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Everything posted by carlj

  1. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    What I could find is that you have a Nvidia GT750m, so your lauch parameter would be: nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7
  2. It has to do with bad optimization, and thats it. People need to remember that Arma and DayZ is built on a engine that doesnt support multi threading/multi core. Barley any game today does. Thats why Intel users might experience a better performance, due to their cores being stronger per core. You should be fine, The 660 and the i5 shouldnt be the problem, might want to upgrade the RAM(not just for the game.
  3. As for the CPU, I think you can keep the one you have. Buying a CPU with more cores wont really help you with games, but if youre streaming and maybe running a heavy rendering in the background, then yes. So, maybe use alittle more money on the GPU and go for a 280-290X?
  4. Ive never tried Antec myself, so I cant say if its good or not. However, this is what I have in my pc: 600w, 80+ bronze certificate and about £40 less. http://www.scan.co.uk/products/600w-corsair-builder-series-cx-cp-9020048-uk-80-plus-bronze-sli-crossfire-eps-12v-quiet-fan-atx-psu And Id say if you have any more question, send me a PM instead of going further off topic ;)
  5. Forgot to say that the benchmark was for BF3. Honestly I am not very good with PSU's, but I know for sure that the GTX770 has a recommended watt of 600. As everyone would recommend, buy anything that is 80+ broze(or higher) certified.
  6. carlj

    I want to get a better CPU

    You went a little full retard there didnt you. Youre saying, increasing the speed of how fast your CPU does the calculations, is not going to help your FPS? Yes, if you overclock your CPU, youll get a shorter life span. But I am very sure that youll upgrade your CPU before it dies because of your OC. Increased voltage/heat, yes, But if you have a decent aftermarket cooler, that is less of your worries. Lets say you hit 85C in prime95, intelburn test, OCCT and so on, you will NEVER have any problems during normal use/gaming, as those programs are artificial and there is nothing you can do yourself to react the workload on the CPU. Must current games, yes. But Arma 2 and DayZ is built on an older engine, and have NO idea of how to use multicore, nor do ANY game today. Battlefield 4 barely know how to use all of the cores. So explain this to me. How can you recommend AMD, when AMD is known for having more cores, less performance per core? And while Intel has the oposite, less cores, higher performance per core. As for your OC, which is pretty mild and youre not seeing a increase, I am hoping you did something wrong or had bad luck on the batch lottery. When I fixed my i7 2670qm in the turbo mode and with a little BLCK tuning its now running at 3,2 instead of 2,2 and I got a really nice increase. Disclaimer: If you ever think about overclocking; spend TIME on reading on it, or you will damage your computer. And remember that it's at your own risk.
  7. carlj

    How not to Rage losing a fully equipted character

    I dont mind loosing my gear fair and square in a gun fight, being hold up, being force fed anti disinfectant, even to the glitchy doors and ladders I could not give a damn. But when you have decent gear but no guns, and you stubble upon a fellow player and communicate with him stating that were both friendly. You wish him good luck, and youre on your merry way. And he pops you in the back of the head. I MEAN FOR FUCK SAKE!?!?!
  8. I read a little quickly about your CPU, and with a AMD HD 7970 it'll run with about 70fps(1080p, high settings) in the test sequence in the test they did, so that should easily run SA and most newer titles. So theres no need for you to upgrade your CPU yet. What PSU do you have? AMD example: http://www.scan.co.uk/products/3gb-xfx-radeon-hd-7970-dd-edition-with-ghost-thermal-5500mhz-gddr5-28nm-gpu-925mhz-2048-cores-hdmi-m Nvidia example :http://www.scan.co.uk/products/2gb-msi-gtx-770-lightning-oc-pcie-30-7010mhz-gddr5-gpu-1150mhz-boost-1202mhz-cores-1536-dport-dvi-hd Both on sale today The forum wouldnt let me post the picture, but here you can see the benchmarks with a FX-4100 and 7970: http://www.sweclockers.com/image/diagram/3019?k=b7bec957265332867e59ef1f691e9f12
  9. Are you sure that you dont have a dedicated GPU?
  10. Please find the GPU(graphics card), as youve not listed it. If you dont have it I would not recommend buying the game. As for upgrades theres nothing you can do without buying a new laptop/PC. Is it 300 for a CPU and GPU? I would say yes, but playing around with the settings. Your GPU should deal with it pretty nicely, but your CPU might be a little weak. No problem, play away. I havent experienced the 8600 my self, but id say its a no. Do you play any other games that is demanding? No. I have the same CPU(but with a Nvidia GT630m), and with only the Intelgraphics I get 10-15FPS through out the whole map. For me that is not playable. Ive done every tweak, locked my CPU in turbo mode and overclocking my GPU to make it playable(25-35 in cities, 40-50 in forrests).
  11. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    It is kind of the wrong thread to discussing OC'ng, but the reason why you couldnt get higher than 3.9 in the beginning was probably that your vCore shot through the roof, so youd have a vCore for a 5.0Ghz OC thanks to the auto mode, and thus BSOD/instability. As I said, I dont have much experience with AMD, but send me a PM on here and maybe I can help you get higher. The FPS drops thanks to you recording. And it isnt very hard, tell me your system speccs and ill write the line for you. Of course what settings you use have an affect to your FPS. But DayZ, as Arma 2, Arma 3 and Take on helicopters, have no idea of how to utilize your system. Your computer throws all of its power at the game, and the game is just standing there looking like you asked it to cure cancer. So, these launch parameters, combined with ingame graphic settings is the best way to go for a fps boost. This is not the thread about AMD vs Intel. There is situations where AMD will run circles around Intel, and vice versa.
  12. carlj

