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Everything posted by Colbykz1

  1. So guys, basically, after an argument I've been in on another thread, what do the players want from DayZ standalone? Do you want cookie cutter, basic, public hive servers, or do you want to be able to choose how you play based on the server your playing in? How about server hosts? All comments welcome.
  2. Colbykz1

    Thoughts so far on Dayz Standalone

    I haven't found one server host yet who agrees with your statement, thankfully you're the minority as the player base goes.
  3. Colbykz1

    Thoughts so far on Dayz Standalone

    The point I'm making is what the does it matter to you? Your arguing what the game is "supposed to be" if there is the capacity to mod it, why shouldn't we be able to, how is this ruining the game for the people who want to play the game "as intended", you can go play on whatever server you want, let me build, and play on whatever server that I want. All it takes is a few narrow minded people to ruin it for everyone. I say to each their own, let servers and their owners make it as diverse as possible. I'm not arguing against realism, I've purchased, and played about 8 hours on the standalone, it far exceeded my expectations, but has a long way to go (and don't start giving me shit about it being an alpha, of that I'm well aware) I just don't see what the problem is with having each server owner decide what direction to take the game in their own right.
  4. Colbykz1

    Thoughts so far on Dayz Standalone

    Your kidding me right? I'm not arguing day and night, and 1000+ weapons, I'm arguing for map edits and player experience customization, how long has the DayZ mod been out, quite a while? How many hardcore servers are there, quite a few? Your argument is invalid, people are willing to pay for servers that cater to the gameplay they want, to me personally i'd like to go from hardcore survival to PVP, maybe throw in some base building, i guess overall I'm arguing for a customizable experience.
  5. Colbykz1

    Thoughts so far on Dayz Standalone

    Someone explain to me how private "Call of DayZ" server affect hardcore servers? The fact is they don't, what nobody seems to want to admin Arma 2 wasn't designed to be DayZ, and look what we have now, why restrict a player, let them experience the game the way they want to.
  6. Colbykz1

    Thoughts so far on Dayz Standalone

    I don't understand why private server's get such a bad wrap and why all the so called hardcore gamers (or whiners IMO) go around claiming private hives ruin DayZ? Nobody's forcing people to play on the private hives, so why should players be forced to play a game the way a certain group see's fit when all type of game-play is possible? Isn't that what made DayZ in the first place, the mindset to customize and create a different type of gameplay beyond what raw Arma allowed? Make the argument that private hives are ruining your public hives? You cannot, because they are separated for that reason, if you want to play "hardcore" DayZ, then feel free, but why should players be forced to play in "hardcore" mode, the game leaves soo many opportunities for customization, and individualization, some of the features you see now in the standalone were originally created on DayZ-Mod private hives, and if originally they had been restricted these features may never have been developed? To each there own IMO, I think the game should have private servers that cater to what their player-base wants instead of a set of unmodifiable guidlines. As a DayZ Mod server owner, you won't get any of my money for standalone server rental until it's fully customizable. And when the game flops because they've lost such a large segment of their market, they'll have themselves to blame.