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About .Shady.

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  1. I love how all the people who think it should be first person only except for in vehicles. If you want first person why have 3rd person for vehicles? I hear you guys say how "hardcore" and "elite" you guys are cause you prefer first person but yet need 3rd person in vehicles for a crutch? Seems to go against your "hardcore" nature. If you want first person only then it should be exactly that, FIRST PERSON ONLY not first person only when it's convenient. Personally I believe we should have servers for 3rd and 1st as they do now. Let people have the choice.
  2. .Shady.

    New spawn points. good or bad thing?

    I like it, before the spawn change nobody was on the east side of the map this spreads it out.
  3. K strict I'll send you an invite later tonight also
  4. Killon I'll send you an invite when I get in later
  5. K raptor I'll shoot you an invite
  6. Schnelle02 your steam is not coming up ill pm you mine
  7. K I'll add the last few guys that posted. Reverence what's your age and location?
  8. I'll add you and see how it goes zecele
  9. Yea atmca send me your steam ID
  10. I'll shoot you a friend request gator
  11. Okay no offence but we are looking for older but thank you for checking I hope you find a solid group. Good luck to you man.
  12. How old are you frostt? The 25 is from expierence of mature players. That being said I have seen 20 year olds more mature than 30 year olds it's just way less common and I did not want to weed through all the immature ones. If you are mature and don't flood the chat I have no issue.
  13. I am currently looking for more players to join my squad. I'm looking for players 25+ years old with mic. We don't have any requirements beside age really, our biggest thing is we don't want a teamspeak with a bunch of chatter we like to be able to hear our surroundings. If you think you fit please leave your age, location and steam ID and I will add you to steam and message you the TS ip. If you would rather not advertise your info just PM me the info. Myself and a few others have been playing the mod since may 2012 and the SA since release day. We can always make some one better but we cannot make someone less annoying. Thank you for your time.
  14. .Shady.

    Mosin with Long Range Scope

    Vile that's what I'm trying to figure out if it's hidden weapon damage or something else. Can you post a video showing its accuracy as you claim. If it's true then it's weapon condition and players can adjust, if not then we will just have to wait until the devs tweak it. Thanks