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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Rocket said he will be adding the ragdoll system in a stream ... Actually he wanted to but then they would have to redo many things that's why he will save it for later !
  2. gho5tl3git@gmail.com

    How to beat the game.

    You beat Dayz when you die
  3. YO BUDDY AM HERE FOR U :P I am just 15 years old though ... But Trust me I won't be to immature :)
  4. Exactly ... and its really irritating not being able do anything except move
  5. The links are not working good job though ...
  6. Ever tried to put screws of a pipe to your laptops ? Doesn't work does it ? Same case ! ......... On the other hand it might be a very bad lag !
  7. Well the goal is to climb the dam and get raped by the old mad man living in the caves near by !
  8. gho5tl3git@gmail.com

    [Ignore] Merge fix

    Balota has no loot ? Man the last time I went there ... I came out like a freaking tank !
  9. Make a post asking if someone would want to be your friend
  10. They removed his chutzpah ? So I googled it and ... chutzpahˈxʊtspə,ˈhʊ-/nouninformal 1. extreme self-confidence or audacity (usually used approvingly). "love him or hate him, you have to admire Cohen's chutzpah"
  11. Course it's going to be added ... anyways if you really wanna have cars and every thing just buy oa and arma 2 ... Amazon sells OA for 3 bucks ( Digital Download ) . Remember, don't judge the game now ... It's still alpha .
  12. Are you sure that this is the reason why you wrote " OooOOhh that hurts " ? ;)
  13. Get a better processor if its only about Dayz
  14. gho5tl3git@gmail.com

    Heroes Unite

    AM HERE ! ! ! Where are the others ?
  15. I never find anything in barns ... but am pretty sure I found something there once ... in the barn near balota
  16. Its awesome isn't it ? to be able to chat, trade and have fun without any fear that you might get shot !
  17. For starters ... I found some disinfectant spray ... thought it would prevent me from getting sick ... so when a zombie hit me and I started bleeding ... I actually right clicked the spray icon ... It said drink ... I thought it meant apply just the way right clicking a battery shows lick ... I clicked on the drink button ... saw the drinking animation ... I felt nauseated . I vomited . I died . Whats your story ?
  18. Well I have seen most of the laptops using this resolution
  19. Few do it . Few don't It's like making a stereotype out of fresh bambies !
  20. Well am a non-kos'er type to ...The situations where I kill is *Armed people in airfields see me ! *Someone armed doesn't respond when I ask if friendly ! *#SUSPICION *Someone tries to take a shot at me ! *Someone killed someone without any reason ! The best you can do is avoid people who are armed ,,, If you play for sometime, you might actually be able to diffrenciate a little b/w killers and friendlies . Well don't take a break if your new to game ... SURVIVE.EXPLORE.ENJOY
  21. Anyone saw the only one 64 man server ? I forgot to take screen shot ! Am I missing some new update ? o.O-