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Everything posted by FroztyReaper

  1. FroztyReaper

    Health system: What I could figure out.

    Alcohol Tincture: Clean wounds or sterilise rags (ruined, dirty rags become pristine when applied with alcohol) Alcohol will give you a sick icon when applied to clean wounds. It has no effect on you and will disappear when wounds are clean (it will give you updates on that) If you want to add it ;)
  2. FroztyReaper

    The most pitiful combat logger ever

    Yeah they really should set a combat timer and a log out timer like in the mod. Really helped against the loggers. Also bodys wont despawn when the player leaves the server. Leaving you no loot for your effort
  3. FroztyReaper

    How to eradicate bambies the fun way

    Well its a pretty well founded term by now. Will be hard to get rid off. But cmon in all honesty, if im a freshspawn i am a bambi imo. Defenseless and very easy target. dayz food chain bottom score. Sorry but its a fact. And when/if they implement cannibalism. Well what should we call them? Take out?
  4. FroztyReaper

    Pristine v.s. badly damaged

    Not extensively tested yet. But if scopes are damaged its accuracy is decreased. I have pristine longrange on mosin and mate has damaged. Both nailed first shots on mark. Aiming same spot i managed to group better. Both where well fed and hydrated shooting from prone position. Holding our breaths and giving it time. The more rapid fire way the accuracy on damaged or worse scope really goes to hell. Just our experience. Though we will test it out more
  5. FroztyReaper

    A Realistic-ish Way to Identify a Bandit

    I read a very well made post about different shooting stances. And other then that i agree there shouldnt be a way. But those stances was a real joy and i really hope they implement that as a humanity system. Would also serve as personalizing your character
  6. FroztyReaper

    We saved a fresh spawn today. (Kross)

    Nice to hear. My group also started helping out. Usualy ends with one of us getting shot so there has been a slight change in procedure. Usualy we clear an area of everything living and dead. Then we leave gear for people coming after us. Well ofc a freshie with hands up we wouldnt shot. If it has a weapon or walking without a pulse = death when we come. Actually cleared out 4 bandits from cherno last night. THe where killing everyone, freshspawns aswell. Just a hint for those bandits if they read this. YELLOW RAINCOAT IS NOT GOOD CAMO!!!
  7. FroztyReaper

    Looking To Help New Players (SA)

    Wow... Well search function isnt really utilized now is it....
  8. FroztyReaper

    I dream of DayZ

    I have been hooked on DayZ since i first played the mod almost 3 years ago. This alpha gives so much more things to do (ye i know we all want private hives and make our nests but itll come) Welcome to my world mojo.. Welcome...
  9. FroztyReaper

    Need help? Or want to help? Mentorship!

    BUMP! I am currently looking for European group to help (not much else to do ingame is there? :P ). I also have a friend in the US that is willing to be a guide and helpout aswell. So need help? We are willing to guide and learn you the basics to survive this apocalyptic world!
  10. FroztyReaper

    Why it still black and white and blury ?

    You dont even need to tap the brighness bar. Esc, settings and just click the video tab. Clears it up for me
  11. FroztyReaper

    Will i be able to get refund

    I really doubt that you can get a refund for that reason. Would you buy shoes without making sure they fit? Exactly, you should have checked that your computer could run it before purchase. EDIT: And your computer must just barely be able to run youtube. If your graphics card is that old i am surprised your even able to start the computer..
  12. FroztyReaper

    WarZ all over again

    Rockets post said that late 2013 we should have VAC and BE implemented. Will be nice Agree. They dont pull a Sergey here.
  13. FroztyReaper

    A few settings questions.

    1) Option to turn it off is there but isnt operational yet. 2) have no idea about that one And as for tents they are not in yet Only storage you got is your inventory. Need to stay alive young one
  14. FroztyReaper

    Willing to help new players learn dayz (U.S.)

    Point was that i was trying to make make a thread where all the new guys could see a list of people willing to give help :P Should i add you to it?
  15. FroztyReaper

    TO Everyone Who Camps Coast (Read)

    Would like to join your side in that fight. Hate the balota m4 gotta kill all
  16. FroztyReaper

    combat logging: a constructive thread ?

    That be great! And would love for the bug to be fixed that if you kill someone they just insta leave server. Meaning no loot... Body despawns...
  17. FroztyReaper

    TO Everyone Who Camps Coast (Read)

    Ok, we arranged new spawn fight clubs at kamenka. That ok? Dont think it was your server. But still made them fight. Patched them up. Made sure they got water and some extra food before they left. That cool?
  18. FroztyReaper

    Willing to help new players learn dayz (U.S.)

    Zombie. Search function. Also check link in my sig
  19. FroztyReaper

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    Im sorry you mean roleplaying is for noobs? I enjoy some RP now and then.. That make me a noob?
  20. FroztyReaper

    Is there ghille in this game ?

    There should be ghillies. Military area should have them. But be rare as dook
  21. The best humanity suggestion!
  22. FroztyReaper

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    PvE servers... No facepalm pic on the entire internet is in scale for that.. I understand your intent. But with time once the dust settled KoS will stop. When storage is a possibility people will be doing that instead
  23. Welcome Juan. Nice to have new people aboard :) Words of warning. People ingame will be dicks. You will die. ALOT... Gonna lose your gear alot!!!! Will get killed by players alot!!! So stay safe there. Read some of the guides here. Check out the map incase you are entirely new to dayz and learn the direction. www.dayzdb.com its the chernarous+ map that applies. Good luck!!
  24. What laws apply when the world has ended? IRL i would size people and either KoS to protect my own, or invite them to join.