    The only sign that isn't in Russian on DayZ -_-

    I think Ive seen about every possible Stop sign here in Russia, except that one haha. I just saw that you live pretty close to Sosnovka... And since Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine have coast lines to the black sea, your point being? You want the game in Turkish? There is many cities ерфе exists in Russia that have the same names as in the game, I myself have traveled through Kamenka outside of Moscow. Edit : http://goo.gl/maps/lbj4M Chernogorsk, Kamenka, Rogovo and Berezino(the ones I remember how to spell in russian.
  13. As long as you have a PCI-e slot(which you do since you already have a GPU installed), the choice is yours. I myself am going for a Gigabyte GTX770 OC2 which is the fastest (sofar) 770 you can get out of the box. About 399, PSU is to personal for me to suggest, but anything thats 80+ bronze or higher certified(Even a modular, that way you can remove the cables you dont need). And I would REALLY recommend a SSD.
  14. It will run it. But you might need to tweak the game yourself to get an acceptable FPS. I have almost the same, but a Nvidia GT 630m instead and I bought 16GB RAM and a SSD. Your laptop does not have an SSD. I get between 25-35FPS in cities and 40-50 outside Have a look here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/ . I would say no, with only an integrated GPU. When I tried with my integrated I got 10-12FPS in Cherno=Unplayable. I dont know how well the AMD integrated GPU works, but in general I would say any computer that doesnt have a dedicated GPU will have very big troubles running the game.
  15. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Then it is working, I've mentioned before that -nosplash -noIntro -world=empty does exactly that. nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=1023 -cpuCount=6 -exThreads= 6 I haven't tried the "set affinity" so ill try that once i get home :) Again, I just want to mention that changing the priority to high/ launchparameter -high may cause instability. Also added your settings in the dayzprofile to the first post/credited you for it :) What cooling do you have for your CPU? I have absolute not experience in OC'ing a AMD, but not getting over 4,0 should not be a problem of you do the OC with manual vCore until you find a stable OC.
  16. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    And I tried to explain it in my previous post. It has lot ot do with games not supporting multiple cores. You can throw a 200 core CPU at a game, but just a very few of today's game use them. Most games today does only support 1-2 cores. As I also mention before, so have I read that the way AMD is built is with MORE cores and LOWER corespeed. Intel is built with FEWER cores and HIGHER corespeed. This last part is something that someone with better insight have to confirm.
  17. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    What does your menus look like? Empty or can you still see your character standing there? And so have I, but its known for causing instability, and its important to point it out, because otherwise people will complain. As I understand it, the reason why it runs better on an Intel system rather than a AMD(CPU) is because Intel runs with fewer cores and higher clock on their cores. AMD runs more cores at a lower speed. So in this case the only reason why your Intel CPU performs better is because the higher clockspeed per core and DayZ(and most games today) doesnt know how to utilize more cores. DayZ takes the core it needs, and barely knows what to do with them as it is today. As I said, this is what Ive understood from reading about what processor to buy for gaming, if I am wrong, please correct me.
  18. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Yes, but also for the rest :-maxMem=, -maxVRAM=, -cpuCount=, -exThreads= Just delete it from Launch options. If you edited anything in the .cfg- file change, heres the original: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000 GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3 We can only wait for the optimization of the game. As it is no your processor will throw 8 cores at the game engine, but the engine have no idea what to do with it.(example only) This CAN cause instability to your computer.
  19. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Care to explain how that got you banned? As its on http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters as well.
  20. CPU: i7 2670QM @ 3.1Ghz GPU: Nvidia GT630m @ 810Mhz Core/ 910Mhz memory Memory/RAM:16GB Kingston 1333Mhz SSD: Samsung 840 EVO Operating System: Win 7(dont remember which edition) Monitor Resolution: 1366x768 Graphics Settings: Texture on high and auto, the rest on low/medium(dont remember all of them) FPS in cities:20-35 FPS in wilderness: 40-50. But I swear I saw 60. Also seen 9 when I stumbled in to a bush. (Average FPS:) 30 DayZ Build (DayZ Standalone only): Latest so far 23rd of december.
  21. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Its the same as opening up your task manager and right-clicking on dayz= priority, high. As I said, it CAN cause instability, but it might work for some. I tried it, and didnt notice any improvement or instability:)
  22. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    -high can cause systeminstability, worth keeping in mind.
  23. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Whos mentioned 8 cores?
  24. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Which parameters did you use?
  25. carlj

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Im not sure what you mean across the board, but as of now theres no confirmation of how much VRAM the Standalone uses as I said in the first post. The options goes up to 2048 and then auto. If you have a GPU with a 3GB, try 2047 first and then 3070 to see if you get an improvement. Edit: or did you mean normal RAM? Again, we dont know how much SA actually utilises, so there is the possiblity that it does uses more than to 2gb ram/vram, but since theres been no confirmation of it we´ll just have to wait and see.And play around with the settings. Recommended is 4gb, yes, but I myself didnt experience a big/any difference with higher RAM