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About Merle_Dixon

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  1. Merle_Dixon

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    Yes i know but how you impose/enforce stuff... i hope Dean can watch this because i am so sick Dayz now currently and thanks to this reason thinking to leave it for now and take back when it is fully ready cause i am really tired..since dayz one i started here i had that problem,didnt had time to test various equipment for functionality and testing purposes thanks to some gun totting moron....
  2. Merle_Dixon

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    Zeeb I agree well when it is supposedly to "team " up and have a nice "survival "experience we have instead vets of the Afghan/Iraq wars BF4 and CoD coming people here on this game and they think its a another warfare..with this mentality human race would extinct...problem is this rock mentality that is in the air now.....i havent had this problem in State of Decay which was giving surival driver was number one and the co existance with other survivors and how to look after them was top priority..here is Spawn,find Kool weapons,find naked guy who runs to save his ass from dehydration,aim,fire,rinse repeat and laughing like a moron for the "manly "unpunished griefing deed he just did..... sorry but this is the raw,brutal truth
  3. Merle_Dixon

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    One way to kill kiddies with BF4 and CoD hard on..stop playing DayZ ..this is my experience so far...i try to alpha test and see bugs and all fine and dandy till someone will wanna play cod on me and fire his gun for the shits and giggles..i am so sick of this crap really REALLY! they must do one simple thing...New spawn amnesty...1 to 2 hours invulnerability for new player so he can gather the crap he needs and get off the coast...this yes its uber but would stop the average hard on jocker saying"uhuhu duhuhu i gotz a uberz snipah rifle...now uhuh i smartz and i haz ballz i killz newz spawn lolollololol" this really pisses the living bejeesus outta me..i try to do alpha test not to play cod.....
  4. Merle_Dixon


    I am eager of vehicles in DayZ again,some old derelict east block cars that are degraded and rusty,no fancy shining cars or sport cars,would love to see adding ons on cars for purposes in general ,even a meatwagon (med car) would be nice to use to treat people ,looking forward....
  5. Merle_Dixon


    Some reports in a quick description 1)Loot is scarce as my character died of dehydration and also basic loot like food or drinks arent much around,any chance of upping this a bit? 2)zombies passing through fences and sometimes when they enter a house half of their body is below of the floor 3)quick burn of food,ate food fully and took like 10 mins or less to become hungry as well Graphics part on my side is fine no glitching and no fps drop *high res* when i do more play i will find more to reporty
  6. Merle_Dixon

    Here we go again ..armed players kill newspawns..

    well so far i like the SA despite of a few minor bugs and glitches which isnt that uber annoying one thing annoys me is the lack of spawned loot ,guys do you know what is the rate of loot?thanks
  7. Well started the SA yesterday and i try to work and help with bugs and stuff for the alpha testing but unfortunately what i see AGAIN is BF4 morons fully armed to the teeth shooting people with no gear..despite you say DONT shoot,they just go ahead...apprently something must be done for this kind of player griefing because you dont have means of defence also loot is scarce so no chance to build up since all the good stuff is allready taken.... I dont wanna see another BF4 DayZ game...we all try to test and survive...thats all...