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Everything posted by TimberWolfz

  1. So for thoes of you who put some hours into the Mod your probally fully aware what Ghost walking is and for thoes of you who are new i'll explain. Ghost walking a term used for when a player logs out of his current position and logs into another server moves his postion and logs back into the server he was previously on. So you may be thinking.. Sure i cant see a problem with that. Now i'll put it into a scenario for you. Last night me and my friend pretty much ran around the entire map up the debug feilds and back down, we were heading down Vybor way where the small millitary base is. Off in the distant tree line we spotted 5 players huthutting it into the compound. So we waited and waited and waited and it didnt seem like they were leaving so my friend got to a high point on a near by hill and i went to check out the suitation. Turns out all 5 of them had ran into the 'cammo building' with the jail at the entrance of it. just as i was about to open the door a couple of m4 bullets slammed into the door looks like the guy misjudged when i was acutally going to open the door. So from this point we knew for a fact they were hostile and just waiting for some poor souls to go looting in the compound so they can kill them. We decided to take action and see what we could do about it, Me and my friend position our selfs either side of the door and opend it.. sure enough m4 rounds started flying out of the building left right and center. between us in the first 2 minuets of the brawl we managed to kill 2 of the players and seriously injure one of them. we seen the retreting upstairs (thanks to the wall clipping bug). we knew for a fact going into the building to clean them out would of been pure scuicide so we decided to wait it out. about 5 minuets had past and there was still no movement we knew they were in there and they knew we were outside. Then all of a sudden one of the guys started shooting at the wall for no apparant reason. next thing we know we got killed. Basically what happened is one of the guys in the building logged out and switched to another server moved his positon out of the building and behind us then logged back in to kill us and his friend was just shooting at the wall to distract us. now because of the length of time that this fight was going on 'anti combat logging' wouldnt of solved this beacuase there was too much down time between gunfire. Can you guys think of any solution to this to fix it, Or do you guys think its fair game tatic!
  2. TimberWolfz

    Any ideas on fixing "Ghost Walking"?

    i do really like this idea of Timers for joining servers after imidately leaving one it wont exactly 'fix' ghosting but it'll defo slow it down as well as at the same time reducing the amount of server hoppers
  3. TimberWolfz

    Any ideas on fixing "Ghost Walking"?

    Definately wasnt one of there mates catching up that much is obvoius. 100% wasnt someone unrelated as the remaining 2 guys left were looting our bodies together. why would the other one in the building unleash 60 bullets into a wall without any other reason other than to distract.
  4. TimberWolfz

    Any ideas on fixing "Ghost Walking"?

    i used the term Ghost walking to broaden it out a bit, theres a lot of new players on this game. Ghosting means something differnt in other games. can you blame a man for trying to make it easier to understand?
  5. TimberWolfz

    What is up with the pros killing the noobie

    Belive it or not, There is a lot of experainced players who help the noobies out. Usually in ways that the noobie didnt even realised it happened. Yeah theres bandits on the coast and a lot of them too. But theres also thoes players who exclusivly hunt bandits and theres a lot of them too. On many occsasions have i shot someone who was trying to kill and unarmed player. However the unarmed player never knows the differnce. From there point of view its "Ahhh im being shot. Ohh someone else is shooting now just keep running" hehe
  6. You bascially do whats been stated above, Get your self in a position where your able to kill them with ease, get them to drop anything they can potentially backstab you with. Then use them as your 'forward scout' / bullet fodder intill you trust them enough haha
  7. TimberWolfz

    DayZ Interactive Loot Map Viewer (Download)

    Yeah not bad, with a bit of work it could be a very usefull tool