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About Granok

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Granok

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    faster way : go to a full server find an axe kill someone with an M4 Let the magic happen !
  2. Granok

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    ever heard of someone died because of 9V ?
  3. Sorry sir but if you have 3 canned bean on you, in a real survival situation you gonna open it with a can opener or with naked hands. It happened once in real life to me and I had a knife. I opened very correctly the can, I'm pretty sure I could do it with a screw driver too... I feel sad when my character died from starvation with a fire Axe and 4 canned bean I cant open ! In survival you gonna break the shit out of the can with your axe, trust me !!
  4. Granok

    Place for modding in the SA

    I do agree with you but 1000+ vehicles and spawn with dmr easymode can help people to increase theirs pvp skills And I like these servers, they keep most of kids/cheaters away from the good one's :)
  5. Granok

    Place for modding in the SA

    No problem I will be patient :)
  6. Granok

    Place for modding in the SA

    I was more interested in loot rate or zombie modifications ! :) but I think this is good news for me if we can do self blood bag we may be able to do a lot of stuff :) Thank you sir for you awnser !
  7. Hi everyone ! First of all thanks you Rocket and your team for this standalone :) I heard a lot of things about the place of modding in the SA, people saying that it will be impossible, others saying "yes you can do want you want" So I started to search over the web and I found nothing clear :/ I currently rent a Dayz Epoch server that I customed a lot (made slow really-hard-to-kill zombies, and some stuff that me and my friends likes a lot), The point is : I like to mod ! My server is unique, my community like to play the way I customed the metagame on my server (with few snipers, hard end-game, really expensive NVG) I'm afraid that we lost all this atmosphere when i'm gonna switch to a SA server. Before I create my server Me and my friends visit many many servers, One thing strike us : Most servers are unique and every admins have their own way of playing of dayz(full pvp,full pve, pve/pvp mixed, etc...)! And I thing this is a great thing !! As you can see in the movies or in TVseries there is many point of view for a zombie apocalypse (Walking dead, 28 Days later, The night of the living dead, Evil dead 1 etc...), so I think it would be sad if we can't mod our own way. So here my question (finally) : What is gonna be the place of the modding in the Stand Alone ?
  8. Granok

    Thanks Rocket!

    All hail to King Rocket and his fellowship !