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Everything posted by carlj
OrLoK says: Thanks to carlj for the reminding us of these useful tips. Many of these work for most of the games based on variations of the engine that DAYZ Retail uses. Be aware some may enhance OR degrade your performance. The info stems from this wiki http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters Use at your own risk. Alot of you people recognize this from the mod, and they are apparently working in the Standalone. I havent been able to try it myself, as I only had 12 minutes to try it before I headed of to work.Which kind of was a disappointment, because that 12 FPS in Electro hit my face like a snowball in june. I had a friend tried it out, and it was working for him. I do not own a super gaming rig, but still managed to get out as much of the mod as possible thanks to tweaks. So, step numero uno is to open Steam, right click on DayZ and choose properties and choose Launch parameters (or start up parameters, cant remember). In there you add the following, which you fill out to fit your computer. A good thing is to start adding them one by one, to see if it helps or gets worse. -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty(is mainly to increase the game loading speed) -winxp NOTE Ive managed to play for a good 30 min with -winxp, and that gave me the biggest boost. a round 50-60 in the wilderness, and around 25-35 in varios cities. BUT causes crashes and "Error: Device reset failed, error 8876086c" -high or Windows task manager > Details > Right click on DayZ > Select priorities > and select Realmtime/High. NOTE: This might cause computer instability. Theres also -maxMem=[your amount], -maxVRAM=[your amount(1GB=1023, 2GB=2047)], cpuCount=[your amount], -exThreads=[your amount] Example for Dualcore CPU (i3), with 1GB Graphics card -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=1023 -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=4 Example for quadcore CPU(i5): with 2GB Graphics card -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=4 Example for quadcore CPU with Hyperthreading(i7) with 2GB Graphics card -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 Example for AMD FX8120 or FX 8150 with 1GB Graphics card -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=1023 -cpuCount=6 -exThreads=7 VERY important that you change these to fit your system, otherwise you wont notice any difference. For the mod you would change your -maxVRAM=2047 as a maximum, because the mod wouldn't support more. I.e, if you put -maxVRAM=6141, it would automatically go down to 2047.And as for a minimum you would put -maxVRAM=511. We need confirmation on how much VRAM and maxMem the SA supports. Logically you should be able to put -maxMem=4094, as the recommended amount of Ram is 4. Step numero dos would be to locate and open your .cfg-file as been posted on the forum before. (C:\Users\USER\Documents\DayZ) Changeing the values: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000 GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3 to GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1 GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1 And in the DayZProfile.cfg we can change: COMPUTERNAME\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\STEAMNAME.DayZProfile.cfg: sceneComplexity=100000;shadowZDistance=90;viewDistance=1600;preferredObjectViewDistance=1600; Remember to protect your cfg's by putting "Read-Only" in it's properties after you have made these changes. (Rightclick, Properties, General, Attributes, Check "Read-Only". Otherwise the game will overwrite some of the values with every restart of the game! There is also the RAMdisk trick, but youll have to figure that out yourself, as the game now is bigger than the mod was(Does not help much when you have an SSD) I don't say this is a sure fix if your suffering from bad FPS, nor do I take any responsibility if you decide to follow these tips and you end up with hardware, software or mental failure. You're following these tips by your own free will and risk. If it possible I would like it if this thread becomes a thread of help, where people post tips or tricks that helped them. Not "ERRHHMGAAAD SO BAD DONT WORK". Or "HELPPP!!!!11! I HAVE BAD FPS". Does it work? Let us know by measuring your FPS in one place, before and after. Edit: If you see anything wrong, let me know and Ill correct it! Credit to :Wh1spY for the DayZprofile.cfg info
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The bold and underscored part is what people need to do. Everywhere on this forum you read about people who are suggesting that they should buy a new PC/upgrades, promising them gold and amazing FPS and then they suggest pure shit actually. I did the same time as you, spent time on reading reviews and comparing different brands/models. And secondly: If you dont have the knowhow to build your PC yourself, use a company who offers to build it for you, but where you completely choose the parts yourself. You can easily pay up towards $300 more for a brand.
Do not listen to this guy, as RAM has little to do with how the game performs. If your looking to buy a PC, you want a i5, with a GTX750/60/70/80, or a AMD R7 270/ R9 280/90 (maybe even a 265, but AMD isnt my strong side). And since alot of people keep on insisting that people should by new PCs or hardware to play dayz, Ill just copy paste another post i did.
You shouldnt assume anything with the RV Engine, as it is horrible optimized when it came out, and yet today is horrible. I have a decent gaming PC with i7 4770k @ 4,5Ghz, MSI 780GTX@ 1205/7000Mhz and it still brings my computers down to its knees in cities, just because of the simple fact that the game and engine doesnt know what to do with all the power. I have average 25% usage on my CPU and between 20-40% on my GPU. The only difference now between my PC and laptop is that I rarely drop below 30 in cities. So top tip: DO NOT BUY NEW HARDWARE for the soul purpose of playing DayZ. It is impossible to imagine/project what result youll get.
Are you sure that Dayz is runnign with the GTX and not the internal GPU? I had the same problem. And of course AA affects the FPS as it is there to improve your visual effect.
As for the first part: No he didnt, because thats exactly what world=empty Does. It loads nothing, so your game loads faster. If thats nothing you like, simply remove world=empty. Secondly, i have no idea what youve changed for that.
