get a better anti-cheat.

    If you read my post I went on to assuming legit, the problem is not battleye, it is that your client is not allowing battleye to communicate with the servers battleye, that is not a fault of battleye, and is so you cant block battleye and continue to cheat, the problem is you're having something like a firewall blocking battleye, so it kicks you. All you mentioned was having to pay $90 on the game already, in such a way that made it sound like you were trying to "fix" it by buying more copies.
  16. Atomizer

    Please get a better anti-cheat.

    So you're attempting to cheat then? Me and my friends were playing just fine with battleye, if you're buying new copies just because you get a client not responding message, you're doing it wrong, something is blocking battleye on your end, no amount of new copies of the game is going to fix that, google the issue and get battleye unblocked, then it will stop kicking you.
  17. I finally understand why some people are not able to see the compass without free looking, it is all because of your FOV, if you adjust your FOV up you will be able to read the compass just fine. As I posted in another thread:
  18. Atomizer

    Zoom Vs Iron sights

    After playing around with the FOV slider, I realize it is not restrictive enough, I know people have posted about it already, but if you put your FoV slider all the way to the left, it is almost as effective as a long range scope(using my normal FOV setting as a benchmark, which is almost full right), but at the same time, you can't see the compass at all without free looking down. In my opinion, minimum FOV should be to the point you can still read your compass without free looking, that will also get rid of the massive zoom effect it provides. I could never play with my FOV that low because it seriously feels like I'm looking through a cardboard tube.
  19. Atomizer

    Increase Zombie Speed.

    Zombies are quite easy to take down, even with your fists, just hit them in the head once, they go down, then keep beating on their head, it still counts for damage, and if you keep hitting their head, once they get up they will go down again, repeat until zombie is dead, if multiple zombies, same deal, you just have to move around more(strafe, don't run back or forwards). I am sure I have repeated this several times on these forums already, but one spawn I found a pipe wrench, and took out 10+ zombies without getting hit once, just by strafing around swinging, and before you say you don't see that many zombies, you can on a freshly spawned server, I was the first one in kamenka after the server restart, and pretty much ended up alerting every zombie nearby while I ran around like a lunatic. That should not be able to happen so easily, however I know zombies are not finished, so we just have to wait and see what the devs do. As for client performance concerns, 4000 zombies on a server, does not mean the client knows about all 4000 zombies at once, client performance is not an issue with the total zombie count on a server. I would however, like to be able to scope in on a player free city(cherno/elektro/berezino), and see hundreds of zombies scattered about, with more laying dormant in buildings/car wrecks/on the ground etc
  20. Atomizer

    Alcohol tincture and sick?

    This makes a lot of sense to me, so the fact the option "clean wounds" even exists, if you don't have infected wounds, is a bug, so the sick status would have been there if you had infected wounds, and then once the alcohol effects were finished it would remove the sickness, but right now it is "applying" that sickness state when you clean wounds while you don't have infected wounds. I assume it is the same deal with antibiotics and such too.
  21. Atomizer

    Increase Zombie Speed.

    They increased the speed of the mod zombies, to make them more challenging, and they slowed them down in buildings to get around the wallglitching issue in the mod, this is no longer the mod, they can change the engine, and come up with better solutions because they are not restricted to a scripting language.
  22. I have not encountered a hacker in my 90 hours of playing standalone thus far, at least no "obvious" hacks like teleporting etc not going to say they don't exist as people have obviously run across a few, and I have seen screenshots of an ESP hack, which I imagine once everything is secured down, ESP and aimbot are about the only hacks you will encounter, and that only affects people within range(no global visibility or shots across the map). In the mod me and my friends encountered at least one hacker every second play session or so, sometimes more, the main reason? 1 hacker can affect everyone on the server in arma2, then hop servers and repeat, they can really mess up a lot of peoples fun very quickly and easily. That is not possible in SA, and even as new holes are found in the engine, the team has access to block them in the engine, unlike the mod which could not modify the arma2 engine. So I wouldn't be worrying about hackers in terms of getting standalone or not, what you should be doing, is watching youtube videos or streams, finding out what is in the game right now, and decide if it is absolutely something you want to play and be a part of the alpha process. Make sure you read all the warnings on the steam store page etc, expect bugs, report bugs(on the bug tracker), expect character wipes, expect low performance etc. For example, even though it was the first time we had encountered it, last night when we joined a server after our last server went down(dunno if restarted or crashed), we encountered "invisible zombies", I ended up getting killed and losing everything, horrible bug, but I'm fine with it because I know it's been reported, and know it will be fixed, alpha after all :) There is limited weapons in game right now, but more to come: Guns: mosin, m4, .45 cal pistol, .357 magnum Melee: your fists, crowbar, baseball bat, pipe wrench, splitting axe, fire axe (I am sure I am missing something...) So yeah, watch videos and see if it is worth it for YOU, I love it so far, but mostly because I am familiar with how alpha works and see the future potential, but that is me, not you. Remember, alpha is expected to last 6-12 months, and it will stay the same price during that time, so you can buy it any time before beta for the same price, and get it once there is more content and mechanics in game.
  23. Atomizer

    Alcohol tincture and sick?

    Not sure if a bug, but the sick status is just how it works, I use it all the time, if I get wounded enough, I will apply the alcohol. The way I see it is, while its killing the germs in your wounds, you are sick, just like in real life, when you are "sick", USUALLY it means your body is trying to fight off the virus, doesn't make a lot of sense if its the alcohol doing the work and not your body, but I just figured it was along those lines. I just always apply it when I get hurt to the point that I bleed, so I apply bandage, then apply tincture, and make sure im full of food/water, I am usually running around with "healthy" status.
  24. Atomizer

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    You aren't, I wouldn't play on a PvE server, because for one, as much as I prefer survival over PvP, PvP is what makes DayZ unique compared to other zombies games. However, as already stated, since PvE is NOT enforcable, and tbh, I doubt there will ever be an official PvE hive(though there might be private PvE hives later), all server admins are doing by adding a "PvE" or "no-kos" or "no pvp" label on the server, is encouraging KoSers to join for easy kills. I have seen so many servers trying to enforce their own rules, especially the people trying to make private servers with motds like "we will kick you" etc since it was announced you cannot have locked servers, they are trying to get around that by just kicking people, and having their own little looting server so they can loot with no risk then join a busy server to kill people....so lame..
  25. The big issue with third person view, is not that you CAN see around obstacles, it's the simple fact that, even if BOTH players are using third person, if someone is hiding behind a corner using third person to look around it, and another third personing player is running around, he will have NO IDEA that the other player is there, even though he is also in third person. It does not apply to third person in vehicles, why? because vehicles are huge, and make a lot of noise, you'd hear the vehicle long before the person in the vehicle would see you(with lots of corners). Now I am for first person only in vehicles as well, for the same reason I am for it outside of vehicles, however, it's clear that third person in vehicles is not as big of an issue as it is on foot. First person in my opinion gives you a better experience, and at the same time, if they can see you, you can see them. You can see your character by looking down, and by going to your inventory screen, and yes you can see the hand gestures in first person as well, you can obviously also only see the compass in first person, and gives you an actual reason for leaning rather then just a goofy dance. TL;DR, third person is a crutch for peeking around corners in perfect safety, really no other reason for it.