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About davschall

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. davschall

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Well I dont think anyone was saying hey rocket, do it like this. I sure wasnt. Hell if anything I said was an "uneducated rambling", sorry i thought its was relevant to the convo cause its what ive learned. I never claimed to be a programmer in fact Im always looking to expand my knowledge, its come from hours upon hours of google searching, not classroom learning. Id love to learn how to code properly, but dont have the time for it atm. Maybe when life slows down a bit. By all means, id love to hear how and you found errors in what I said.
  2. Oh ok perfect. Sorry i didnt know that lol. I do have to suggest that you try to get the 212 asap, especially if you are streaming(im assuming cause of microphone). I certainly know what its like to work with a budget lol. But an oc on the 6300 will really help.
  3. Same (sorry for double post editing was not cooperating). I have an [email protected] and 7950@1175/1415 and I dip to 26ish used to be 20 but something good happened in the past few updates cause I definitely noticed a slight increase ,in the cities, my brothers 4670k@ like 4.3 i think, dips to at least 30-31.
  4. Yes I believe so. I was more thinking along the lines that dayz wont be the only games he's playing in the coming months, hence my suggestion for 8 gbs. Plus 2x4 is not a whole lot more expensive than 2x2, and will run faster in dual channel than 4x2 dimms.
  5. I would actually get 8 gb in a 2x4gb, it will be around the same price as adding another 2x2gb, but 2x4gb will run faster in dual channel mode than 4x2gb in i believe single channel mode (I dont know of any amd mobos that support quad channel, now that is a feature tha would be useful).
  6. davschall

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Glad to hear its planned on being added. Occlusion culling shouldn't require any new art, as it is just a calculation to determine what should be rendered and what shouldnt be dependent upon what is on the clients screen. I think this is where some of the biggest performance gains will be seen. We have powerful tech nowadays but not crazy enough to render every thing in a city lol.
  7. Well I know that the RVE 3 can only utilize up to 4 gb if what ive been told is correct. Idk about RVE 4 im assuming more. So i cant really say how much the SA can utilize. 8 gb seems to be the best way to go, are you running your 4 gb in dual channel? If so I would suggest just getting a set of 8 (2x4) gb, if you buy off newegg. It isnt going to cost much more, and a higher speed will help you with ocing (f you do an fsb oc which i suggest learning). I would look for some cas 9 1866 or 2133 ram depending on which your mobo supports. It will help it so you dont have to loosen your timings as much and wont have to run dividers on your memory as quickly. You can get an evo 212 which will be fine for a while for 34 bucks Id watch for it go down in price. Ive seen it drop to 15 with MIR, then its a no brainer. Its hard to say which to get first, ram is going to benifit you more in other games coming up thats for sure. Idk what you have in mind for a budget, but imo picking them both up would be worth it if you can get the 212 for cheap. Id have to know what you want to spend right now to really help you. Edit: While I hate wasting old tech if you run the 4 gbs with the 8, it will work but if the cas latency and clock speeds are lower, you'll be limited by the 4 gbs, it can negatively affect your ocing. Plus if I remember right Amd likes to run in dual channel when ocing.
  8. davschall

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Yea I certainly think its no coincidence that dayz was created on this engine. Whilst not the best in optimization, it certainly excels in innovation.
  9. I think the reason its such a slippery slope like with all the servers on the mod. If one server adds 1000 start with dmr etc cars. People will gravitate towards that (for some odd reason), so the other servers realize in order to maintain popularity they have to appease the crowd that wants it easy, plus they make a good amount of money for adding benefits to donors. I think its probably the same with 24/7 day servers in the SA. That being said I like playing at night, but I waffle between keeping it pitch black and changing up the night a bit. I understand realism, but I have trouble understanding the need to defend pitch black nights. I like a challenge, and I dont like video games to hold my hand, but I can certainly see better than my character can at night. Maybe I just ate more carrots than him in my lifetime lol.
  10. davschall

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Yes, or from what I can tell. I found a few post of people asking to use their engine to create an indie game. On the BI forums. They messaged some of the devs so id say yea.
  11. This as well, maybe they'll pick up mantle....idk how its gonna work out but it looks great on paper. Also I to hate the threads, where people who arent informed say it is because it is. You just make yourself look like a sheep. Well intels better because..it is. OFC I dont really care because I have both systems in my home so I can actually see/compare side by side. I've been enjoying playing on both systems. Saying intels better thats why his friends are getting double the fps doesnt even make any sense to me, its not even helpful. Honestly he might think he has a better gpu than his friends, but might not.....or they are lying about their fps lol. To op if you have your 6300 at stock and have a decent cooler might be worth it to try ocing if possible. My 8350 is at 4.6 ghz and the difference between 4.5 and 4.6 for me is actually larger than the difference between 4.6-5.0. So even bumping up the multi a bit might help. If it is indeed a cpu problem, but it could be a wealth of issues such as drivers and such.
  12. davschall

    Dayz Item: Driver's License

    I kind of like it, I actually think it is something that people would hold onto, as its lightweight and small, just to remember who they were/are. Maybe if it just spawned on death or if when you examined the bodies it showed it or something.
  13. Lol this, my brother has a 4670k and he only gets about 5-6 fps more than me with my 8350. He has a 7970 and I have a 7950. I have noticed a lot less of a cpu bottleneck though, and objects detail is a gpu intensive setting afaik. Im trying to tread carefully since people will interpret it as fanboyism which it is not. Id have to know their cards to really give you an answer. Its hard for me to believe that they are getting twice the fps as you. My brothers min frames are a bit better than mine, but he doesnt jump anywhere near 2 times my frames.
  14. davschall

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Im a little confused too, while I dont think the entire map would fit in the memory (well not enough to make travel instantaneous). There is certainly nothing instantaneous about streaming from the hard disk. Although I have heard that the RVE doesn't utilize your ram as well as it should. OFC I dont actually know what size the map is, and I cant really find any info on the RVE, so its all conjecture from me. Actually does anyone have any web pages or anything explaining the features and such of the Real Virtuality engine? Wiki's no help, neither is google. Got a few things but nothing in depth and nothing I didnt already know.
  15. davschall

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Welp I tried...*facepalm* Edit: Alright to avoid being a dick (and lack of anything else to do) I was answering your question, nothing more nothing less, I dont expect it to be optimized, it released a few days ago. I even mentioned I was pleased at the distance they've come in cpu utilization. Also what you dont seem to be getting is the difference between an item being spawned and an item being rendered, there is an enormous difference. A given frame is rendered in a number of passes and what is on that frame is determined by the engine/API. In a normal well optomizied game pixels that are behind other pixels (to put it simply) are not rendered on screen, in a process called occlusion culling. The loot spawn is handled server side, so it has nothing to do with whether the item is there or not for you or other players.