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About koNtenT

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Anyone else having this issue? I'm not sure if this has something to do with "anti-glitching" but I can't seem to jump or vault while in a room or hallway. My clothes were wet though, I wonder if that has anything to do with it? I was able to vault fine outside, but as soon as I took a step inside, my jump didn't work anymore.
  2. Yup, me and my mates as well. Its not just you, its the update. Massive desync issues as well when new people join a server. To the point where some people get "Session lost". We aren't going to play DayZ until the hotfix gets patched. Hopefully soon D:
  3. koNtenT

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Which "patch" are you referring to? The v37 or v42?
  4. koNtenT

    I am stuck on the bottom of the ocean

    I've personally actually had this happen to me. Try joining different servers, or joining hardcore and come back to regular (or vice versa of course). After dying log off and join a new server. Or something of the nature so it makes the hive think twice. gl
  5. Only thing saved locally is your Video Settings. Your character is saved server side via hive. Congrats on your SSD ^.^
  6. koNtenT

    Drowning is Real

    So I found out its possible to drown, but it does take a while. Firstly, you have to prone in the water so it doesn't toggle you to swim, but deep enough that water completely submerges your character. Secondly, you gotta stay there for a while. Definitely longer then 5 minutes. Just an interesting find, it directly takes away from your health, and not your blood, so your screen will be in full color until you suddenly die ^.^
  7. Some of you may have had the pleasure of my acquaintance, as well as being on the receiving end of it. I am a KoS Bandit, and business is booming. I join fresh servers not for the loot, but rather the people trying to be the 1st people to attain that loot. A nice easy trap for the unsuspecting survivor. I take advantage of people who casually ruin other servers to "gear up" and then leave to sin again in another server. Most of the time, I don't even need anything from the victims and capitalize on their misfortune. I kill, then watch them leave on the player list. Still boggles my mind on the amount of people that will attempt to combat log midst flying mosin shots. Not only does this bring a certain amount of self accomplishment for killing a person committing a "frowned upon" action, but I also get pretty well geared in less than half the time it took to loot hop myself. Life was good. After about a week of this, sitting on my dual monitor watching a show while keeping a brief eye on DayZ for any people to randomly run into the firehouse / school / office building / well, I decided to start a new way. I've been through my share (and probably a couple other people's shares as well) of grievances, trolls, hacks, and general inconveniences the game / community has too offer. With all this experience I was wondering how is DayZ even appealing to me anymore? The answer was, interaction between people as well as self gratifying reactions to events. My interaction being my bullet with their head, and them running back as fresh spawns to give me a nice talk. To all the people who was legitimately joining that server again after the restart to continue their adventure, I am sorry. Only case where I actually feel like a douche. To all the people who I've killed loot hopping (about 98% of the people I've killed), enjoy wasting your time to get fully geared again. If you gave me the chance to do it again, I would without hesitation. I am doing what Dean hasn't been able to do against loot hoppers and will continue to do so until some kind of repercussion (or respawning loot patch) has been made. Thanks for helping me get fully geared ^.^
  8. koNtenT

    Temp Fix for Stable Branch "Heart Attack"

    This wasn't a server troll. He got multiple lines about how light headed he was and feeling faint. He was fully healthy, no prior complications and was standing around for about 10 minutes in one room (seriously, he was afk for 8-10 minutes).
  9. koNtenT

    Killed a man with my words

    Lol well played. People in this game can be such cowards. ^.^
  10. My friend started getting notices like "I feel light headed" out of no where. And from what I've been reading, that = random heart attack. SO, I told him to log off asap. Result when he logged back in.. No more messages. Crisis adverted. ^.^ Just relogging seems to do the trick. A 5minute wait time seems better then "You are dead.." EDIT: To get the messages he was standing still and had no previous "complications" (gun shots, zombie hits, 100% healthy)
  11. I just killed this guy on a low pop server (who was obviously loot hopping) and destroyed everything in his inventory. Decided I didn't need any of his stuff and left. About 4 minutes later, I went back for his backpack and saw that everything in this inventory was reset back to their previous conditions (ex. Ruined Canteen after 4 minutes went back to "Worn"). Weird bug which I've never came across before. Some points so we don't get the regular forum thread dribble: - Yes, I KoS - I shot everything, when I checked, his clothes were all ruined as well as backpack - There was no noticeable desync that I am aware of. - If you are the person that I shot .. I'm not sorry, I would gladly do it again. Enjoy your walk back to Electro. ^.^ I'm thinking it has something to do with their respawn implementation which reset everything back to how the character was loaded into the server, but of course its only speculation. Anyone else see this bug?
  12. koNtenT

    The concept of killing has changed in SA

    I personally KOS because that,s much easier then going through the town and looting buildings. Why not get someone else to do the dirty work? Yeah I'm surviving, just another way of doing it. Why go to an Airfield when you can get EVERYTHING and more from 1 person you KOS. WORTH.
  13. koNtenT

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Unfortunately I think that experimental branch is the issue of your heart attack. Currently there are no heart attacks in Stable Branch. Check your steam to see if you somehow opted into the Experimental branch. As well, I'm curious how you got your heart attack? Were you running through the houses with your weapon out? I know that can tire your character out quite a bit? Maybe its just prolonged running? How about a "play-by-play" of what happened leading to your attack? Maybe even items that you used that may have triggered the bug / implementation?
  14. What title says. I can only see the experimental servers up, and none of the stable branch servers. Was wondering if it was just me or if its global.