So youre saying that my i7 4770k @ 4,5 and GTX 780 isnt enough? What computer do you need to play this game then? a $2000 pc? They need to fix the optimization, as of today it is absolutely horrible. When I play. it only uses one(1!!) core close to 95%, and about 68% of my GPU and I STILL get dips well below what i should have.So lets say that he goes and spend $170-200 on a new CPU, and he still have shit frames, you think he will be happy and thank you? You need to realize that recommending people to upgrade their PCs for the SOUL purpose to play DayZ is like throwing your money away simply because of the bad optimization.
There is absolutly no reason why he should get a new CPU. The i5 3450 will never bottleneck a 270x
Need to know your computer spec. I.e What processor, how much RAM, what graphics card.
It is basically a lottery. I am running CPU:i7 4770k @ 4,5Ghz SSD: Samsung 840 evo RAM: Corsair vengeance 16gb 1600Mhz Mobo: Asus rog Maximus VI Impact GPU: MSI GTX 780 Gaming @stock And Ive read about people that have spent double, triple the amount than I and it still runs like shit. And what I can see from resource monitor, the game uses 1(!!) core. Thats it when the comes to the CPU. So what you really want is single core speed. As for the GPU it never used anymore than 60-70%. I mean, my cpu/gpu doesnt even run hot while playing DayZ, and thats purely because of the bad optimization of the game. Buying new parts/new computer to play DayZ is like throwing your money away.
For future reference: CPU:i7 4770k @ 4,5Ghz SSD: Samsung 840 evo RAM: Corsair vengeance 16gb 1600Mhz Mobo: Asus rog Maximus VI Impact GPU: MSI GTX 780 Gaming @stock Caped my frames to 60 FPS since my screen is only 60hz, through out the whole map, 60FPS, hit 48 as lowest in Cherno.
So youre saying my 25-30fps in Cherno is placebo with an i7 2,2(3.1boost) and a lowend GT630m? Both of them are under what you "recommend". But youre right, with my HD3000 I got 10FPS. You recommending people to upgrade because their hardware isnt enough right now, is like sending a dog to the moon. It might accomplish wonders and world peace, but its not for sure. As the optimization is horrbile theres systems running with i7 4960x overclocked to the skies, 3xtitans, 1000gb RAM and a billion SSDs in Raid 0, they will STILL HAVE FPS problems. What are you judging the performance on with your flowchart? Have you tried the configurations youre suggesting? so youre recommending a minimum of a $225 CPU?(i5 4670k 3,5ghz) or a AMD FX6300 thats cheaper, but also considerably worse performance per core, which happens to be important in a game like DayZ and arma?
No problem What can you overclock? Expect a low setting. I have about the same in my laptop(but a GT630 which is basically a rebranded GT5XX) and I can run it pretty well on low-med settings. No problem. No, your CPU and GPU is too weak. No, your CPU and GPU is too weak.
Do you have 10gb of RAM to spare for DayZ? The mod was only 400mb.
Dont bash stuff you dont know about. My little GT630M is running dayz with 25-30 in cities and 40-50 in the wilderness. OP, what settings do you use ingame? Have you added more launchparatemers than the once stated? Changed anything in the cfg files?
I also have the same problem, but I found a really small case that fits in a cabin bag for example, that way its pretty portable for me(I flew Russia-Sweden-Russia with it)
Its stable at 4,6 with HT at 1,26 with a max temperature at 65 at normal use, topped out at 79 during stresstests, so Im pretty happy with that:) As for 5Ghz, thats just for the e-penis in my opinion :P Waiting for my MSI 780 now, then ill post back with some results.
Then you need to do some reading :) i5 4670k vs A10 6800k: http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare/527/AMD_A10-Series_A10-6800K_vs_Intel_Core_i5_i5-4670K.html (Dont focus on the price/performance here, remember that its in a bundle that is just about 100GBP more than the one you linked) GTX 760 vs 8670D: http://www.game-debate.com/gpu/index.php?gid=1880&gid2=882&compare=radeon-hd-8670d-6670-dual-vs-geforce-gtx-760 The HD8670D seems to be a integrated GPU. Not to mention high quality RAM, PSU, HDD and a decent motherboard.
It is obviously OCd to 4,6 :) I was up and sniffing at 4,9, but it owuldnt stay stable and the temperatures were not in my comfort zone.
Its in swedish, but if you use google translate:) but if you ever decide to buy a computer id recomend this: http://www.prisjakt.nu/list.php?l=2348114 = 630GBP. And im sure if you order from scan.co.uk or anything similar, they have the option for then to build it. That will run circles around that computer ANY day. It doesnt have a screen, fair enough, but that computer that youve linked is not worth the money, Edit; Honestly, do you want throw money away, give it to me instead :D
If anyone is in the same situation as me, IE waiting for your GPU, ill be happy to tell you that a i7 4770k @4,6 with HD4600 will run dayz at around 20-25 FPS at Devils :D
If youre planing on buying a new computer, send me a PM with budget and ill give you some options :) Btw, its not an old Acer you have? I had an old PC with the same specs.
You have an old system, that is the sad truth. Theres nothing you can do to run the game smoother with tweaks.
Must have missed your post, Update to windows 8, itll speed up your computer, and try lowering your resolution and you should be fine :)