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About tyrael2005

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  1. tyrael2005

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Personally, I just love it how they changed the game and how zombies react to survivors. Now you basically can run BEHIND zombies, and they take their time to even react that you are currently running just 10-20 meters behind them!!! only then they turn to see what's there and THEN they attack! Took me some time to figure this out, but I really like it :) And the other COOL thing, you don’t even need a two in/out doorway building to escape the horde… Now when I agro tons of them I ran to any enterable building, when I get in… and if the infected lost sight of me before I got into the building, they go to my kind of “last known position”, if I’m not there – they just walk away!!!! HORRAAAAYYYY ROCKET!!! You actually DID IT! Now what’s left is to figure out how to efficiently kill other players, and to become the ULTIMATE survivor of all time! Kidding :) Gents and ladies, take your time and study the game, the behavior of the infected, it’s all you need!
  2. tyrael2005

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    LOL, hopping bear! MUST SEE!!!!! :D
  3. tyrael2005

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Dear Mr. Rocket, I am very pleased with this mod and where it is going. Recently I found out that using the crossbow adds a very interesting and challenging, but also a very rewarding game play. I would really love to see some more primitive weapons, like bows or throwing knifes or some modern stuff in the game. There are a lot of all kind of guns, why not make some more(2-3) weapons of this sort? I do know that there are some animation issues, but at least a crossbow a bit more advanced - with scope x2-3. And the thing that i would love the most - that you could attach(or at least use) the flashlight with your crossbow equipped. I'm just dying to play at night with my crossbow! Some duct tape ant a flashlight - it's all you going to need to do this in real life :) Cheers, and keep up the good work!!! :)
  4. tyrael2005

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Personally, I like how they changed the loot/no weapon/etc. system. A couple days ago, when started playing, I was trying to start playing and was dyeing like 3-4 times per hour. Then on my ~5th play, I found a Crossbow! And from that very moment, everything came into place - no zombie agroes, clearing the area became MUCH more easier. The game actually became FUN, from that point. I even found two crashed down helicopters, and after 10 min, another TWO!!! I went in and out of the crash site, almost not killing anything. Took my time, but got very nice loot! I could not believe my luck, and as my crossbow skill increased everything became easier. I kind of attached myself with the game, I can feel it, know where i CAN and CAN'T go or crawl. What i want to say - everything depends on your play style, if you want to go into Cherno swinging guns and shooting everything - then you should have loads of ammo at that moment. If you want to go in stealth - you better prepare yourself for a very long gameplay. Here is the part when i found the crashed choppers :)
  5. Oh you poor souls, whoever thinks that infected should not run like THAT - zig zag and very very fast. I share Rocket's vision of a zombie - because in one of his interviews he said, that zombies first were people, like us - had fear oh hurting themselves, common sense and humanity. Now strip away all that - you'll get a zombie - it's DEAD, hes no fear no regrets or feelings. What it has - is this huge hunger! So, I wanted to tell you that I truly believe that zombie COULD be like that. Once me and my friends, about 8 of us, went to a bar. Well, one of my friends got so drunk, that he could not tell a friend from a hostile. He wasn't himself anymore, his common sense just shut down, he started attacking everyone, friends or not. Trust me, he was not one of those skinny ones, he was a big very strong guy, about 85-95 kg. And when THIS MASS started to throw punches... man these zombies are just pussies!!! 7 of us, we could not "contain" him. So shut the hell up, and read some Rocket's thoughts, what he would like to see in this mod. Don't like it - get out. And when the Apocalypse comes - well, say your thoughts to the infected that is going to eat you, that you were suppose to respawn with a minigun and sh*tloads of ammo, not a mobile phone in your pocket!
  6. Hi, I was playing yesterday(about 12h ago), everything worked like a charm, no complaints. I spawned with the painkillers and a bandage, agro was ok, loot ok. This new patch, to MY mind, fixed everything I needed from this mod! :) T.y. Rocket!!! Keep up the good work. P.S. I even figured out how you can escape the infected, and it worked!!! I was SO HAPPY! :D
  7. tyrael2005

    Your beans AND your life!

    Hey there, beanz hunterz, Well my ingame name is Criativ, and I'm kind of rolling with you for a few days now... Like the multinational jokes, and people here are very friendly, unless you show them beanz :D Hope to play some more with you! Thanks, and don't take my beanz, it's mine, MINE i tell you... my preciouzzzzzzZZZZzzzz! ;)